

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10











Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future

Lesson 55 Look into the Future

Lesson 56 Manage Your Time

Lesson 57 Best Wishes

Lesson 58 Ms.Liu\\'s Speech

Lesson 59 Keep Your Choices Open

Lesson 60 Get a Good Education

Unit 10 Review


1朝…里面看,调查,浏览look into

2. 使你的梦想成真make your dream come true

3.从事小组课题work on group project

4.他们对未来的计划their plans for the future

5.生活中最重要的东西the most important thing in life

6.一个交通工具工程师a transportation engineer

7.改善环境improve the environment

8.世界上最有趣最令人兴奋的工作the most fun and exciting job in the world

9.国际象棋俱乐部a chess club

10.除此之外on top of all that

11.听到你的问题很抱歉sorry to hear about your trouble

12. 一个如此忙的孩子such a buy kid/so busy a kid

13.花些时间做某事take some time to do...

14. 做复习 do a review

15.小学primary school

16.初中junior high school

17.高中senior high school

18.在我们的初中岁月over our junior high years

19. 使其物归原主get it back to its owner 

20.在雨中划船row boats in the rain

21.一直记得have great memories of...

22.向下一个阶段前进move on to the next level

23.通过站在教室的椅子by standing on a chair in the classroom

24.时光过得真快How time flies.

25.祝好运Best of luck.

26. 最难忘的回忆 the most unforgettable memory  

27.非常荣幸..It’s a great honour to... 

28.给你们的未来祝福wish you well in the future 

29.你们给彼此的留言the notes you left for one another 

30.几乎快让我哭了almost bring tears to my eyes  

31.有一些美好的回忆have some great memories

32.光明的未来have bright futures ahead of you

33掉下来 fall down   

34振作起来pick ...up

35. 选择新的道路 take a new road 

36. 尽全力be your best

37. 代表 on behalf of...

38. 祝贺... give congratulations to...

39. 宝贵的经历valuable experiences

40. 有机会去做...have an opportunity to do...

41. 扩大你的选择面 keep your choices  open

42. 毕业歌曲 some graduation songs

43. 做一个重要决定make an important decision    

44. 成为你想成为的人be what you want 

45. 在学校好好学习do well in school

46.决定权就是你的 the decision will be yours  

47. 一个成功的农民a successful farmer

48.为...工作work for...

49.想要成为一个飞行员 want to be a pilot       

50.拓展dig in

51.职业名词job words

52.一定的规则 certain rules   

53.以...结尾 end with...

54.接受良好的教育get a good education       

55.考虑当一名宇航员think of being an astronaut

56.在购物广场 in the mall      

57.在太空中in space 

58.打招呼say hello (to)...          

59.向我伸出他的手hold out his hand to me

60.邀请我和他喝茶 invite me to have a cup of tea with him   

61.梦想...dream of...

62.参观太空visit space     

63.为了什么做准备get ready for...

64.大学毕业 graduate from university      

65.加拿大国家航天局the Canadian Space Agency

66.许多年的艰辛工作so many years of hard work      

67.询问...的建议 ask sb.for advice on... 

68.关注你的目标 keep your eye on your goal     



 1. There is no                  that most Chinesethink Tiaoyu Tao belongs to China.

      A.plan                         B. need                         C. doubt                       D. point

 2. The workers in the Huashan Mountains have to                  rubbish to keep themountains clean.

      A.turn up                     B. pick up                     C. mix up                     D. give up

 3. Dreams are beautiful. However, to                  them needs lots oftime and work.

      A.discover                   B. find                         C. achieve                     D. stop

 4. --- All the workers went home yesterday                  Mr. White. Why?

      --- Because he was on duty.

      A.except                      B. besides                     C. except for                 D. beside

 5. Peter                 to escape from the prison, but he couldn\\'t find a safe hiding place.

      A.succeeded                 B. managed                   C. advised                     D. offered

 6. --- Is this your first time to Xinjiang?

      --- No, I                  here several times.

      A.have gone                 B. haven\\'t gone              C. have been                 D. haven\\'t been

 7. Your dream will come true                  you give it up halfway.

      A.if                             B. unless                       C. although                   D. because

 8. I was told to meet Mr. Green at the airport. But I don\\'t know                  he will arrive.

      A.where                       B. why                         C. how                         D. when

 9. --- Why did Tom go to bed so late yesterday?

      --- Because his homework                  on time.

      A. didn\\'t finish                        B. finish                                 C. wasn\\'tfinished

10.                  to you during theSpring Festival.

