成果|黄祖辉教授等合作论文在Applied Economics在线发表
近日,浙江大学中国农村发展研究院黄祖辉教授,金松青教授,刘炎周博士和北京大学国家发展研究院王雨祥博士后合作撰写的学术论文“Does migration experience reduce villagers’ social capital? Evidence from rural China”于2022年9月在经济类SSCI期刊Applied Economics在线发表。
◇ 英文摘要:
In this study, we examine the impact of migration experience on return migrant’s social capital using household survey data from rural China. We first develop a simple model to describe rural household’s decision to invest in social capital and then empirically examine how migration experience affects social capital using village-level natural disasters as instrumental variables for migration experience. Our results show that villagers’ migration experience reduces both structural social capital and cognitive social capital. Compared with those who never worked out of their native villages, return migrants would practice fewer social interactions, information communication, trust building and reciprocal behaviors with relatives. We provide suggestive evidence that the decline in social capital may be caused by the higher expected mobility of return migrants.
◇ 全文链接:
Zuhui Huang, Yanzhou Liu, Yuxiang Wang* and Songqing Jin, 2022. Does migration experience reduce villagers’ social capital? Evidence from rural China,
Applied Economics,