
首发 | JLa设计集团 · 岁月的童话

DINZ德网传媒 德国室内设计网 2022-10-29


" Life is a beautiful fairy tale. "

—Hans Christian Andersen 

“ 生活就是一个最美的童话。”

— 安徒生

Fairy tales are always full of extraordinary imagination, which are sources for scene-making and resonant emotional experience. Fairy tales can reach true happiness from one’s perception and expectation of the real world, and the resonance from the storytelling.   


The wind picks up steam and pushes through the fog of the continent.


The field of vision gradually clear, a blue island appeared.  LILI, the blue pony, thrusts her proud hoof across a rainbow to explore a magical island.


The story begins with a adventure.


This floating island is named “The Sky Garden”, which is located in Zhengzhou.

The unicorn LILI elements are expanded from the landscape and architecture into the interior. It not only enriches the storylines of the unicorn adventuring along the cloud cave and blue river but also becomes the guide for growing up.


It takes fairy tales as the key design point to describe a future life as soft and gentle as clouds, and to stimulate curiosity for both children and adults while experiencing "fairy paradise".

Walking into this floating island, one feels like inside a towering forest.
It applies wood veneer in a large area to endow the space with warmth, with light-colored texture to enrich the atmosphere. There is a wooden ladder from the top, introducing light to arouse the desire for inner exploration.  


Flying over mountains, the blue pony lands on the island through an art installation to embark on his adventure. Blue phosphorescent turned into blue streams of light, pointing into the distance. 


When standing on the blue bleachers, we can overlook the clear cityscape in the breeze. 


It takes the pony as the first point of view to explore spirituality and curiosity. It builds a fancy world of purity and beauty from the perspective of children.


The IP characters guide the moving from the front desk to the mock-up area. And the blue staircase leads to the showroom on the second floor, a panoramic view of the grand city through the perspective of the little pony.


Curiosity and imagination connect reality with fairy tales, and the atmosphere of freedom fills the space.


The space depth becomes the advantage to distinguish different functions. The "1-2-3" elevation design shapes two void places and enriches the vertical experience.

第二条故事线从孩子的游历进行视角切换,想象力是蓝色的河流,打破一切客观世界中陈规桎梏,洋溢的泡泡忽而化作漫天飞舞的蒲萤 —— 云上岛屿,由这些轻柔奇幻的童梦托起。

The second storyline switches to kids' perspectives, employing light bubbles to symbolize the interaction and connection. Imagination is like the blue river in space, breaking the shackles of all the old rules of the objective world. The bubbles suddenly turn into flying fireflies all over the sky -- the sky garden beyond the cloud, held up by these soft and magical dreams of children.


Only with childlike imagination and innocence can one see the beauty in a fairy tale world.


Going deeper, one reaches a void place with a cheerful and refreshing atmosphere through its three-floor height and stained glass on the ceiling. The Z-shaped blue staircase responds to the window outside and completes the scene.


It is nearly 100-square-meter in area and three-floor in height for the rectangular void, with no beams and columns. However, the design of the blue steps and wooden grilles inside interacting with each other create the rhythm of breathing. The application of bright blue makes the visual focus and enhances the experience with the IP. 


In the center of the island, the pale-yellow crown of the King coconut absorbs light and heat with tropical texture, like a giant umbrella that opens to diffuse light and shadow.


Dandelion flying all over the sky is romantic enlightenment, but also another witness to the beauty of nature.


The design of "three lines in one" integrates the harmony space for all senses in the experience.


Children follow the unicorn for adventure and treasure hunting there. They can chase the sunset, play with fireflies, enjoy the sky in different weathers and days. With the previous playtime, there comes the third adventure, which is about self-cognitive process and growth.

云上第三层的空间故事线应验天空之镜的映像,在反复预演 交错、起落、迷失中探寻成长的出处。

The third adventure beyond clouds is a storyline of sky mirroring. Through ups-and-downs, interaction, and even loss, one finally finds the way out and gains the key to a treasured life with reverence and passion for love and everything. 


As we grow up, we will encounter many choices. Every time we look at ourselves, it is a precious treasure. We will become the hero of the fairy tale who bravely pursues his love and leaves no regrets. 


Be in awe of all things, and love life more. The key to the treasure is in your hands.


There is no end to the blue guide, and a long enough slide is set in the space as the exit to connect with reality and arouse the playful nature of adults and children. 


Fairy tales create beautiful worlds to heal, to nourish, to love and to imagine. The design team of the project “The Sky Garden” sets a journey of “Soul” to experience childhood innocence and growth. 

云上所深含的爱与温暖,是 小兽-孩子-世界-成长 相互滋养的乐园,无限的游玩乐趣植入孩子和大人的心中,成为未来生活中保持好奇与热爱的活点地图。

Putting the deep love and warmth in the space is a paradise where unicorns, children, and the world grow and nourish each other. The fun is arising in the hearts of children and adults. It becomes a marauder's map to keep curiosity and love for the future life. 


所  在 地|中国郑州


建筑设计| 上海霍普事务所股份有限公司


项目面积|1000 sq.m

竣工时间|2021年 8月


设计内容|空间 软装 装置 




软装设计|JLa闳雅堂(Vermillion Gift)



品牌推广 | JLa品牌部

空间摄影 | 郑焰、曾倩影

项目视频 | 广州里外视觉影像


主要选材 | 木饰面、人造石、艺术涂料

JLa设计集团 (JAMES LIANG & ASSOCIATES LIMITED)由香港著名设计师梁曦文先生,于1989年在香港创立。“自律与尊重”是JLa的发展之道,集团经营主体涵盖:城市规划与建筑设计、室内装饰设计、软装陈设、公共艺术四大版块。

JLa 设 计 集 团 推 荐 案 例




DINZ 德 网 近 期 热 文

维度设计 | 九间堂私宅别墅

万境艺术 | 云玺锦庭A2户型样板间

大朴设计 | 雅达乌镇临溪苑合院130户型

柏年印象 | 南京礼樾云居

