
《JAE》| Ye et al:面积产量指数保险还是农作物产量保险?中国视角下的农民福利与政府补贴有效性



Abstract: We evaluate the performance of area yield crop insurance (AYCI) and farm yield crop insurance (FYCI) using farm-level yield data from China, focusing on their effects on farmers’ welfare, and their cost-effectiveness in terms of government subsidy. Given a subsidy rate sufficient to generate a politically acceptable participation level, the price advantage of AYCI may no longer offset its higher basis risk, and consequently FYCI may be preferred by farmers. From the government’s perspective, AYCI is the cheapest option to maintain reasonable farmer participation in insurance, but is not necessarily the most cost-effective choice. Our findings suggest that, contrary to an assumption that informs many developing country agricultural insurance programmes, AYCI schemes are not necessarily preferred to FYCI. Decisions on the structure of a national agricultural insurance programme should be based on careful consideration of local conditions.

Keywords: area yield crop insurance; farm yield crop insurance; farmers’ welfare; subsidy cost-effectiveness.

《Journal of agricultural economics》,最新影响因子为2.529,主要发表管理科学、农业经济与政策方向文章。



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