Aslightly abbreviated version of this post onOctober 9, 2015, and it is the first of series of three on the ride sharingbusiness. In the second post, I value Lyft, the other ride sharing company, andalso look at how ride sharing companies globally are being priced. In the thirdand final post, I look at ride sharing as a business and at four possiblescenarios for its evolution. Those posts will also appear in TechCrunch overthe next two weeks and will be reproduced here soon after.
本篇文章的缩略版本于2015年10月9日被刊登在了Techcrunch上,同时这篇文章也是关于拼车行业的几篇连载中的第一篇。 在第二篇文章里,我对Lyft(另外一家拼车公司)进行了估值,同时也对拼车公司在全球范围内的估值进行了研究分析。在第三篇和最后一篇中,我着重分析了拼车这一商业模式以及在这场拼车革命中可能出现的四种情况。
It seems like ages ago, and perhaps even in a far-off galaxy, that , but it was in June of 2014.One reason it seems like a lot of time has elapsed is that Uber has managed tobe in the news, for good and bad reasons, almost all through this period. Witheach news story, the response is either rapturous or funereal, depending on theresponder’s prior views on the company. Given how eventful this last year hasbeen, I think it is time for me to revisit my estimates, eat some humble pieand redo my valuation.
A look back
I became interested in Uberafter reading a that indicated that ithad been valued at $17 billion in a venture capital round. I posted my firstvaluation of Uber in June 2014, viewing it as an urban car service company,with local (but not global) networking benefits. Assuming that it wouldincrease the size of the urban car service market by about 40%, whilepreserving its low capital-investment business model, I valued Uber at justunder $6 billion.
While some in the VC communitywere quick to dismiss the valuation, I will remain grateful to BillGurley where he took me to taskfor having too narrow a vision of Uber’s business model. In his counternarrative, he argued that Uber was not just urban (it could create inroads insuburbia), not just a car service (it was in logistics & transportation)and that it was working with other businesses to create global networkingbenefits. Since Bill, as an early investor in Uber with access to its internalworkings, clearly knew far more about the company than I did, I and arrived at $54billion as the value that reflected the narrative.
I was then taken to task byvalue investors who took issue with the value changing so dramatically from myassessment to his, and my response was that this was exactly what you shouldexpect, early in the life of a company, where there is room for widelydivergent narratives, and values that reflect these divergences. In December2014, I tried to show this by creating a , where I let readers choose Uber’s market (urban car service, all carservice, logistics or mobility services), the effect it would have on thatmarket’s size (from none to doubling it), the competitive advantages that woulddetermine its cut of the ride receipts (from the existing 20% down to 5%), thenetworking benefits it would have (none, local, partial global, global) andbusiness model (from its current no capital intensity to higher capitalinvestments), and derived values for Uber, ranging from less than $1 billion toclose to $100 billion.
The news keeps coming…
As I noted at the top of thispost, it is an understatement to say that Uber has been in the news. Each weekbrings more Uber stories, with some containing good news for those who believethat the company is on a glide path to a $100 billion IPO, and some containingbad news, which evoke predictions of catastrophe from Uber doubters. For me,the test with each news story is to see how that story affects my narrative forUber, and by extension, my estimate of its value. In keeping with thisperspective, I broke the news stories down based upon narrative parts andvaluation inputs.
TheTotal Market
The news on the car service market has been mostly positive, indicating thatthe market is broader, bigger, growing faster and more global than I thought itwas, even a year ago.
1.Not just urban and muchbigger: While car service remains most popular in the urban areas, it is makinginroads into and . The evidence for this liesnot only in anecdotal evidence and the market capitalizations commanded by ridesharing companies, but also in the numbers that have been leaked by thesecompanies. A put Uber’s gross billings for 2015 at $10.84billion. It is true that these are unofficial and may have some hype built intothem, but even if that number over estimates revenues by 20% or 25%, thatrepresents a jump of 400% from 2014 levels.
2.Drawing in new customers: One reason for the increasein the car service market is that it is drawing in customers who would neverhave taken been in this market in the first place. While the evidence for thisis still mostly anecdotal, another indicates that ride sharinghas created a market three to four times larger that the original taxi cab/limo market in San Francisco, the city with the longest history with new ridesharing services. While San Francisco is unusual in terms of the highproportion of its population that is young, tech-savvy and single, the argumentthat ride sharing is increasing the size of the market elsewhere, though not tothe same magnitude that it did in the Bay Area, seems to be a solid one.
3.With more diverse offerings: The other reason for thejump in the size of the ride sharing market is that it is no longer just a cabservice, but instead has expanded to include alternatives that expand choices,reduce costs () or increase flexibility.
4.And going global: The biggest stories on ridesharing came out of Asia, as the ride sharing market has exploded in that partof the world, and especially so in and . That should really come asno surprise since these countries offers the trifecta for ride sharingopportunities: large urban populations, with limited car ownership and bad masstransit systems.
四. 不断全球化:最大的拼车服务市场来自亚洲。拼车服务市场在全世界遍地开花,尤其在印度和中国。说实话我们对这一点完全不惊讶,毕竟这些亚洲国家城镇人口巨大同时私家车拥有量有限,交通系统也是一团乱麻,这些都为拼车服务公司提供了机遇和市场。
The bad news on the carservice market front has come mostly in the form of , regulatory bans and . may be the latest cityto restrict Uber, but it is part of a . Even that bad news, though,contains seeds of good news, since the status quo would not be trying so hardto stop the upstarts, if ride sharing was not working. In my view, the attemptsby taxi operators, regulators and politicians to stop the ride sharing servicesreek of desperation, and the markets seem to reflect that. Not only havethe in New York city droppedsignificantly in the last year, but so has the price of NYC cab medallions,dropping almost 40% in value (roughly $5 billion in the aggregate) in the lasttwo years. While auto sales may not have been affected materially yet, thereare worries that there will be a , as people replace a"second" car or even a "first" car with ride sharingservices.
