
【展讯】“青年艺术家陪跑计划”吴心竹个展「西西弗斯 & 苹果」|北京

三影堂 三影堂摄影艺术中心 2023-06-03

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三影堂摄影艺术中心“青年艺术家陪跑计划”联合多位国内外资深艺术家、策展人、学者,为在艺术道路上遇到瓶颈或希望迈上职业艺术家道路且有潜力的青年创作者们,给予全年系统性的启发和帮助。吴心竹作为2021首届“青年艺术家陪跑计划”入围者之一,在专家导师王庆松和鲁小本的创作交流和指导下,不断对作品进行实验和推敲,最终展览通过两个作品《西西弗斯 & 苹果》和《旋转世界生物》呈现。此次个展 “西西弗斯 & 苹果” 将于2023年5月20日至6月11日在三影堂摄影艺术中心3.0space展出。

「西西弗斯 & 苹果」

- 展览时间 -



- 开幕导览 -

2023.5.20 (15:00)

- 艺术家 -


- 学术指导-


- 主办 -


- 地址 -



· 前言 ·

· 作品 ·


《西西弗斯 & 苹果》由两个互相关联的短片视频影像构成,作品灵感来源于西西弗斯神话,旨在探索熵的变化与人类行为之间的关系。


  1. 《西西弗斯&苹果》影像截图1,2023

  1. 当一切往熵增的方向一路狂奔的时候,人又能挽回什么?这个问题促成了第二个部分的行为影像“苹果”的发生。






· 艺术家简介 ·


吴心竹,独立艺术家,毕业于荷兰阿姆特丹Gerrit Rietveld Academie。艺术作品以结构性动态装置、行为和影像作为主要元素,以物理性的表达来思考文化问题。代表作有《鸡:灯与电影》、《旋转世界生物》、《黎明》、《概念乐器》等,作品多次在荷兰阿姆斯特丹Eye Film Musem放映。

· 导师简介 ·
王庆松毕业于四川美术学院,1993年至今生活工作在北京,于1996年开始影像创作。在国内外诸多美术馆和画廊举办过40多个个展,参加过光州双年展、台北双年展、悉尼双年展、上海双年展、威尼斯双年展、伊斯坦布尔双年展、基辅双年展等多个国际双年展。2019在武汉合美术馆及韩国首尔摄影美术馆举办个展。2006年获得Outreach Award in Rencontres de le Photographie,法国阿尔勒杰出摄影奖。曾组织策划长江国际影像双年展及成都“金熊猫摄影艺术奖”等展览,现担任成都当代影像馆艺术总监。


现居北京的摄影师和策展人鲁小本在中国中央美术学院获得了摄影硕士学位。他凭借概念摄影二人组WassinkLundgren中崭露头角,出版了《空瓶》(2007)和《东京东京》(2010)等获奖作品。他现在是《荷兰人民报》的摄影记者,也是中国摄影的独立策展人。他与马丁·帕尔一起共同编辑了《中国摄影书集》(2015)。作为BredaPhoto的客座策展人,他策划了《想像中国》(2020),展出了来自中国的当代摄影项目,包括贴纸专辑Wow Taobao。他编辑了《Ellen Thorbecke。从北京到巴黎》(2021),并出版了《真实的梦》(2021),收录他在中国各地拍摄的新闻作品。

· 相关链接 ·
【专访】三影堂“青年艺术家陪跑计划”入选者吴心竹采访 Vol.7

Xinzhu Wu, as one of the candidates for the "Young Artist Running Program Open Call," received guidance and exchange from mentor Wang Qingsong and Ruben Lundgren during her creative process. Through continuous experimentation and refinement of her work, she ultimately presented two works, "Sisyphus & Apple" and "Spinning World Creatures" in her exhibition. The solo exhibition, “Sisyphus & Apple," is showing from May 20th to June 11th, 2023, at the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre 3.0space.

「 Sisyphus & Apple 

- Duration -


(Closed on Mondays)

- Opening -


- Artists -

 Xinzhu Wu

- Organizer -

Three Shadows Photography Art Centre Education Program

- Location -

Three Shadows Photography Art Centre 3.0 space

(155A, Caochangdi, Chaoyang District, Beijing)

· Preface ·

Mountain rises
Stone deforms itself
Human drag their legs out of the chaos
Apples would finally reach the ground

· Works ·

Sisyphus & Apple

The work Sisyphus & Apple consists of two short films that reflect and react to each other. It is inspired by the Sisyphus myth, and aimed to discover the relationship between entropy and human behavior.

