

朱旭峰 治理学术 2022-05-11



Asian Journal of Political Science杂志在2017年第3期出版一期由主编Kilkon Ko和清华公共管理学院教授朱旭峰联合担任特邀主编的专刊:“亚洲政策与决策中的试验”。

文献来源Special Section: Policy Experiment and Public Administration in Asia, Guest editors: Kilkon Ko and Xufeng Zhu, Asian Journal of Political Science2017, 25(3)257-349.


文献来源KO, Kilkon; SHIN, Kayoung. How Asian countries understand policy experiment as policy pilots?. Asian Journal of Political Science, 2017, 25(3): 253-265.

ABSTRACT: Policymaking based on the classical experimental design is regarded as a golden rule in the field of public policy. Despite the methodological superiority of randomized control experiment, the practices of policy experiment differ across countries, reflecting the different intentions of policymakers. This paper reviews how policy experiments arepractised in Asian countries, especially Korea, China, and Singapore. As ourreview suggests, the term ‘policy pilot’ is preferred to ‘experiment’ as the former is considered as an exemplar proposed by the central government. At the same time, the selection of pilot sites depends on central government’s political and practical (rather than methodological) consideration. Moreover, the utilization of policy pilots does not solely depend on the success of thepilot programme or the effect size per se. As the policymaking process is a complex endeavor involving multiple streams of actors, resources, and solutions, Asian countries use policy pilot results to get ideas on how different actors respond to policy, instead of a determinant of policy decision.Therefore, we conclude that Asian countries emphasize less the rigorousness of experimental design than the possibility of pragmatic utilization of policy pilots.

KEYWORDS: Policy Pilot, Experiment, Knowledge Utilization




文献来源Zhu, Xufeng. (2017). Inter-regional diffusion of policy innovation in China: A comparative case study. Asian Journal of Political Science, 25(3): 266-286.

ABSTRACT: Classic theoretical research on the diffusion of policy innovation is usually based on decentralized democratic regimes. However, in authoritarian centralized countries such as China, questions such as, ‘What are the driving forces and the structural dynamics behind local government policy innovation andinter-regional diffusion?’ and ‘How do the governmental structural factors lead to the different patterns of diffusion of policy innovation across local governments?’ are interesting research topics. The theoretical framework proposed in this study highlights the roles of the contingent vertical and horizontal governmental relations in innovation diffusion. I extract two key properties: vertical mandatory intervention from the central government and horizontal political competition among peer governments. This research uses four models to develop a new typology of the inter-regional diffusion of policy innovation in China: (1) the enlightenment model, (2) the championship model,(3) the designation model, and (4) the recognition model. A comparative case study is conducted in this research, with four policy cases showing that China has developed diversified mechanisms to encourage local governments to perform policy innovation and inter-regional diffusion.

KEYWORDS: Policy innovation, inter-regional diffusion, verticaland horizontal governmental relations, China, comparative case study




文献来源LEE, Celia; MA, Liang; ZHOU, Yishu. The changing dynamics of policy experiment in Singapore: does the 2011 general election makea difference?. Asian Journal of Political Science, 2017, 25(3): 287-306.

ABSTRACT: The city-state of Singaporeis proactive in harnessing policy experimentation to incubate innovations, transfer knowledge and facilitate collaborations across different public sectors. Given the country’s strong knack for pragmatism, international practices and lessons are usually first tested and adapted in policy experiments before scaling up to nationwide policies. Singapore’s practice of policy experimentation, however, has also demonstrated evolution over time. This article reviews the evolving role of experimentation in Singapore’s policy decision-making and implementation, and analyses pilot programmes in public housing to elicit the key attributes and commonalities of its policy experiments. It finds that policy experiments have been increasingly used after the 2011 general election, which witnessed a radical political rebalancing in Singapore’s governance history. Pilot projects have thus transformed from autilitarian to citizen-centric, design-thinking approach after 2011. Pilot programmes are used for multiple purposes in policy innovations, among which civil service mentoring, knowledge transfer and cross-boundary collaboration are the values primarily pursued. The article discusses the contributions ofthe findings to the literature and policy implications for practitioners.

KEYWORDS: Policy experimentation, Singapore, Collaboration, Knowledge transfer, Pilot programmes




文献来源CHEN, Bo, et al. Local climate governance and policy innovation in China: a case study of a piloting emission trading scheme in Guangdong province. Asian Journal of Political Science, 2017, 25(3): 307-327.

ABSTRACT: This paper investigates how piloting programmes in China can promote local policy innovations. By using one of the piloting emission trading schemes (ETS) in Guangdong province as a case study, it is argued that the main features of the piloting experiments, particularly in the climate change domain, are largely different from previous local marketization experiments that dominate the reform period of China. Whereas previous experiments are often characterized as bottom-up or indigenous initiatives with strong patronage relations to the pro-reform politicians at central level, the current piloting programmes are often craftedin a top-down fashion that is often misaligned with local market or corporate interests. Hence, local policy innovations are designed, developed and brokered by the local state officers, in order to bridge this central–local interest gap. As a result, successful implementation of these policy innovations largely depends on local political traditions, bureaucratic culture and perceptions of distinctive development needs.

KEYWORDS:Policy Experiments, Policy Innovation, Emission Trading, Carbon Markets, Climate Governance, Climate Policy, China




文献来源Jung, Haeil, & Zhang, Ruodan. (2017). Impacte valuations in South Korea and China. Asian Journal of Political Science, 25(3): 328-349.

ABSTRACT: While evidence-based policy-making is increasingly in demand, as new policies are required to bring effective results to targeted groups in South Korea and China, few studies have investigated the progress of quantitative impact evaluation that focuses on causality. This paper studies the trends of quantitative impact evaluation of public policy in South Korea and China by surveying major public administration and public policy journals in these two countries from 2000 to 2015. Among published articles in the major journals, our study pool includes research articles directly related to quantitative impact evaluation. Our study foundthat there has been considerable progress in impact evaluation research in South Korea and China in both data quality and empirical methods. However, empirical impact evaluation still comprises a small fraction (only one to two percent) of all research in public administration and public policy in both countries. We also found limited discussion on the selection mechanism and related bias in South Korea even in recent years, while causality and selection bias have been more commonly discussed in China. Also, advanced empirical methods are more frequently observed in journal articles in China than those in South Korea.

KEYWORDS: Impact Evaluations, Quantitative Methods, Social Experiments, Natural Experiments, Causality












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