
《Science Advances》|有机农业和保护性农业促进生态系统的多功能




Ecosystems provide multiple services to humans. However, agricultural systems are usually evaluated on their productivity and economic performance, and a systematic and quantitative assessment of the multifunctionality of agroecosystems including environmental services is missing. Using a long-term farming system experiment, we evaluated and compared the agronomic, economic, and ecological performance of the most widespread arable cropping systems in Europe: organic, conservation, and conventional agriculture. We analyzed 43 agroecosystem properties and determined overall agroecosystem multifunctionality. We show that organic and conservation agriculture promoted ecosystem multifunctionality, especially by enhancing regulating and supporting services, including biodiversity preservation, soil and water quality, and climate mitigation. In contrast, conventional cropping showed reduced multifunctionality but delivered highest yield. Organic production resulted in higher economic performance, thanks to higher product prices and additional support payments. Our results demonstrate that different cropping systems provide opposing services, enforcing the productivity–environmental protection dilemma for agroecosystem functioning.




《经济研究》|张 露,罗必良:小农生产如何融入现代农业发展轨道? ———来自中国小麦主产区的经验证据

《AJAE》| 中西部玉米生产的信息输入和技术效率:来自农民使用产量和土壤图的证据


《Land Use Policy》| 时间偏好与绿色农业技术采用:来自中国稻农的实地证据

《ERAE 》| 风险态度的稳定性、农业政策和生产冲击:来自意大利的证据

《Land Use Policy》|中国非正规农村建设用地流转实践中的冲突:以湖北为例

《Food Policy》| 农民是否从电子商务中获得了互联网红利?来自中国的证据

《AER》| 季节性资金流动、农村劳动力市场和农业生产

《American Economic Review》|从大萧条中复苏:1933年春季的农场频道

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