
以爱战“疫”|暗夜里,他们点亮希望的灯火Love conquers all: Igniting lights of hope!

市场传播部 海嘉国际双语学校BIBA 2020-08-31

  01 创新教育,拉近距离  



生活在美国科罗拉多州丹佛市的Jack Kriss和Laura Kriss, 是对夫妻,他们是我们中学部的二位老师。这个假期,他们回到自己美国的家中。但因为疫情令他们和其他的国际教师一样,无法如期返回到学生身边。丹佛距离北京8500公里,时差为15个小时。对于学生以及Kriss夫妇而言,线上教学是一件很新鲜也很值得去尝试的教学方式。线上教学平台让距离不再成为阻碍,甚至他们发现当他们用英文讲课的时候,对面居然可以同步显示中文,这一新变化虽然并不被提倡,但确实是很神奇的一件事。




  02 每天,面对空无一人的教室上课  


还有部分国际教师在这个假期选择留在了中国。这对他们而言,他们同我们一样,是这场疫情的亲历者。Paul Thompson的几何课程他选择在学校完成。每天来学校录教学视频成为他生活中不可或缺的事情。教室里空无一人,但这并没有影响他的教学计划和热情。面对没有学生的Paul,摄像头就是他学生“坐”着的地方。他的课程甚至在整个年级都形成了一个热潮,课堂以外的时间里,同年级的学生都将他的录像记录作为自己学习的辅助资料,这让课堂上的教学得以延续。

  03 这里是澳大利亚国立美术馆  





Sophie 创作的战“疫”系列作品

对于不同的艺术家,有着不同的表达方式,而Sophie Hurst是一位英国绘画艺术家,她同时也是我们中学部的艺术教师。在整个假期里,她一直在不断地创作。元旦之际,她曾和几位北京的中国女艺术家一起做了一个画展。在不久前,她又完成了一个与‘战’疫相关的系列作品,反映疫情当前人们身处艰难逆境的心情变化及如何努力应对危机,迎接胜利。从恐惧无助,祈求救治,到感受关爱和支持以及到坚定地积极面对,浴火重生,所有的跌宕起伏都在明暗交织的细腻笔触下表述出来。这让我们感觉到治愈的力量,逆境处人与人之间团结的力量,爱的力量。

附:Sophie在Vivian Speaking 节目接受采访:http://mudu.tv/watch/4719646

  05. 爱,家,幸福,一堂美好的幸福课程  


上周幸福课程主题是:致敬逆行! 通过PPT讲解、观看视频, 每个孩子通过同样的视频方式认识这场疫情,以及对医护工作人员的行业认识。表达自己的感受,你有什么愿望,祝福。于是孩子们留下了这样的一段留言视频:

  06. 校长之音:一个长久的陪伴  



爱,是最长情的陪伴,在这特殊的时期里,请让我们陪你一同度过这岁月,一同守护身边的人,在孤独的岁月中学会勇敢。最后,让我们以9年级Tommy最新创作的曲目《恶魔·DEMONS》结束今天的微信,那些捍卫生活的人终将取得胜利,让我们带着爱出发, 一同回“嘉”。



01.   Getting Creative to Teach in China 

Innovation has changed our way of teaching

Jack and Laura Kriss, a couple from Denver, Colorado are two teachers currently working in the Middle School/High School at BIBA. During the holidays, they returned home to the States. Due to the epidemic, they were withheld, like some other international teachers from returning to their students in Beijing. Denver is 8,500 kilometers away from Beijing and 15 hours behind. For the Kriss couple and their students, online teaching is a new and worthwhile way to try things out. The online learning platform has made the distance less of a hindrance and it was even found that while they were teaching in English, simultaneously the Chinese language was displayed at the receiving end. Although this display of translation is not recommended, the technology itself is indeed amazing.

Thanks to the online teaching option, students are not suspended from learning during the epidemic. On the contrary, this approach has injected new vitality in their learning experience from a different perspective, There's nothing better for a teacher than being able to see their students interacting online and answering their questions. Technology facilitates human communication and also shortens the distance between us.

Fox News (Fox 31 Channel 2) picked up on this innovative way of teaching and made a report showing Mr. and Mrs. Kriss in action. Although the COVID-19 virus is spreading, good things continue to offer more hope...

The international teachers of BIBA come from 26 countries and regions, and almost all the front-line teachers are now involved in the online classroom program. They are scattered around the world, near and far from BIBA, and in various time zones across the globe, yet with the same desire of returning to their students. Online classes break the geographical and temporal restrictions with much innovation and many opportunities created.

02.   Teaching in an empty classroom

Teaching in an empty classroom everyday, I am not alone.

For those international teachers who chose to stay in China during the holiday, they are as much the witness of the Epidemic as the Chinese are. Paul Thompson chose to teach his Geometry classes at school. Coming to school every day to record the teaching videos has become an indispensable part of his life now. The empty classroom is no barrier for conducting his teaching plan and his enthusiasm. The camera is where his students virtually sit. His class even became a hit among the students in the same grade. The videos are used as a supplementary study material after school hours, which enable learning to continue.

03.   Here is the National Gallery of Australia

If not for the outbreak, there might not have been a live lecture across time and space. One art class brought us to the National Gallery of Australia. Australia has also suffered from natural disasters recently, and is now coming back to life. Vivien is BIBA’s good friend and an excellent sculptor who visited the School last year in a one-week-long academic exchange program for the BIBA students, parents and teachers. This time her live class, as teamwork with the BIBA art teacher Ms D'Ambrosio, was presented in the National Gallery and gave this art class a wider perspective.

04.   The power of the artist’s voice

——Be thankful in adversity 

Sophie‘s artwork

For different artists, there are different methods of expression. Sophie Hurst, a British artist who also works as an IB art teacher at BIBA, continued to create art throughout the holiday. On New Year’s Day, she had a group exhibition together with several Chinese female artists working in Beijing. Recently, responding to the outbreak of the epidemic, she completed a series of artworks reflecting people’s emotional journey during this difficult time: the despair from the initial shock and prayer for acceptance positively, the feeling of being loved and supported, and finally the hope of re-birth. All the ups and downs were recorded and expressed through sharply contrasting colors and delicate brush-strokes which empower the viewers with healing, unity and love.

Attached is Sophie’s interview on the “Vivian Speaking” show http://mudu.tv/watch/4719646

  05. Love, family, happiness,   

  a well-done well-being class  


Children's words represent their direct and truthful thoughts.  

The topic of the last week’s well-being class was 'Salute to the trail-blazing heroes'. Through PPTs and video watching, every student learned about the epidemics and the work situation of all the medical and health care professionals. To express their feelings and best wishes, the children sent a video with this message:

06.   The Voice of the Principal,  

  continuous accompaniment  

“Dear students, are you all right? I miss you all very much.” When Dr. Pang presented his first message of greeting to the students, it resonated soundly in the BIBA community, as if seeing his smiling face and greeting at the school gate every morning. Now this has been transferred to an online version, which enables the children to still see his loving face, and hear his voice and greeting every day. Love, family, happiness, this is the longest and most affectionate expression from our dear Dr. Pang.

Love is a constantly our companion. In this unusual time, we are by your side as you reflect and live your dream, and to reassure your courage.We are going to wrap up this article by sharing 9th Grader Tommy's new song: ‘DEMONS’.It is heart-warming to know we are all walking together, and looking forward to a long-awaited return to the BIBA campus.


以爱战“疫” | 危难至,不彷徨 Love conquers, no space for vacillation

校长之声| 第004期: 为什么我们要戴口罩? Why do we have to wear a Mask?

