本文是波黑前总理兹拉特科·拉古姆季亚(Zlatko Lagumdzija)通过人大重阳给中国朋友们的一封来信,高度赞赏中国为抗击疫情所作出的努力,并肯定中国在这场战斗中再一次以出色的组织和应急能力为世界树立了榜样。中文版由杨清清、张灏筠翻译,刊于2月9日中国日报网;英文版刊于CGTN & CHINA DAILY。
兹拉特科·拉古姆季亚(Zlatko Lagumdzija)视频
拥有共同的领导、共同的价值观、共同的安全、共同的责任、共同的利益和共同的未来愿景。即使全世界都十分清醒,我也能在这种严峻的形势下看到希望。中国人民的团结一心、共同对付这种可怕病毒的意愿,以及寻求解决、治愈和拯救生命的巨大愿望,都给予了我希望,也让我对中国人民致以最崇高的敬意。你们不仅要对抗未知的致命病毒,还要对抗无知、自私、偏见,甚至假新闻,它们有时传播速度比流行病还快。在这场战斗中,中国再一次以其出色的组织能力和应急能力为世界树立了榜样。中国再次以身作则地表明它正在变得更为强大,而且不论顺境逆境,从未停滞不前。中国五千年的文化积淀、无私奉献和以智慧积累为基础的团结,以及过去四十年在消除贫困和建设全球卓越知识中心方面所取得的史无前例的巨大增长,都使我对中国赢得这场战斗的能力充满信心。我相信,不久的将来,中国与新型冠状病毒的斗争将成为人类命运共同体的又一基石。这将是中国几千年文化积淀和近年来在全球消除贫困、经济和技术高度发展方面所取得重大成就的必然结果。我相信,在习近平主席的领导下,中国有力量战胜这一流行病,克服人类共同面临的挑战。我相信,美好的未来就在前方,这是尊严和渴望繁荣的未来所带来的决心。我相信,我们可以从自私和短暂的黑暗中走出来,走向光明的未来,为我们共同的未来做出正确的选择。最后,我要用另一位伟大的诗人的至理名言向你们致敬。“人间大小事,有其潮汐把握涨潮,则万事无阻;错过了,一生的航程就困于浅滩与苦楚。” ——威廉·莎士比亚
兹拉特科·拉古姆季亚(Zlatko Lagumdzija)A letter to China: After the rain, the sun comes up
My dear friends, colleagues, people of China, people who are suffering and struggling with coronavirus that is deadly menacing while lurking in the darkness. First, as a friend of China and Chinese people, I am paying my deepest condolences for the lives lost under this epidemic. I want to share with you the most profound respect for all you do under such a terrible and almost impossible of circumstances.Your courage and patience, hard work and empathy, knowledge and wisdom is not only hope for saving your great nation but for the rest of the world as well. Today you are the first line of global defense of humanity under the grim shadow of the novel pandemic.This is not a fight for your future. We are not in battle for our individual or our nation's future. Coronavirus is tempting all of us today. Are we ready, willing and capable for having a shared future or not having future at all?'By falling we learn to go safely'The coronavirus does not care about our borders, our norms and rules, our economic or political disputes. We are all confronted with a deadly threat. This is not the first but it can be one of the last viruses threatening us if we do not act together. A fight against viruses like this is our common threat but it is also an opportunity to collectively come together.Even when the world is wide awake and aware, I see hope in this serious situation. The unity of China and willingness to tackle this horrible virus, its huge desire to find a solution or the cure to save lives, give me a hope and also a great respect for the people of China.You are fighting not only against a deadly unknown virus but against ignorance, selfishness, prejudices and even fake news that are sometimes spreading faster than a pandemic.In this battle you have set, once again, an example to the world with your excellent organizational and emergency response capabilities, and even in situations when it looks like all hopes are gone.'Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid of standing still'China is showing by example again that it is not only about growth, but never standing still, in good times or bad.Your 5,000 years of accumulated culture, selfless dedication and unity based on accumulated wisdom, and the last four decades of historically unrecorded enormous growth directed in eradicating poverty while building the knowledge centers of global excellency, are giving me full confidence in you capacity to win this battle.I believe that one day, soon, your struggle with the epidemic will be another building block of a shared future for mankind. It will be a logical consequence of Chinese's accumulation of thousands of years of culture and recent achievements in global poverty eradication, economic and technological heights.I'm sure that China has a strength under the leadership of President Xi Jinping to prevail over this epidemic and overcome the challenges confronting all of us. Determination driven by force of shared future in dignity and prosperity for all, is the reason why I believe that better days are ahead.I believe that you and we can make right choices for our shared future by getting out of selfishness and short term darkness to the brighter days to come together.'After the rain, the sun comes up'For closing, I will salute you with another great poet's wise words. "There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures," quoted from William Shakespeare.