
首发 | 维度设计 · 禅意的“无边限”

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29



Kant said: "Beautiful things imply that people adapt to the world". We hang a painting and calligraphy on the plain wall, place a stone appreciation on the desk, Chen a porcelain in the corner, and plant a pine in front of the window. That is to choose an aesthetic carrier and integrate it into the world of our life. Just as Chen Jiru said: a few clear windows, a shaft painting, a bag piano, a crane, an OU tea, a stove incense and a Dharma "A small garden path, a few flowers, a few birds, a few pavilions, a few fist stones, a few pools of water and a few idle clouds", as long as you carefully spread them, you can breathe in all things in the world.


Adhering to the respect for nature, the designer blurs the living boundary inside and outside the room as much as possible, and borrows the exterior scenery inside. The esteem for the original form in Japanese aesthetics shows the true nature of the original material, which flows alternately in the dimensions of space and time.


In terms of space, influenced by Japanese style architecture, it pays attention to the flow of space, and distinguishes functional space through semi enclosed objects such as screens, so as to implement the concept of "boundless". Apply natural materials to interior decoration, and pursue the realm of elegant moderation and profound Zen.


Mr. Liang Qichao said, "only when ordinary people often live in fun can life be valuable.". To live in the world, you need to have something higher than daily necessities. Or articles to cultivate spirit; Or addicted to gold and stone to store elegance; Or be addicted to zither and calligraphy and cultivate one's self-cultivation... People have a hobby. They are addicted to one thing with true sex. They can be raised easily, full of Qi and far more interesting than others. I have a habit of walking with beauty.

[ 一层平面图 ]

[ 二层平面图 ]

项目名称 | 九间堂私宅别墅
项目地点 | 中国  南通
项目面积 | 480㎡
完成时间 | 2021.08
室内设计 | 陈 黎
项目设管 | 邱 皓
深化设计 | 刘 蓉 黄桂华等
装置陈列 | 万 物
项目摄影 | 吴奇睿
施工单位 | 南通安莱装饰
房      型 | 私宅别墅
主创设计 | 陈 黎

陈黎 / 主创设计



维 度 空 间 设 计 推 荐 案 例




