
意大利公投?总理辞职? 贵圈真乱 [E544]

2016-12-05 LearnAndRecord


Italian Premier Renzi to quit after No wins referendum

05 DECEMBER, 10:25

ROME - The Italian interior ministry[意大利内政部] said Monday that 19,419,507 people voted No in Sunday's Constitutional referendum, 59.11% of the total who cast ballots[投票] in Italy and abroad. It said 13.432.208, or 40.89%, voted YesTurnout[投票人数;投票率] was 65.47%, the ministry said.

Premier Matteo Renzi has said he will hand his resignation to President Sergio Mattarella on Monday after the No vote won Sunday's Constitutional referendum. The outgoing[即将卸任的] premier told a news conference he took "all the responsibility" after his government's Constitutional reform was rejected by close to 60% of voters.

The Italian people had spoked "in a clear, unequivocal[1] way" he said. "We took this reform to the vote, we weren't convincing, but we leave with no regrets," Renzi told reporters. "As was clear from the start, my experience in government finishes here... I'm proud that of the opportunity the government gave the citizens to express themselves about the reform. Many people came closer to the Constitution (as a result)." Renzi has said that it is up to those who backed the No vote to make a proposal for a new election law.

[1]unequivocal [.ʌnɪ'kwɪvək(ə)l]

total, or expressed in a clear and certain way 完全的;表达明确的;毫不含糊的

The prime minister, he said, had the party's unequivocal support.


"The No leaders have honours and obligations, starting with the responsibility to propose an election law," Renzi told a news conference. "We expect serious, credible proposals".

Beppe Grillo, the leader of the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S), called for immediate elections after Premier Renzi announced he was resigning following Sunday's victory for the No camp in the Constitutional referendum. "Goodbye Renzi," Grillo wrote on his blog. "(Now) the Italian people must be called on to vote as soon as possible. The fastest, most realistic and concrete (option) to vote at once is to vote with the law that's there - the Italicum".

Northern League leader Matteo Salvini said Monday that he was ready for new elections as soon as possible "with any election law" after Premier Renzi announced he was quitting following defeat in Sunday's Constitutional referendum. "I don't think Italy can afford months of debate on a new election law," he added when asked about Renzi's call for the No front to propose a new election system.

Former Premier Silvio Berlusconi's opposition centre-right[中右翼] Forza Italia[2] (FI) party said Monday that the whole of parliament had the job of formulating a proposal for a new election law[制定新的选举法提案] to replace the Italicum. "I'd like to say to Renzi that the honour of reform the election law is not down to us, but to the whole parliament, the parties of the ruling majority and the of the opposition," FI Lower House whip[(某党)议员领袖;组织秘书] Renato Brunetta said.

[2]Forza Italia:意大利力量党(2008年与其他中右翼政党联合组成自由人民党。)






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