
新起点五年级英语下册Revision 1 朗读+知识点

班班通平台 班班通教学系统 2021-12-24





Unit 1 Keeping healthy

Unit 2 Special days

Unit 3 Making contact

 Revision 1 

Revision 1 知识点

Let\\\\\\\'s Review 回顾

A Listen and number. 听,写数字。


A: It\\\\\\\'s time for PE class. 该上体育课了。

B: Can I stay in the classroom, Mr Wu? 吴老师,我可以待在教室吗?



She cooks delicious food for us every year. 每年她都给我们做美味的食物。


Let\\\\\\\'s Spell 拼写

A Look, listen and write. 看,听和写。

Word Caterpillar 词语毛毛虫



heavy 重的

ready 准备好的

bread 面包



train 火车

tree 树

trip 旅行



draw 绘画

drink 喝

dress 连衣裙



high 高的

right 正确的;右边

light 灯


B Listen and write. 听听写写。


feather 羽毛

sigh 叹气

triangle 三角形

drum 鼓

tractor 拖拉机

bread 面包

driver 司机

light 灯


Stroy Time 故事时间

A Let\\\\\\\'s read. 阅读

The Animals Who Play Music 演奏音乐的动物


One day, a cow leaves his home on a farm. 一天,一头牛离开了它在农场的家。

He can play the horn. 它会吹号。

He wants to play music in the town. 它想要在城里演奏音乐。


On the way to the town, the cow sees a dog doing the dishes. 去城里的路上,牛看见一只狗在做碟子。

The cow asks the dog, 牛问狗,

"Do you want to play music in the town with me?" “你想和我一起进城演奏音乐吗?”

"Sure, I\\\\\\\'d love to. But first, I have to get my drum." “当然,我很想去。不过,首先我得拿我的鼓。”

"Hurry!" says the cow. “赶快!”牛说。

"We can play music together." “我们可以一起演奏音乐。”


The cow and the dog walk to the town. 牛和狗往城里走。

On their way, they see a cat clearing a table. 在路上,他们看见一只猫在清理桌子。

The cow asks the cat, 牛问猫,

"Do you want to play music in the town with us?" “你想和我们一起进城演奏音乐吗?”

"Sure, I\\\\\\\'d love to. But first, I have to get my bells." “当然,我很想去。不过,首先我得拿我的铃铛。”

"Hurry!" says the cow. “赶快!”牛说。

"We can play music together." “我们可以一起演奏音乐。”


In the town, they see some robbers going into a house. 在城里,他们看见一些强盗进了一个房子。

"What should we do?" they ask. “我们该怎么办?”他们问。

The dog says, "I exercise every day, so I am strong. 狗说,“我每天都锻炼,所以我强壮。

I should catch the robbers." 我应该去抓强盗。”

The cat says, "I drink milk every day, so I am strong. 猫说,“我每天喝牛奶,所以我强壮。

I should catch the robbers." 我应该去抓强盗。”


The cow says, "I have an idea! 牛说,“我有个主意!

We should frighten the robbers away. 我们应该把强盗吓跑。

We are going to give a concert. 我们来举办音乐会。

I am going to play my horn. 我来吹号。

Dog, you are going to play your drum. 狗,你来敲鼓。

Cat, you are going to play your bells." 猫,你来摇铃铛。”


The three friends start to play music. 三个朋友开始演奏音乐了。

They get louder and louder. 它们声音越来越大。

Everyone in the town comes to the concert. 城里的人们都来看音乐会。

The robbers hear the music and the people. 强盗们听到了音乐和人们。

They\\\\\\\'re frightened. 他们害怕了。

They quickly run away from the town. 他们赶快从城里跑掉了。


The cow, the dog and the cat now have a new home in the town. 牛,狗和猫现在在城里有了一个新家。

Every day, people in the town can hear them playing the horn, the drum and the bells. 每天,城里的人们都能听到它们吹号,敲鼓和摇铃铛。




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