In my December post, I notedthe possibility that Uber could move into other businesses. The good news isthat it has delivered on this promise, offering in Hong Kong and NewYork, and in Los Angeles. The badnews is that it , partly because these aresmaller businesses (than ride sharing) and partly because the competition ismore organized. However, these new businesses have moved from just beingpossible to plausible, thus expanding the total market.
Bottomline: The total market for Uber is bigger than the urban car service marketthat I visualized in June 2014, and will attract new customers, and expand innew markets (with Asia becoming the focus), and perhaps even in new businesses.
Networking & Competitive Advantage (MarketShare and revenue sharing)
The news on this front is moremixed. The good news is that the ride sharing companies have increased the costof entry into the market, with tactics such as paying large amounts to driversas sweeteners to sign up. In the US, , and some of the competitors from last year have either faded away orbeen unable to keep up with these two. Outside the US, the good news for Uberis that it is not only in the mix almost everywhere in the world but that Lyfthas, at least for the moment, decided to stay in its expansionchoices.
The bad news for Uber is that,especially in Asia, , and that it is fightingagainst domestic ride sharing companies that dominate these markets, in India, in China and in South East Asia. Someof the domestic company dominance can be attributed to these companies beingfirst movers and understanding local markets better, but some of it alsoreflects that the market is tilted (by , regulation and politics)towards local players. There is even talk, though it may be just that,that to create a that can share resourcesand users, though the news story, two weeks ago, that adds heft to the thesis. To add to the mix, all ofthese ride sharing companies have been able to , reducing the significantcash advantage that Uber had earlier in the process.
No matter how this processplays out, one of the key numbers that will be (and in some cases is already)under pressure, due to this more intense competition, is the sharing of thegross billing, currently set at 80% for the driver and 20% for the ride sharingbusiness. In many US cities, where Lyft is challenging Uber most aggressively,Lyft is already offering drivers the opportunity to keep all of theirearnings, . While the threat of mutually assured destruction has kept both companiesfrom directly challenging the 80/20 sharing rule, it is only a matter of timebefore that changes.
Bottomline: The ride sharing market is becoming competitive, but as costs of entryrise and the capital requirements become intense, it looks like this will be amarket with fewer players with larger regional networking benefits and morecapital.
This is the area where the most bad news has been delivered. Some of thepain has been from within the ride sharing business, as companies have taken tooffering larger and larger up-front payments to drivers to get them to switchfrom competitors, pushing up this component of costs. Much of the costpressure, though, has come from outside:
1.Drivers as partialemployees: Early in the summer, the of the company, notindependent contractors. That ruling was further affirmed by a , and it is likely that therewill be other jurisdictions where this fight will continue. While ride sharingcompanies may be able to delay the effect, it is almost inevitable that at theend of the process, drivers for ride sharing companies , entitled to some (if notall) of the benefits of employees (leading to higher costs for ride sharingcompanies).
2.The insurance blind spotwill be filled: The other shoe that is poised to drop is the cost of car insurance. Ridesharing companies in their nascent years have been able to exploit the holes inauto insurance contracting, often just having to add supplemental insurance tothe insurance that drivers already have. As both and try to fix this gap, itis very likely that drivers for ride sharing companies will soon have to buymore expensive insurance and that ride sharing companies will have to bear aportion of that cost.
3.Fighting the empire is notcheap: Earlier in this post, I noted that the status quo (the taxi businessand its regulators) was fighting back and that its cause was hopeless. However,the fight will still be expensive as the , as new fronts open up.
The evidence that costs are running far ahead of revenues again comes fromleaked documents from the ride sharing companies. This one, for instance, showsthat and in , the contribution margins(the profits after covering just variable costs) by city not only reveal bigdifferences across cities, but are uniformly low (ranging from a high of 11.1%in Stockholm and Johannesburg to 3.5% in Seattle).
Bottom line: The costs of running aride sharing business are high, and while some of these costs will drop, asbusiness scales up, the operating margins are likely to be smaller than Ianticipated just over a year ago.
CapitalIntensity and Risk
The business model that Iassumed when I first valued Uber was minimalist in its capital investmentrequirements, since Uber not only does not own the cars driven by its driversbut invests little in corporate offices or infrastructure. That translated intoa high capital turnover ratio, with a dollar in capital generating five dollarsin additional revenues. While that basic business model has not changed, ridesharing companies are recognizing one of the downsides of this low capitalintensity model is that it has increased competition on other fronts. Thus, thehigh costs that Uber and Lyft are paying can be viewed as aconsequence of the business models that they have adopted, where drivers arefree agents who are not bound to either company.
For the moment, there is nosign that any of the ride sharing companies is interested in altering thedynamics of this model, by either upping its investment in infrastructure or inthe cars themselves, but this news story about Uber hiring away the may be suggestive of changeto come.
Bottom line: Ride sharing companieswill continue with the low capital intensity model, for the moment, but thesearch for a competitive edge may result in a more capital intense model,requiring more investment to deliver sustainable growth.
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