
【征集】2022集美·阿尔勒×蔚来 “The Horizon”摄影计划

三影堂 三影堂摄影艺术中心 2022-08-31

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2022年8月,蔚来携手集美·阿尔勒国际摄影季共同发起“THE HORIZON”摄影计划,以“THE HORIZON”为主题,在全球范围内征集优秀摄影作品。入选作品将以群展方式呈现于2022集美·阿尔勒国际摄影季,特邀荷兰策展人鲁小本(Ruben Lundgren)策划。同时,本项目将邀请一位参展摄影师,于2023年参与三影堂摄影艺术中心“青年艺术家陪跑计划”。

摄影艺术有着跨越地域与文化的非凡能力,展览“THE HORIZON”将从摄影家的眼光交汇处延伸,汇集成一场可持续且富有创新力的多维度的影像狂欢,试图突破阻隔人们相聚的有形或无形的线,重新审视广阔地平线中潜在的无限可能。

蔚来的品牌标识以地平线为设计灵感,上方是天空,象征开放、远见和美好的未来;下方是延伸向地平线的道路,象征方向、行动和前进的动力;中间交汇在地平线。蔚来和集美·阿尔勒国际摄影季将以 “THE HORIZON”摄影计划,重申对美好未来和清朗天空的愿景。





发送摄影作品和作品系列阐述至application@threeshadows.cn,邮件标题请注明“THE HORIZON + 投稿人姓名”,作品文件限jpg格式,每个作品文件不超过5MB,每位投稿者仅可提交同一个系列的单幅或多幅作品,作品数量上限为9件。


• 截稿时间:2022年9月16日 (北京时间18:00)

• 评选时间:2022年9月16日-10月15日

• 入围官宣:2022年10月28日

• 展览开幕:2022年11月25日


• 入围作品将亮相全球知名集美·阿尔勒国际摄影季,部分作品将被收录在2022年集美·阿尔勒国际摄影季画册中。• 每位入围者还将收获2022年集美·阿尔勒限量画册一份。• 入围者将有机会参与2023年度三影堂摄影艺术中心 “青年艺术家陪跑计划”,与知名艺术家和策展人展开全年一对一创作交流,并在三影堂摄影艺术中心3.0 space举办个人摄影作品展。


• 参赛作品必须为参赛者本人拥有著作权的原创作品,不得有抄袭、拷贝。参赛者须保留照片的原始信息。

• 作品需为使用相机或手机拍摄的影像,创作时间不限、相机或手机机型不限。

• 参赛作品仅接受在小范围内进行后期处理,谢绝提供电脑创意或改变原始影像的作品,照片仅接受JPG格式,且照片短边不小于1800像素。

• 作品创作者拥有独立、完整的著作权,参赛作品题材、体裁均不得触犯中华人民共和国法律法规。如作品涉及肖像权、名誉权、著作权等纠纷,相关法律责任由参赛者本人承担。同时,主办方、承办方有权立即取消相关参赛作品的参赛资格。

• 本次展览不涉及参展费和艺术家费。入围作品将允许主办方在全球范围内使用参展作品的电子文件在本项目相关的展览、画册、公共活动、媒体宣传。

• 凡参赛投稿人,将被均视为同意并遵守以上各条规定。本征稿启事解释权归蔚来与集美·阿尔勒所有。


Ruben Lundgren

现居北京的摄影师和策展人鲁小本在中国中央美术学院获得了摄影硕士学位。他凭借概念摄影二人组WassinkLundgren中崭露头角,出版了《空瓶》(2007)和《东京东京》(2010)等获奖作品。他现在是荷兰报纸De Volkskrant的摄影记者,也是中国摄影的独立策展人。他与马丁·帕尔一起共同编辑了《中国摄影书集》(2015)。作为BredaPhoto的客座策展人,他策划了《想像中国》(2020),展出了来自中国的当代摄影项目,包括贴纸专辑Wow Taobao。他编辑了《Ellen Thorbecke。从北京到巴黎》(2021),并出版了《真实的梦》(2021),收录他在中国各地拍摄的新闻作品。







In August 2022, NIO and Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival jointly launched "THE HORIZON" photography project, with the theme of "THE HORIZON", to collect outstanding photography works internationally. The selected works will be presented in a group exhibition at the 2022 Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival, curated by Dutch curator Ruben Lundgren. At the same time, this project will invite one participating photographer to join the "Young Artists Program" of Three Shadows Photography Art Centre in 2023.

Photography art has the extraordinary ability to transcend regions and cultures. "THE HORIZON" photography project will reshape the world's understanding of a sustainable future from the perspective of photographers, create art while sharing multi-dimensional observations and insights, and actively contribute to the protection of the global environment and sustainable development.

NIO's logo is inspired by the horizon. It consists of a sky that symbolizes openness and the future, as well as a way that symbolizes actions and the way forward. It stands for NIO's philosophy of pursuing a better tomorrow and blue sky, as well as creating a pleasant lifestyle for users. NIO and the Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival will reaffirm their vision for a bright future and clear sky with "THE HORIZON" photography program.

