

浙大卡特三农智库 浙大卡特三农智库 2021-06-01

时间:2020年10月30日(周五)下午14:00 – 16:00



The impact of internet use on adolescent learning outcomes: evidence from rural China


摘要:Internet use has become particularly prevalent among adolescents, prompting much thought and concern about both its potential benefits and adverse effects on adolescent learning outcomes. Much of the empirical literature on the impact of internet use on adolescent learning outcomes is mixed, and few studies examine the causal relationship between the two. Few studies also use nationally representative longitudinal data to study the relationship between internet use and learning outcomes. In order to bridge these gaps in the literature, in this study we use fixed effect models with samples drawn from a large nationally representative dataset (the China Family Panel Studies—CFPS) to identify the causal impacts of internet use on the learning outcomes of three cohorts (Cohort A (N = 540), Cohort B (N = 287) and Cohort C (N = 827)) of adolescents in rural China. The results of the descriptive analysis show a continued increase in the number of adolescents accessing the internet and the amount of time they spend online. The results of the fixed effect models show that internet use has positive (in many of the analyses), but mostly insignificant impacts, on the learning outcomes of adolescents. In the sets of results that find significant associations between internet use and learning outcomes, the measured effects are moderate. According to the overall findings, we conclude that although internet access and usage is becoming more common among adolescents in rural China, there is not a great need to worry about adverse effects on adolescent learning development. Attention, however, should focused on seeking ways to improve the positive effects of the internet use on adolescent learning outcomes.


Do Farmers Gain Internet Dividends from E-commerce Adoption? Evidence from China


摘要:This study examines the effects of e-commerce adoption on household income, using survey data of 1,030 households in China. The combination of propensity score matching and difference-in-difference method is employed to address the sample selection bias associated with e-commerce adoption. The results show that e-commerce adopters obtain significantly higher income than non-adopters, and such a significant and large income gain is contributed by the significant increases in sales income and property income. E-commerce adoption has a significant and negative impact on wage income due to the labor substitution effect, while it affects transfer income insignificantly. Additional analysis reveals that the income effects of e-commerce adoption are heterogeneous across geographic locations and household-level characteristics.






浙江大学中国农村发展研究院(卡特)高度重视青年人才的引育工作。2016年以来,浙大农经相继引进龚斌磊、陈帅、鄢贞、汪笑溪、史新杰、林雯六位“百人计划”研究员和钱振澜、胡伟斌两位博士。与此同时,青年教师不断成长,茅锐、梁巧和季晨分别晋升教授、副教授,龚斌磊和陈帅也先后获得浙江大学长聘制教职。青年人才的引进和培育为浙大农经学科的持续发展与繁荣提供坚实的保障。浙大农经学科坚决落实科技部、教育部等部门“破四唯”专项行动的精神,推行代表作评价制度、突出标志性成果的重要性。近年来,在Journal of Development Economics、American Journal of Agricultural Economics、Journal of Environmental Economics and Management、Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economics、《中国社会科学》、《经济研究》、《管理世界》等国内外顶尖期刊发表了一批标志性成果,大大提升了学科在国内外的学术影响力。







