成果|林雯合作论文在《FOOD POLICY》在线发表
近日,浙江大学中国农村发展研究院林雯研究员和德州农工大学农业经济系 Rodolfo Nayga教授合作撰写的学术论文“Green Identity Labeling, Environmental Information, and Pro-environmental Food Choices”于2021年11月18日在Food Policy在线发表。
◇ 全文链接
Lin, Wen*, and Rodolfo M. Nayga Jr. 2022. "Green identity labeling, environmental information, and pro-environmental food choices." Food Policy,
◇ 摘要
This study examines the effectiveness of green identity labeling and environmental information in nudging consumers toward pro-environmental food choices, using an online discrete choice experiment conducted on US respondents. Results reveal that the green identity labeling in itself is ineffective at increasing consumer valuation for sustainable labels. Nevertheless, the environmental information intervention and its joint use with green identity labels can enhance consumer valuation for already existing pro-environmental foods instead of the novel food products. The policy implications for encouraging sustainable behaviors are discussed in the paper.
◇ 作者简介
Rodolfo Nayga