
《AJAE》| 埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴新冠肺炎大流行期间的食物消费和食物安全





International humanitarian organizations have expressed substantial concern about the potential for increases in food insecurity resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. We use a unique panel survey of a representative sample households in Addis Ababa to study both food security and food consumption during the pandemic. In contrast to some other countries in the region, Ethiopia never went into a full lockdown severely restricting movement. Despite subjective income measures suggesting a large proportion of households have been exposed to job loss or reduced incomes, we find that relative to a survey conducted in August and September of 2019, food consumption and household dietary diversity are largely unchanged or slightly increased by August 2020. We find some changes in the composition of food consumption, but they are not related to shocks found in previous phone surveys conducted with the same households. The results therefore suggest the types of subjective questions about income typically being asked in COVID-19 phone surveys may not appropriately reflect the magnitude of such shocks. They also imply, at least indirectly, that in the aggregate food value chains have been resilient to the shock associated with the pandemic.

Keywords:COVID-19; food consumption; food security; nutrition security

《AJAE》全称为《American Journal of Agricultural Economics》,《美国农业经济学杂志》旨在为世界各地的农业和食品经济学、自然资源和环境、以及农村和社区发展等领域的创造性学术工作讨论提供平台。最新影响因子为4.082,刊载方向为管理科学-农业经济与政策。




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AJAE》| Yu Na Lee:价格风险厌恶会推动迁移吗?来自埃塞俄比亚农村的证据

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《AE》| Hou et al:风险偏好、知识、土地整理和景观多样化对农药使用的影响

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●《JRS》| Qu et al:农村住区转型如何促进农村可持续发展?来自中国山东的证据

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