Eligibility for Participation 

Regardless of age and nationality, all photographers and image creators around the world are welcome to participate.


Participants can email photographic works or series along with relevant descriptions to application@threeshadows.cn with "THE HORIZON + name" as the subject of the email. Please use JPG format for your works, and make sure each file is under 5MB. Each contributor can submit one or multiple works from only one series, and the maximum number of works is 9.

Participation Process 

• Deadline: September 16, 2022 (18:00 GMT+8)

• Selection time: September 16 - October 15, 2022

• Official announcement of the finalists: October 28, 2022

• Exhibition opening: November 25, 2022

Project Support

• The finalist works will be exhibited in the world-renowned Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival, and some works will be included in the 2022 Jimei x Arles International Photo Festival album.

• Each finalist will receive a limited-edition 2022 Jimei x Arles album.

• The finalists will have the opportunity to join in the 2023 "Young Artist Program", which is hosted by Three Shadows Photography Art Centre, to have one-on-one exchanges with well-known artists and curators on creation throughout the year, and hold a solo exhibition at Three Shadows Photography Art Centre 3.0 space.

Instructions for Participation 

• Entries must be original works of which the entrant owns the copyright, and no plagiarism or copying is allowed. Entrants must retain the original information of the photo.

• The entry must be a photo shot with a camera or mobile phone, regardless of creation time, camera or mobile phone model.

• Entries can only be slightly post-processed on a small scale. We don’t accept any computer-generated image or any work that changes the original image. Only photos in JPG format and at least 1800 pixels on the shorter side are accepted.

• The creator of the entry should own its independent and complete copyright, and the subject matter and genre of the entry shall not violate the laws or regulations of the People's Republic of China. For any entry involving disputes over portrait rights, reputation rights, copyrights, etc., the relevant legal responsibilities shall be borne by the entrant only. At the same time, the host and the organizer have the right to immediately disqualify the relevant entries.

• This exhibition does not involve any participation fee. Artists of the finalist works shall allow the host institution to use the digital files of the participating works in exhibitions, albums, public events, and media promotions related to this project worldwide.

• Contributors will be deemed to consent to and abide by the above provisions. The right to interpret this open call for entries belongs to NIO and Jimei Arles.

/ About 
       the Curator

Ruben Lundgren

Beijing-based photographer and curator Ruben Lundgren (b.1983, the Netherlands) received his masters’ degree photography from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts. He made a name within the conceptual photography duo WassinkLundgren with award winning publications as Empty Bottles (2007) and Tokyo Tokyo (2010). He now works as a photojournalist for Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant, and as an independent curator of Chinese photography. Together with British photographer Martin Parr, he co-edited The Chinese Photobook (2015). As guest curator of BredaPhoto he curated China Imagined (2020) offering contemporary photography projects from China including the sticker album Wow Taobao. He edited Ellen Thorbecke: From Peking to Paris (2021), and published Real Dreams (2021) presenting his photography works made all over China.

# About the Jimei × Arles International Photo Festival

Jointly organised by Three Shadows Photography Art Centre and Tianxia Jimei Media, the Jimei × Arles International Photo Festival was launched in Xiamen's Jimei District in 2015. Since then, Jimei × Arles has presented more than 200 exhibitions from China and the rest of Asia, as well as a selection of excellent shows from Les Rencontres d'Arles. The exhibitions are primarily presented in the Jimei Citizen Square Main Exhibition Hall and the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre Xiamen, as well as other sites across the island of Xiamen. During the opening week and the entire run of the festival, art lovers and the general public will be able to enjoy a variety of events such as the opening ceremony, the award ceremony, portfolio reviews, lectures, guided tours, performances, screenings, workshops, and field trips.


# About Three Shadows Photography Art Centre

Three Shadows Photography Art Centre is China’s first independent institution specialised in contemporary photography, co-founded by the influential Chinese contemporary photographer RongRong and his wife, celebrated Japanese photographer Inri, in June 2007. Since its founding, Three Shadows has been the country’s premiere platform for the presentation, promotion, and international exchange of photography, hosting high-calibre exhibition, lecture, education, publication, artist residency and other events and programmes. Three Shadows Photography Art Centre is comprised of two spaces, north and south: one is situated in Beijing’s Caochangdi Art District, and the other in Xinglinwan, Jimei District in the southern Chinese city of Xiamen. Aside from its exhibition spaces, Three Shadows Photography Art Centre is also home to +3 Gallery, image production facilities, a photography library, a photography education centre, and a photography bookstore.

# About NIO Inc.

NIO Inc. is a global smart electric vehicle company. Founded on November 25, 2014, NIO’s mission is to shape a joyful lifestyle by offering high-performance smart electric vehicles and ultimate user experience. NIO has established R&D centers, as well as manufacturing, sales and service facilities in Shanghai, Hefei, Beijing, Nanjing, San Jose, Munich, Oxford, Oslo and other places. NIO has initially set up the user service network with nationwide coverage in China and began its global market entry since 2021.




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