
《Land Use Policy》|中国非正规农村建设用地流转实践中的冲突:以湖北为例



Abstract:Driven by high value-added benefits as well as the less mature legal systems, informal land transfer becomes widespread in rural China. Based on Institutional Vicissitude Theory, this paper investigates the responses of local stakeholders to the process of informal rural land transfer. Case studies undertaken at Hubei province in China reveal the conflicts in informal land transfer. The article firstly reviews the China’s unique dual land system and land transfer policy. It then investigates different stakeholders in the informal land transfer practices through questionnaire surveys and face-to-face interviews. We demonstrate the mechanism and interaction of different conflicts in China’s informal land transfer system. Our findings also emphasize the need for informal land transfer to align with government policies and regional development plans. The implications help provide an important reference for studying informal land systems in developing countries with similar dilemma generally.

Keywords:Land transfer ;Land informal practice ;Conflicts;Rural policy;China


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