When sisyphus moves the stone upon the mountain, maybe the mountain runs away? And the stone also escapes? When we focus on the willness of human beings as the subjective essence and regard the objects and environment as the objective beings, are they really stay unchanged in the original point, waiting for their fate? These doubts give birth to the first part of the work, an installation film, named ‘Sisyphus’ part.

  1. Sisyphus & Apple Screenshot 1,2023

When everything in the world rushes down the slope driven by entropy increase, what can human still reclaim? This question leads to the second part of the work, a performance film, named ‘Apple’ part.

  1. Sisyphus & Apple Screenshot 2,2023

  1. Sisyphus & Apple Screenshot 3,2023

Spinning World Creatures

Spinning World Creatures is an installation video. The artist creates a series of installations to imitate a group of ‘spinning creatures’ that have different structures from those in our world. In the universe, planets and galaxies are spinning, while atoms and electrons are also spinning. Only human and creatures in our scale don’t. If we change our dimension to a spinning world, how will the lives there look like? Spinning World Creatures shows a world that never exists before through exploring the structures creature may have, to adapt to a spinning environment.
Spinning World Creatures Screenshot 1,2023
Spinning World Creatures Screenshot 2,2023

· Artist ·

Xinzhu Wu

Xinzhu Wu, is now an independent artist, graduated from Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Her works mix the elements of moving installation in new structure, performance and film, discussing cultural themes in the perspective of physics. Her representative works include Chicken: Lamp & Film, Spinning World Creatures, The Dawn and Conceptual Instruments, etc., most of which have been screened in Eye Film Museum, Amsterdam.

· Mentors ·

Wang QingsongWang Qingsong graduated from Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts and have been living and working in Beijing since 1993. He started creating videos in 1996. More than 40 individual exhibitions have been held in many art museums and galleries at home and abroad, and many international biennales have been held, such as Guangzhou Biennale, Taipei Biennale, Sydney Biennale, Shanghai Biennale, Venice Biennale, Istanbul Biennale, Kiev Biennale, etc. In 2019, solo exhibitions were held at Wuhan He Art Museum and Seoul Photography Art Museum in South Korea. In 2006, he was awarded the Outreach Award in Rencontres de le Photography, the French Arles Outstanding Photography Award. He had organized and planned exhibitions such as the Yangtze River International Photography Biennale and the Chengdu "Golden Panda Photography Art Award", and now serve as the artistic director of the Chengdu Contemporary Photography Museum.His works have been published by International Center of Photography in New York, New York Modern Art Museum, Getty Art Museum, San Francisco Modern Art Museum, Queensland Art Museum in Australia, Mori Art Museum in Japan, Mito Contemporary Art Museum, National Art Museum of Brazil, European Photography Center in Paris, France, MUMOK Art Museum in Austria, National Art Museum of Victoria in Australia, Victoria Albert Art Museum in Britain, Daegu Art Museum in South Korea It is collected by more than 60 public art museums, including the CAFA Art Museum, Guangdong Art Museum, Hubei Art Museum, etc.

Ruben Lundgren

Lu Xiaoben, a photographer and curator currently residing in Beijing, obtained a Master's degree in photography from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in China. He rose to prominence in the concept photography duo Wassink Lundgren and published award-winning works such as "Empty Bottle" (2007) and "Tokyo, Tokyo" (2010). He is currently a photojournalist for The Dutch Daily and an independent curator of Chinese photography. He co edited the Collection of Chinese Photography (2015) with Martin Parr. As a guest curator for BredaPhoto, he curated "Imagine China" (2020) and showcased contemporary photography projects from China, including the sticker album Wow Taobao. He edited "Ellen Thorbecke. From Beijing to Paris" (2021) and published "Real Dreams" (2021), which includes his news works shot across China.


【3.0 space】是三影堂摄影艺术中心于2021年初成立的独立艺术空间,同时也是专属于青年艺术创作者、策展人、研究者们思想碰撞的实验发生场。通过展览、公教、出版、活动等模块,激发当代影像的新生力量,推动跨学科领域的创作实践与交流。






