
外研版九年级英语上册Module 6 Problems

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10




Module 1 Wonders of the world

Module 2 Public holidays

Module 3 Heroes

Module 4 Home alone

Module 5 Museums

Module 6 Problems



1. too much  太多

2. play the guitar  弹吉他

3. have to  不得不

4. agree with  同意

5. do one’s homework  做家庭作业

6. go to bed  去睡觉

7. as soon as   一…...就......

8. come home from school   从学校回家

9. be able to  能够

10. get into the habit of  养成...…的习惯

12. last word  最终决定;最后一句话

13. be good for  对…...有好处

14. at the same time  与此同时

15. after school  放学后

16. come round  拜访(某人的家)

17. play games  玩游戏

18. try out  试用;试

19. take off  脱下;起飞

20. at the end of  在…...尽头

21. no longer  不再

22. at least  至少;起码

24. play football  踢足球

25. by mistake  错误地

26. be worried about  担心

27. hurry up  赶快

28. make mistakes  犯错误

29. make progress  取得进步

30. do well in  在…...方面做的好

31. save up  储蓄;贮存

32. on my way home  在我回家的路上

33. be good at  擅长

34. a lot of  大量,许多

35. give up  放弃

36. get into trouble  陷入困境

37. in the past  在过去

38. go wrong  出故障

39. tell sb. about sth.  告诉某人关于某事的情况

deal [di:l] n. 协议

exam [ɪgˈzæm] n. 考试

fail [feɪl] v. 未能及格,未能达到

guitar [gɪˈtɑ:] n. 吉他

intrument [ˈɪnstrəmənt] n. 乐器,仪器

musical [ˈmju:zɪkl] adj. 音乐的

habit [ˈhæbɪt] n. 习惯

get into the habit of 养成……的习惯

schoolwork [ˈsku:lwɜ:k] n. 学生课业,功课

volunteer [ˌvɒlənˈtɪə] n. 志愿者

necessary [ˈnesəsəri] adj. 必要的,必需的

shame [ʃeɪm] n. 可惜,遗憾

instead [ɪnˈsted] adv. 代替,而不是

instead of 而不是

community [kəˈmju:nəti] n. 社区,社会

knowledge [ˈnɒlɪdʒ] n. 知识,学识

point [pɔɪnt] n. (试图表达的)观点,看法

consider [kənˈsɪdə] v. 考虑,斟酌

last word 最后一句话,最终决定

come round 拜访(某人的家)

reason [ˈri:zn] n. 原因,理由

try out 试用,试

angry [ˈæŋgri] adj. 愤怒的,生气的

no longer 不再

be angry with sb 生某人的气

repair [rɪˈpeə] n. &v. 修理,修补

truth [tru:θ] n. 事实,真相

least pron. 最少,最小

at least 至少,起码

honest [ˈɒnɪst] adj. 诚实的,老实的

apologize [əˈpɒlədʒaɪz] v. 认错,道歉

bill [bɪl] n. 账单,账款

pocket money 零用钱



1. too much + 不可数名词 太多的 

2.play the guitar 弹吉他

3. play musical instruments演奏乐器 

4. Stop sb. (from) doing sth.阻止某人做某事

5. make a deal with sb. 与某人达成协议

6. fail the exam 考试不及格 pass the exam 通过考试 fail to do sth. 做某事没成功

7. anyway 不管怎样 8. want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事

9. get into the habit of (doing)sth. 养成做某事的习惯

10. come home from school 放学回到家 

11. do volunteer work 做义工

12. That’s / It’s a shame. = That’s / It’s a pity. What a shame/pity. 真可惜;真遗憾

13. No deal. 不行。 

14. Instead of (doing) sth. 代替/而不是做某事

15. That’s not the point. 那不是重点。 

16. consider doing sth. 考虑做某事

17. last word 最终决定;最后一句话 

18. ask for one’s advice 征求某人的建议

19. come round to sp. 拜访(某地) She said she would come round to my house.

20. use sth. for (doing)sth. 把某物用于(做)某事 We use knives for cutting things.

21. go wrong 出毛病;出故障 

22. decide to do sth. 决定做某事

23. ry out 试用;试 

24. take off 起飞;脱下;卸载

25. no longer = not ... anylonger no more = not …any more 不再

26. be angry with sb. 生某人的气 be angry at sth. 对某事生气

27. get back 找回;要回 

28. make mistakes 犯错

29. tell sb. to dosth. tell sb. not to do sth.

