此段旅程可谓五彩斑斓,它由中国香港出发,终点亦回到了中国香港。沿途中,我踏足了众多风采各异的城市。我真诚感激中国上海在过去28年间为我提供了一个探索庞大且未知的市场机遇的环境。原以为这次任务将引领我去了解中国大陆,然而现实却让我触摸到了更为广阔的世界。提及这段宝贵的经历,我必须向尽谙分享之道、领先潮流的导师,林俊明表达我最为真挚的谢意。他毫无保留地传授知识分享经验,并以《龙吟榜——华文广告精粹》以及龙玺奖这样的活动鼓舞了一批富有才华的广告人。之后,他更是发起倡议,邀约亚洲各地的精英汇聚一堂,一同在全球舞台传播和呈现亚洲特有的魅力和韵律。倘若世间无如他一样的先行者,那么中国以及亚洲的创意生态圈必将面目全非。我认为,这就是为何我们常常耳闻“Agency is a people’s business.”的原因。没错,这听起来或许有些老生常谈,但却是实实在在的道理。故而,我离开这一行业之际,只愿诸位能够铭记这个极为关键的事实。纵使我们因受人工智能(AI)和新兴趋势的影响而深受启发,但切勿忘记我们身边的每一位朋友。我们将如何计划下一代的职业道路,让每一个人都能从互惠共赢的价值观中有所收益呢?去年,我曾全程参与音乐剧《Godspell》的粤语版制作环节。2024年,我们正在开展一项新的音乐项目——《走进森林Into the Woods》。那么,如何做到真正的“走进森林”?我相信这是一个颇具探讨意义的话题。时间永恒不变,却又是如此珍贵,因此我会全心全力投身于那最初燃起我对这份事业热忱的核心领域:深度观察、吸收众家所长并持续倾笔创作既有趣味性又蕴含深刻启示的作品。此刻,我不禁想起毛泽东曾经说过的那句名言:“世界是属于你们的,也是属于我们的,但是归根结底是你们的。”我为热情洋溢、勇往直前的新生代们加油鼓劲;在你们的坚持与奋斗下,这个行业必定能够朝着更为光明璀璨的未来迈进。
“I”代表Impact,够不够冲击力,必须要有打动人心的东西。“O”代表Originality,原创很重要,特别是参加创意比赛,是为了有一个平台来表演你的真功夫,绝对不能抄袭。“R”代表Relevancy,我们的工作被描述为“商业艺术”,要跟我们的品牌要有一定的相关性。这个图前两年在国际上拿了很多奖,非常规的球场的形状,把城市里面的空间尽量用起来,让住的很压迫的人有机会去运动,他们的客户是一家房地产公司,这张海报就告诉大家,这家房地产公司非常懂得用空间里去为你的生活增添光彩,这个就是相关性。/反 正 心 动
想出一个好创意是一个苦功,一方面事前得需要收集很多资料,收集广告中需要的元素;另一方面需要有丰富的生活阅历,从生活中一些点滴中迸发出一道光。因此,理性思考+生活阅历=一切皆有可能。此外,新时代下的社交营销,广告的创意应该首先懂得传播渠道的特点:社会性。劳双恩认为,社交广告创意都需要遵守一个准则:快、准、狠。用快速的反应,借用大数据精准定位人群和沟通话术,狠狠地抓住受众的心。而此准则之上,有四个字可谓是社交广告的四字箴言 ——“反、正、心、动”。“反”即善用逆向思维,突破常规来思考广告的内容。“正”即将正能量作为传播目标,以广告为载体,带来正面训示。“心”即打动用户内心。劳双恩提到,品牌需要提升自身存在的意义,增强使命感,做到与消费者心连心。“动”即行动。通过以上方式获得营销的最终目标 —— 让受众付诸行动,完成广告的价值转化。
(透过反差带出「浪漫」这戏剧性)强烈的煽动性:Just do it.
(透过向往带出「恒久不变」的戏剧性)强烈的恐吓性: "Cancer cures Smoking"
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When I moved on from being a secondary school teacher and applied to become a Chinese Copywriter decades ago, I wrote application letters to the creative leaders of the 4As agencies in Hong Kong. I think it is only appropriate for me to write another letter when I am saying goodbye to the industry:Dear readers,I am letting you know that I am retiring from this exciting business. I have enjoyed it all the way, and I feel today, it might be too exciting for a veteran who has spent more than 36 years in the industry, and among those, 28 of them in one company (although the name of the company has changed a few times). It’s time to pass the baton on as I see a group of energetic, hungry, and inspirational creative leaders charging forward to make their mark on the world.It has been a wonderful journey, starting and ending in Hong Kong, with great cities in between. I am truly grateful that Shanghai, China, gave me the opportunity to work in such a gigantic and unexplored market some 28 years ago. I thought I was going to see China, but instead it ended up bringing me to see the world. Speaking of this experience, I must express my utmost gratitude to my mentor, Jimmy Lam. It’s he who selflessly shared what he had, and he who also inspired a generation of Chinese creatives with his LongYin Review and LongXi Chinese Award. Later, he even called upon Asian creatives to make their voices heard in the regional and global arena with Khun Vinit. Without a pioneer like him, the Chinese and wider Asian creative scenes would be very different.I guess that’s why we keep hearing the saying: "Agency is a people’s business." Yes, it’s a cliché, but it’s so true. I leave this industry hoping we remember this very important fact. While it’s great to be inspired by the Human-Inspired artificial intelligence (AI) and new trends, let’s not forget the people around us. How can we put the next generation in the center of our business so that everyone can benefit from the value of exchanging, sharing and caring?Last year, I was part of a Cantonese production of the musical "Godspell". Now in 2024, we are working on a new musical project, "Into the Woods". How will it look when you are "in the woods"? Well, it’s worth exploring. Time is limited and precious, so I will now focus on what I enjoyed most about this job when I started my journey: To observe, to learn and to continue writing what is interesting and meaningful.I am reminded of the wise words of Mao Zedong, "The world is yours, as well as ours, but on final analysis, it’s yours." I am cheering for the passionate and fearless new generation; you will take this industry in a more exciting direction and towards a brighter place.I have loved every part of this adventurous journey, and I am honored to have gained so many unforgettable companions throughout. Without you, life would be very bland.Blessings,Ma Yan