      A.Best wish                  B. Best hope                 C. Best wishes               D. Best hopes

11. He is an honest boy. I have noreason to                 what he said.

      A.hear                         B. doubt                       C. repeat                       D. believe

12. Look! Your English book isunder your desk. Please                 .

      A.pick it up                  B. pick up it                  C. pick them up             D. pick up them

13. We should have some dreamsand try to                 them.

      A. drop                                   B. imagine                              C. achieve

14. Everybody else was invited toJim\\'s birthday party                  me. I don\\'t know why.

      A.besides                     B. except                      C. beside                       D. except for

15. He                  to pass the drivingtest, which made him pleased.

      A.managed                   B. tried                         C. succeeded                 D. operated


        Life is noteasy, so I\\'d like to say, "When anything happens, believe inyourself."

        When I was ayoung boy, I was     16     shy to talk to anyone. Myclassmates often     17     me. I was sad but could donothing. Later,     18     happened, and it changed my life.It was an English speech contest. My mother asked me to     19    it. What a terrible idea! It meant I had to speak before allthe teachers and students of my school.

        "Come on,boy. Believe in yourself. You are sure to     20    the contest." Then my mother and I talked about manydifferent topics. At last I chose the topic "Believe in yourself". Itried my best to remember all the speech and practiced it over 100    21   . With my mother\\'s great love, I did well in the contest. Icould     22     believe my ears when the newscame that I had won the first place. I heard the cheers     23    the teachers and the students. Those classmates     24    once looked down on (看不起) me, nowall said "Congratulations!" to me. My mother hugged me and cried     25   .

        Since theneverything has changed for me. When I do anything, I try to tell myself that Ican do it well.

16. A.much                       B. so                            C. quite                        D. too

17. A.waited for                 B. looked after              C. looked for                 D. laughed at

18. A.something                 B. nothing                    C. everything                D. anything

19. A.take part in               B. join                          C. get                           D. make

20. A.fight                        B. pass                         C. win                          D. beat

21. A.minutes                    B. words                       C. times                        D. sentences

22. A.hardly                      B. luckily                     C. really                       D. fully

23. A.for                           B. at                             C. from                        D. to

24. A.whom                      B. which                       C. whose                       D. who

25. A.sadly                        B. deeply                      C. highly                      D. excitedly



        Maybe you\\'rewondering how we spend our free time in the year 2059, so I,ll tell you what Idid last weekend.

        On Saturday morning,I stayed in bed until 11 o\\'clock, when my mother woke me up. “Wang Mang! Getout of bed, you lazy little pig!” she said. “You can\\'t lie in bed all day, andyou\\'ve got homework to do, haven\\'t you?” Were mothers so annoying fifty yearsago?

        Anyway, I gotout of bed and asked the robot to make me a quick brunch-hamburger andFrench fries. But the robot said, “Sorry, Mang. Your mother says I can onlygive you hamburgers 3 times a week, and you had 2 hamburgers yesterday. Fastfood is not healthy. I suggest you have some of the dumplings I made yesterday.Or perhaps some fruit salad” You see, my mother has programmed the robot tostop it giving me the things I really want to eat. I feel like a prisoner(囚犯)!

        After finishingmy brunch, I got out my homework pad. The pad looks like a piece of paper, butit\\'s actually a computer. We don\\'t use paper much any more. Paper books arereally expensive, so we usually buy cheap computer books.

        I had to do mymath homework on Saturday. We never need to use math in our dailylives-computers solve all the math problems for us. But our math teacher saysthat if people stop studying math, they\\'ll forget how to think and become likevegetables. Well, I want to be a vegetable. I hate math!

26. The underlined word “brunch” in the third paragraphmeans                 .

      A.breakfast and lunch                                       B.breakfast with milk

      C.lunch with coffee                                          D.lunch and dinner

27. Wang Mang says he feels “like a prisoner” because                 .

      A.he is completely controlled by the robot

      B.he has to get out of bed too early

      C.he doesn\\'t know how to use the robot

      D.he isn\\'t allowed to eat what he likes

28. One difference between the year 2059 and today is that                 .

      A.computer books are cheaper than paper books

      B.children aren\\'t allowed to eat fast food

      C.students have to do homework at the weekend

      D.there is no paper in the year 2059

29. Wang Mang thinks that studying math is                 .

      A.interesting                B. useless                      C. too hard                    D. too easy

30. Which can be the best title for the article?

      A.A Day in the Future                                      B.A Modern Robot at Home

      C.Paper Books V.S. Computers                         D.Math or Vegetables


        As teenagers,you have many dreams. These dreams can be very big, like winning the NobelPrize, or they can be small. You may just want to become one of the ten beststudents in your class.

         Once(一旦) you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do youever try to make your dream real?

         “Follow YourHeart” by Australian writer Andrew Mathews tells us that making our dreams realis life\\'s biggest challenge.

         You may thinkyou\\'re not very good at some school subjects, or that it is impossible for youto become a writer. These kinds of thoughts(想法)stop you from getting your dream, the book says.

