
《AE》| ABAY AND JENSEN:市场准入、天气风险和牲畜生产决策:来自埃塞俄比亚的证据



Abstract:Despite several studies showing the effect of access to markets and weather conditions on crop production, we know quite little on whether and how livestock production systems respond to variation in weather risk and access to markets. In this paper, we study whether and how livestock production responds to (access to) markets and varying weather risk. We also explore whether such responses vary across livelihood zones and livestock production systems. We study these research questions using households’ livestock production, ownership, and marketing decisions of households in Ethiopia. We find that households living close to markets are more likely to engage in market-oriented livestock production and use modern livestock inputs. We also find that households exposed to more unpredictable weather are less likely to engage in livestock production for markets, rather they are more likely to engage in livestock production for precautionary savings and insurance. Furthermore, greater rainfall uncertainty influences livestock portfolio allocation toward those which can be easily liquidated while also discouraging investment in modern livestock inputs. However, these responses and patterns vary across livelihood zones and production systems; most of these stylized responses and impacts are more pronounced and significant in the arid and semi-arid lands of Ethiopia, where livestock herding remains a dominant source of livelihood. Those households relying only on livestock production seem more sensitive and responsive to weather risk and weather shocks. The heterogeneity in responses and impacts of weather risk among farming systems and livelihoods highlights the need for more tailored livestock sector policies and interventions.

Keywords: livestock production; marketing; markets;  portfolio allocation;  weather risk.

《AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS》,最新影响因子为2.585,刊载方向为农业经济与政策,主题涵盖从消费和营养到土地使用和环境,从农户到市场和宏观经济的各个分析规模。本刊物旨在世界各地传播学科最重要的研究结果和政策分析。



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