
Green Initiatives & David Laris Event Series w/ Own What You Eat

绿色倡议 绿色倡议 2022-04-13

绿色倡议,David Laris与Own What You Eat联合宣布食品系列活动 

Food is not just something that we put into our bodies but also essential nutrition, childhood memories, culture, hobbies, and  professions. Our food system has a huge impact on our body, our society and our planet. The current challenging times have further influenced our perception about food. 


We’d like to take this opportunity to look at how and what we eat in a new light. Enter the Own What You Eat (OWYE) food-focused event series.

诚邀您参加Own What You Eat(OWYE)系列活动。

OWYE is a six-part series of engaging, fun and insightful events that focus on accelerating towards a healthier and more ethical food system. Topics such as global overview of plant-based food consumption, organic farming, healthy fast food, buying local and limiting food waste will be some of the key highlights of this event series, to inspire change agents. Presenters and guests will be various stakeholders in the food chain and thought leaders: restaurateurs, writers, chefs, suppliers, consumers, farmers and more.


Source: https://vegnews.com/2020/5/nestle-to-build-plant-based-food-factory-launch-vegan-meat-in-china

According to Cristina Ng, Managing Editor, Own What You Eat:

Own What You Eat的主编Cristina Ng说道

“As a new conscious consumption-driven media lifestyle media platform, OWYE is excited to be working both with Shanghai's longest-running environmental advocacy and action-focused organization, Green Initiatives and David Laris (celebrity chef, restaurateur, cruelty-free and sustainable dining advocate, entrepreneur and social influencer).”

“作为一个积极推行消费驱动型生活方式的社交平台,OWYE本次十分荣幸能与上海运营时间最长的环保组织Green Initiatives以及David Laris(著名厨师,餐馆老板,无残酷性和可持续性饮食的拥护者,企业家和社交名人)合作。”

This event series is a collaboration between Own What You Eat, Green Initiatives and David Laris. Big thank you to event sponsor Z-Rou, who take the ethos “Own What You Eat” to heart and are glad to support and promote such an important conversation. Additional support comes from media sponsor Nomfluence.

本活动是OWYEGreen InitiativesDavid Laris通力合作,以及主赞助商Z-Rou株肉的鼎力支持下达成的。Z-Rou是 “我主我食” 这一理念的拥趸,十分珍视这次重要的的交流机会,并支持各方围绕主题积极发表自己的看法。此外,自媒体Nomfluence也为本次活动提供了支持。

“We believe that events should be engaging, educational and fun. With the OWYE event series, this is exactly what we plan to do. Coincidentally, Green Initiatives began in 2009 at the URBN Hotel in Shanghai, which was also where David had his signature restaurant, ‘Downstairs by David Laris!’” says Nitin Dani, Founder & Director, Green Initiatives.
Green Initiatives的创始和领导者Nitin Dani说道:“ 我们相信本次活动将会吸引大量关注,将寓教于乐,发人深省。无巧不成书,在2009年Green Initiatives是在上海的艾本酒店成立的,那里同时也是David的知名餐厅所在之处。‘就在David Laris楼下呢!’

“I am especially happy to be involved in a forum promoting cruelty-free and sustainable dining within the larger picture of environmental protection, charity and wellness,” says David Laris.

David Laris也表示:“我很荣幸能在环境保护、公益和健康的大主题下参与这样一个推行无残酷性和可持续性餐饮的论坛。

The first event of the series, 'Making a Plant-Based Future a Reality', will be on Thursday, June 18, 2020, at OnAir 3 Space, Shanghai. Expect interesting speakers, lively panels, plant-based dishes and beverages, cocktails and more!


For more details please see flyer below. 详情请见以下传单


About Our Partners 关于我们的合作伙伴

David Laris is a multi-disciplined business entrepreneur who currently works with Acorn Digital Services, Cachet Hotels and Boutiques, and David Laris Creates. Arriving in Shanghai in 2003, he launched his namesake restaurant Laris at Three on the Bund, which quickly became a landmark in the city’s contemporary fine dining scene. He has had a rich and impactful career to date and worked in multiple cities, such as in London with Sir Terrance Conrad, in Macau with Mandarin Oriental, in Hong Kong running his own restaurant business, and in Vietnam with The Press Club. David lives by the ethos EAT. NO. EVIL and is an advocate for cruelty free and sustainable dining. This faith also expands outside the kitchen to environment protection, charity and wellness.

David Laris是一位多行业都有涉猎的企业家,现从事的有橡果数字娱乐,凯世精品酒店和David Laris企业管理咨询公司。David于2003年来到上海,并在外滩三号开启了一家以他自己命名的餐厅,之后其迅速成为当代上海的精致晚宴新地标。David的经验十分丰富,作为职业厨师也颇具影响力,他的足迹遍布了多个大城市,例如在伦敦与特伦斯•康拉德爵士(Sir Terrance Conrad)合作;在澳门与文华东方酒店(Mandarin Oriental)合作;在香港经营自己的餐厅业务,以及在越南与Press Club合作过。David恪守着三省吾食,是无残忍和可持续性饮食的坚持拥护者。这种理念还延伸到厨房之外的环境保护、公益和健康领域。

Own What You Eat is a multimedia lifestyle channel that focuses on the complex decisions behind consumption. This means the things we eat, the clothes we wear and how we travel. We don't present the views of perfect people. Instead, we address owning the decisions that we make.

Own What You Eat (OWYE)是一个关注消费背后复杂决定的多媒体生活频道,内容涵盖了人们所吃,所穿以及所行。我们不会去介绍圣贤的真言。相反,我们提倡自己的决定自己做主。

About Our Sponsors 关于我们的赞助者

Z-Rou provides you with innovative substitutes of meat to enrich the experience in your kitchen and your favorite eateries. Proudly made in China, these tasty, healthy and sustainable meat alternatives offer new cuisine solutions and concepts. The Z-Rou mission is to create a better future of food by showing how plant-based super foods can be desirable in an innovative and engaging way.


Rachel Gouk is a writer, photographer, and food & beverage consultant based in Shanghai. She has been writing about the food and drink industry in Shanghai since 2011. She is the founder of Nomfluence, a Shanghai-based food and drink blog and WeChat official account established in May 2018. Follow Nomfluence on WeChat for more cool content.

Rachel Gouk是居住在上海的作家、摄影师和餐饮顾问。自2011年以来,她一直在撰写有关上海食品饮料行业的文章。她于2018年5月创立了Nomfluence,一个关注上海饮食的博客,后也设立饿了同名微信公众号。关注微信上的Nomfluence获得更多精彩内容!

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