在豆瓣上如何成为牛人? | 5月社媒领域研究新进展
国 内:
• 时间积累、用户行为与匿名社区资本——基于豆瓣网网络爬虫数据的分析
• 数据新闻是如何使用地图的?
• 社会化媒体效果测量与评估指标研究综述
• 后真相与政治的未来
• 社交媒体健康信息的语义分析:推特上癌症相关推文为例
国 外:
• 关于LGBTQ的传播学研究涌现:对2010-2015年LGBTQ相关的传播学期刊论文的回顾(Emerging Currents in Communication/LGBTQ Studies: A Review of LGBTQ-Related Articles Published in Communication Journals from 2010 to 2015)
• 青少年中的多线程与注意力问题:基于两项历时性研究的结果(The Relationship Between Media Multitasking and Attention Problems in Adolescents: Results of Two Longitudinal Studies)
• 是和谐社群主义还是理性舆论?——一项针对微博和Facebook新闻评论差异的内容分析研究(Harmonious communitarianism or a rational public sphere: a content analysis of the differences between comments on news stories on Weibo and Facebook)
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※崔凯, 刘德寰, 燕熙迪. 时间累积、用户行为与匿名社区资本——基于豆瓣网网络爬虫数据的分析[J]. 青年研究, 2017(1):28-36.
※宋可嘉, 王锡苓. 数据新闻是如何使用地图的?——以《卫报》《纽约时报》《华盛顿邮报》为例[J]. 新闻爱好者, 2017(4).
※王秀丽,赵雯雯,袁天添. 社会化媒体效果测量与评估指标研究综述[J].国际新闻界, 2017(4):6-24
※胡泳. 后真相与政治的未来[J].新闻与传播研究, 2017(4):5-13
在美国,癌症是仅次于心脏病的第二致命的疾病。2008 年全美死亡人数中,有23%与癌症相关,有鉴于癌症对人类健康的威胁和对生活质量的影响,越来越多的病人和他们的熟人如今已经转由互联网中获取信息。本研究以国际主流微博客形态的社交媒体——推特——为例,对癌症相关推文进行探索性的语义分析尝试,
※韩纲,朱丹,蔡承睿,王文. 社交媒体健康信息的语义分析:推特上癌症相关推文为例[J].国际新闻界, 2017(4):44-62
一、Emerging Currents in Communication/LGBTQ Studies: A Review of LGBTQ-Related Articles Published in Communication Journals from 2010 to 2015
Lik Sam Chan
Since the late 1970s, communication scholars have been playing a significant role in LGBTQ scholarship. To understand the state-of-the-art LGBTQ studies within the communication discipline, I present a systematic review of 237 LGBTQ-related articles that were published in communication journals from 2010 to 2015. I examine the objects of study, the methodological approaches, and the themes of research of these articles. Nine themes of research are identified. Based on the review, I point out four emerging currents where communication scholarship can further contribute to larger LGBTQ studies: (1) balancing L/G/B/T/Q, (2) addressing intersectionality, (3) internationalizing LGBTQ research, and (4) embracing interdisciplinarity.
※Chan, L. S. (2017). Emerging Currents in Communication/LGBTQ Studies: A Review of LGBTQ-Related Articles Published in Communication Journals from 2010 to 2015 Published in Communication Journals from 2010 to 2015. International Journal of Communication, 11, 22.
二、The Relationship Between Media Multitasking and Attention Problems in Adolescents: Results of Two Longitudinal Studies
The increased prevalence of media multitasking among adolescents has raised concerns that media multitasking may cause attention problems. Despite cross-sectional evidence of the relationship between media multitasking and attention problems, no study has yet investigated this relationship longitudinally. It is therefore unclear how these two variables are related. Two 3-wave longitudinal studies with 3- and 6-month time lags were conducted. In total, 2,390 adolescents aged 11–16 provided data on media multitasking and attention problems. Findings from random intercept autoregressive cross-lagged models suggest that media multitasking and attention problems were strongly related between individuals. Empirical evidence for a potential detrimental long-term effect of media multitasking on attention problems was only found among early adolescents but not among middle adolescents.
※Baumgartner, S. E., van der Schuur, W. A., Lemmens, J. S., & te Poel, F. The Relationship Between Media Multitasking and Attention Problems in Adolescents: Results of Two Longitudinal Studies. Human Communication Research.
三、Harmonious communitarianism or a rational public sphere: a content analysis of the differences between comments on news stories on Weibo and Facebook
In studying online political communication in China, many researchers apply theories generated in the West (particularly that of the public sphere) without questioning their applicability in the Chinese context. Others argue that new theories must be generated from the ground up, often basing these theories on traditional Chinese philosophies. However, the applicability of these approaches remains unproven.
This research uses a content analysis to compare comments on news stories on Chinese and Western social media sites. It finds that there is little evidence to support either the use of public sphere theory in China or the use of traditional conceptions of Eastern styles of communication. Chinese netizens were no more subtle or harmonious (if anything, they were more divisive) and were less likely to talk with others, attempt to understand others’ opinions or attempt to work towards consensus or resolution.
Based on these findings, I propose that future research should attempt to build more appropriate theories based on an understanding of how political ideas are actually produced, transmitted and received in society, rather than continuing to apply foreign or ancient theoretical frameworks without a critical interrogation of their applicability in their context of applications.
※Bolsover, G. (2017). Harmonious communitarianism or a rational public sphere: a content analysis of the differences between comments on news stories on Weibo and Facebook. Asian Journal of Communication, 27(2), 115-133.