30. tell sb. the truth 告诉某人真相 = to be honest 说实话

31. at least 至少 at most 至多

32. apologise to sb. for (doing) 因某事向某人道歉 =make an apololgy to sb. for(doing) sth.

33. pay the bill 付钱;

34. offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事

35. warn sb. (not) to dosth. 警告某人(不要)做某事

36. by mistake 错误地

37. hurry up 快点;赶快

38. get high marks 取得高分

39. Pocket money 零花钱

40. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事

41. save up a lot of money 攒了许多钱

42. feel sorry for 为……感到遗憾 

43. get into trouble with sb. 与某人关系紧张

44. warn sb. of /about (doing) sth. 警告某人关于(做)某事

My mother warned me of the danger of drivingthe car. 我妈妈警告过我开车的危险性


1. sb. spend some time/money (in) doing sth 花费时间、金钱做某事

2. want (sb.) to do sth 想要(某人)做某事

3. stop sb.\sth. (from)doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

4. get into the habbit ofdoing sth. 养成做...的习惯

5. It’s +adj.(形容词)+to do sth.做某事是...的

6. as +形容词或副词的原形+as 和...一样....

7. You should +动词原形 你应该做....

8. finish doing sth 完成做某事



deal exam fail guitarshame

instrument musical habitpoint

schoolwork volunteer necessary

instead community knowledge

consider reason angry repair

least honest apologise bill


fail exam____

musical instrument__

make a deal with____

get into the habit of__

need a rest from schoolwork_

do volunteer work__

it’s necessary to do_

instead of____

increase the knowledge of_

consider… to be____

tell the truth____

come round____

go wrong____

try out____

copy… to the computer_

take …off the computer_

no longer____

be angry with____

a computer repair shop_

make mistakes____

at least____

pay the bill____

pocket money____

apologise to____

apologise for____

M6-U1 课文视频

Unit 1  If I start after dinner, I’ll finish it before I go to bed.

Dad: Tony, you\'re playing the guitar again. Have you done your homework\'?

Tony: No, not yet, but I haven\'t got much. If I start after dinner, I\'ll finish it before I go to bed.  Anyway, you wanted me to learn an instrument.

Dad: I want you to get into the habit of doing your homework as soon as you come home from school. If you start now, you\'ll finish it before dinner.

Tony: Yes, but I need a rest from schoolwork. I also want to go to the library to do volunteer work.

Dad: So you\'re not going to do your home work now?

Tony: No, it isn’t necessary to do it now. I\'ll do it later.

Dad: That\'s a shame. I really don\'t think you should go to the library so much.

Tony: Why not? I can work in the library and I\'m also able to read books there.

Dad: No deal, Tony. If you do all these other things instead of your homework, you won\'t have time to study.

Tony: You mean you don\'t want me to help the community and increase my knowledge of the world?

Dad: That\'s not the point. You should consider what the most important thing is. I don\'t want you to fail your exams.

Tony: But.....

Dad: You can\'t do anything before you finish your homework. I\'m sorry, but that\'s my last word.

M6-U2 课文视频

Unit 2  If you tell him the truth now, you will show that you are honest.

Do you have a problem? Write to Diana at New Standard Magazine and ask for her advice.

Dear Diana,

Last week, my friend David came round with a new computer game and asked to play it on my dad’s computer. I was worried, because I should ask my dad before I use his computer. He uses it for his work, and I can only use it for my homework. The reason is that he thinks it will go wrong if I play games on it.

  Well, while my dad was out, we decided to try out David\'s game. We copied it to the computer, and after we finished playing, we took it off the computer. However, when I started the computer again to check if everything was OK, some of my dad\'s documents were missing. Then, when my dad used the computer last night, he was really angry. He could no longer find the documents anywhere! They were very important ones.

  I did not tell him about the computer game because I did not want him to be angry with me. Now I feel terrible. I am not sure whether a computer engineer can get the documents back. Should I tell him about the computer game?

  Should I pay to repair it?



Dear Steve,

  Oh, dear! You have made two mistakes. It is bad enough that you used your dad\'s computer to play games when he told you not to. And it is even worse that you did not tell him about it. If you tell him the truth now, he will be angry with you, but at least you will show that you are honest.

  You should apologise to your father. You should also pay the bill to repair the computer. If you offer to give up your pocket money, your father will realise that you are very sorry.

  Remember, next time, play football with David and not computer games!

Best wishes.