         In fact,everyone can make his dream come true. The first thing you must do is toremember what your dream is.

         Don\\'t let itleave your heart. Keep telling yourself what you want. Do this step by step (一步一步地) and your dream will come true faster because abig dream is, in fact, many small dreams.

         You must alsonever give up your dream.

         There will bedifficulties on the road to your dreams. But the biggest difficulty comes fromyourself. You need to decide what is the most important. Studying instead ofwatching TV will bring you better exam results, while saving five yuan insteadof buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book. As you get closer to yourdream, it may change a little. This is good as you have the chance to learnmore skills(技能) and find new interests.

31. “Follow Your Heart” is                 .

      A.The first thing you must do to make your dream real

      B.The most important dream to have for teenagers

      C.The name of a famous Australian writer

      D.The name of a book by Andrew Matthews

32. If you want to make your dream real, you should                 .

      A.remember what your dream is first

      B.keep telling yourself what you want

      C.never be afraid of the big difficulties

      D.try to start with all the things above

33. From the text, we know the word “challenge” means                 .

      A.变化                       B. 挑战                       C.决定                        D. 态度

34. What should NOT you do to make your dream come true?

      A.Always remember what your dream is

      B.Do what you should do step by step

      C.Watch TV to get better exam results

      D.Read more books, learn more skills and find new interests

35. What is the best title of the text?

      A.Keep your dream in your mind                      B.How to find your real dream

      C.Make your dream real                                   D.Teenagers have many dreams


General Bokova, ladies and gentlemen,

        It gives me agreat pleasure to join you for this important initiative(大会) as the UN marks its 70th anniversary(周年).

        Education isvery close in my heart. My father grew up in a very small village in China. Inthose days, not many villagers could read. So my father opened a night schoolto teach them how to read. With his help, many people learned to write theirown names; with his help, many people learned to read newspapers for the firsttime; with his help, many women were able to teach their children how to read.As this daughter, I know what education means to the people, especially thosewithout it.

        Aftergenerations of hard work, China has come a long way in education. I myself am abeneficiary(受益者) of that progress.Otherwise I would never become a soprano(女高音)and a professor of musical. I am following my father\\'s footsteps to helpcontinue China\\'s successful story.

        I want to thankDirector-General Bokova and UNESCO(联合国教科文组织) fornaming me the Special Envoy for women and Girls Education(促进女童和妇女教育特使). I am truly honored to work with the UNand do something about Global Education. I have visited many schools around theworld. I\\'ve seen first-hand on how much we can do for education.

        Education isabout women and the girls. It is important for girls to go to the schoolbecause they will become their children\\'s first teacher some day. But womenstill account for over half of the world\\'s poor in population and 60% of adultswho can\\'t read. In China, Spring Bud Education Program(春蕾计划)has helped over 3 million girls go back to school. Many of them have finisheduniversity education and they are doing well at work.

        Education isabout equality(平等). In poor countries andregions the number of school dropouts(辍学) isastonishing. We call for more educational resources to these places.

        Education isabout the young people. Young people are the future. Education is importantbecause it not only gave young people knowledge and skills but also help thembecome responsible citizens.

        As the UNESCOspecial envoy and the mother myself, my commitment(职责)to education for all will never change. Many years ago my father made a smalldifference in his village.

        Together we canmake a big difference in the world.

        I was onceasked about my Chinese dream. I said I hope all children especially girls canhave access to good education. This is my Chinese dream. I believe one dayeducation first will no longer be a dream, it will be a reality enjoyed byevery young woman on this planet.

        Thank you verymuch.

36. Who influenced Ms. Peng Liyuan most in her lifeaccording to her speech?

      A.Her teacher.              B. Her father.                C. Her daughter.            D. Her husband.

37. Which of the following is Ms. Peng\\' opinion?

      A.Parents are their children\\'s first teachers.

      B.It\\'s more important for boys to get education.

      C.Poor areas should be given more resources in education.

      D.Young people can only get knowledge and skills from education.

38. According to Ms. Peng\\'s speech, 60% of the                  can\\'t read in poorareas.

      A.boys                         B. children                    C. women                     D. men

39. What does "it" refer to in the last paragraph?

      A.A Chinese dream.                                         B.A dream.

      C.A big difference.                                          D.Education first.

40. What\\'s the purpose of the speech?

      A.To tell people how she made her dream come true.

      B.To tell people how to teach the children in poor areas.

      C.To tell people how she became successful in children education.

      D.To tell people how important it is to help girls get equality in education.


41. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday are w                .

42. I was a p                 school student when Iwas seven years old.

43. I have no money, because I lost my w                .

44. --- Hello, everyone! Bill gets the first prize.

--- C               .

45. There is a bird on the t                 of the tree.


46. The                 (老板) of the company didn\\'t have any evidence to                 (证明) he was at the scene of the crime.

