
成果|史新杰研究员独作论文在Journal of Rural Studies发表

浙大卡特三农智库 浙大卡特三农智库 2022-06-09

近日,浙江大学中国农村发展研究院史新杰研究员独立撰写的论文——Land reallocation responses to China’s New Rural Pension Scheme: Evidence from a regression discontinuity design,Journal of Rural Studies录用并在线发表。Journal of Rural Studies是爱思唯尔(Elsevier)旗下农村发展研究领域的国际权威学术期刊(SSCI,JCR分区:Q1),是涵盖农村社会学、农村地理学、农业农村经济学及相关学科的跨学科出版物,最新影响因子为4.849。

◇ 文章摘要:

This study examines how labor reallocation has been associated with land reallocation following the implementation of the New Rural Pension Scheme (NRPS) in 2009. Based on data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Survey (CHARLS) gathered during two periods (2013 and 2015), it uses the discrete changes generated by the new program’s rules to identify the impact on land reallocation, as represented by the amount of land rented out by the elderly and their spouses. The age 60 NRPS eligibility threshold is associated with large increases in land rented out. The most important channel identified is the increase in the number of adult-children migrants, which reduces the number of farm workers and may help relax credit constraints. In contrast, the NRPS program has had no impact on the extent of elderly labor; there are no changes in their time spent caring for grandchildren or paid work in the labor market. A deeper examination of the welfare effect shows that despite labor and land reallocation, the NRPS has had no impact on either household consumption or elderly well-being. This study contributes to the literature by connecting land (as a factor of production) with the pension scheme, which may have policy implications regarding how money transfer programs would affect land and labor reallocation and individual welfare in other countries in the global context.

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◇ 个人简介:

史新杰,获得澳大利亚国立大学经济学博士与浙江大学管理学博士,现为浙江大学“百人计划”研究员、博士生导师,任教于浙江大学公共管理学院农经系、浙江大学中国农村发展研究院(CARD)。史新杰博士的研究重点关注农村经济社会转型发展的一系列议题,主要包括:(1)农村的要素配置(农村劳动力流动和土地流转)对农业生产、收入、消费等方面产生的影响;(2)农村人口人力资本积累(农民工、留守人口的营养健康与教育相关议题);(3)收入不平等、贫困与机会不平等。其成果发表于《管理世界》、Health Economics、World Development等国内外期刊。