47. You should give him a hand. This was the most difficult                 (阶段) of his life.

48. The poor boy who couldn\\'t go to school got help from aman of great                 (财富).

49. He closed his                 (笔记本) and stood up.

50. He is                 (复习) for the English exam.


51. 与睡眠好的人相比,睡眠不好的人要花更长的时间才能入睡。

Poor sleepers take longer to                                   than good sleepers.

52. 我们可以在湖上划船。

We can                                                    on the lake.

53. 至于看电视, 只有少数同学每天都看。

                                 watching TV, only afew students watch it every day.

54. 几个月过去了,但他仍没有回来。

Several months                                  , but he didn\\'t comeback yet.

55. Our food supply won\\'t                                   (坚持) for more than a few days.


56. The box                 (it) is very heavy.

57. US First lady Michelle Obama gave a                 (speak) at PekingUniversity and met with Chinese and US students in March.

58. Time is very                 (value). We can\\'twaste it.

59. He was so tired that he fell                 (sleep) at his desk.

60. Restaurant                 (own) have to know howto cook delicious food.


        Are you thekind of person who likes staying in unusual places? If the answer is “yes”,then try the world\\'s coldest hotel in Jukkasjarvi in the north of Sweden. Butgo in winter or all you\\'ll find is a pool of water, because the hotel meltsevery spring!

        The man who runs the ARTic Hall Hotel isNils Yngve Bergqvist. He is also the man whose idea it was. He built his firsthotel for an art show in 1991 and he designed the present hotel---over 200metres square---himself. It took workmen about two months to put 1,000 tons ofsnow onto a wooden board. As the weather got colder, the snow froze and thenthey removed the board. The whole building and everything in it is made of snow- except for the wooden front door. There\\'s a theatre, a jazz club, a radiostation and a large ice bar. As you can imagine, hot drinks are popular withthe guests! The rooms have no doors, there is no furniture, no heating andeveryone sleeps on…yes, that\\'s right…ice beds. But the 800 people who havestayed at the hotel this winter seem to like it. If you want to stay in one ofthe ice rooms, it will cost you about 30 a night.You won\\'t be very comfortable, but you will receive a survival certificate (生存能力证书) from the manager!

        When the winteris over, Nils holds his competition every year to predict the day that thehotel will fall. The person that guessed the day correctly last year received alarge painting from an ARTic Hall show. Bergqvist\\'s ice hotels are becomingworld-famous and he loves his work. He\\'s already excited about his nextproject---an ice hotel that will be bigger and better, he says.


61. Can you visit the ARTic Hall Hotel in summer?


62. Where is the ARTic Hall Hotel?


63. How much does the hotel cost for one night?


64. What will the manager do next?


65. Why is the ARTic Hall Hotel unusual?



A: Hello, John. Here is the book. You lent it to me lastweek. Thank you very much.

B: Oh, you\\'re welcome, Tin. 66.                

A: Very much. I\\'m sorry to have kept it so long. I haven\\'thad much time for reading these days.

B: That\\'s all right. 67.                

A: Have you got any more books by the same writer?

B: Yes, but I have lent it to Jim. Would you like to borrowit?

A: Yes, please. Shall I ask Jim to pass it on to me when hehas finished it?

B: No, better let him return it to me and then 68.                

A: Have you got anything else I can borrow now?

B: Do you like science books? 69.                

A: 70.               

B: OK. Let\\'s go and get it. It\\'s in my room.

      A.I\\'ve got a good one.

      B.I have read some but I don\\'t think they\\'re interesting.

      C.I\\'ll let you have it.

      D.How do you like it?

      E.I\\'ve never read any and I\\'d like to try it.

      F.You can ask him for it.

      G.I don\\'t mind how long you kept it.



 1.C       2. B       3. C       4. A       5. B     

 6.C       7. B       8. D       9. C      10. C     

11. B      12.A      13. C      14. B      15. A     


16. D      17.D      18. A      19. A      20. C     

21. C      22.A      23. C      24. D      25. D     


26. A      27.D      28. A      29. B      30. A     

31. D      32.D      33. B      34. C      35. C     

36. B      37.C      38. C      39. D      40. D     


41. weekdays

42. primary

43. wallet

44. Congratulations

45. top


46. boss, prove

47. period

48. wealth

49. notebook

50. reviewing


51. fall asleep52. row a boat53. As for

54. went by55. hold out


56. itself57. speech58. valuable59.asleep60. owners


61. No.

62. In Jukkasjarvi in the north ofSweden.

63. About 30.

64. He will build a bigger and better icehotel.

65. Because it is made of snow. The roomshave no doors, there is no furniture, no heating and everyone sleeps on icebeds.


66. D      67.G      68. C      69. A      70. E      






