

2017-01-24 LearnAndRecord



TPP(Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement),即为跨太平洋伙伴关系协定,是目前重要的国际多边经济谈判组织。前身是跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定(Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement,P4)。是由亚太经济合作组织成员国中的新西兰、新加坡、智利和文莱四国发起,从2002年开始酝酿的一组多边关系的自由贸易协定,原名亚太自由贸易区,旨在促进亚太地区的贸易自由化。

Trump puts protectionism at heart of US economic policy


Financial Times


President Donald Trump signalled he would put protectionism at the heart of economic policy, withdrawing the US from a historic Pacific trade pact and threatening to punish companies for moving production overseas on his first working day in office.

唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)总统发出信号表明,他将把保护主义置于经济政策的核心。他在就职后的首个工作日将美国从一份历史性的环太平洋贸易协定撤出,并威胁要惩罚把生产迁往海外的企业。

Mr Trump said pulling out of the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership, a signature initiative of predecessor[前任] Barack Obama's "pivot[支点;枢轴;中心;中心点]" to Asia, was a "great thing for the American worker".

特朗普表示,退出12个国家签署的《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(Trans-Pacific Partnership,简称TPP),“对美国工人来说是一件天大的喜事”。TPP是他的前任巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)“转向”亚洲战略下的一个标志性举措。

His signing of the TPP executive order came shortly after he warned a White House gathering of US business executives that he would place a "very major" border tax[边境税;国境税] on companies that moved production overseas and exported products back into the country.


While Mr Trump made clear during the campaign that he would withdraw from the TPP, the move was a potent[1] signal that he will use his first days in the Oval Office to plough[2] ahead with the populist[民粹主义], antitrade[反贸易风的] agenda that catapulted[3] him to the White House.


[1]potent:very powerful, forceful, or effective 强有力的,强大的;有效力的

Surprise remains the terrorists' most potent weapon.


[2]plough:to work at something and progress slowly and steadily 开(路);破(浪)前进;刻苦前进

to dig land with a plough 耕,犁


to throw someone or something with great force 把…射出,把…弹出

When the two vehicles collided, he was catapulted forwards.


· be catapulted into sth

to suddenly experience a particular state, such as being famous 突然经历;一跃而成

The award for best actress meant that almost overnight she was catapulted into the limelight.


Mr Trump is also expected to formally tell Canada and Mexico that he wants to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, which was signed by then-president Bill ­Clinton in 1993.

预计特朗普还将正式通知加拿大和墨西哥,他想重新谈判1993年由时任总统比尔•克林顿(Bill Clinton)签署的北美自由贸易协定(NAFTA)。

Republican senator John McCain criticised the TPP move as a "serious mistake", highlighting how Mr Trump's agenda is at odds with[与…不一致;与…不和] decades of Republican trade policy. "It will create an opening for China to rewrite the economic rules at the expense of American workers," Mr McCain said. "And it will send a troubling signal of American ­disengagement in the Asia-Pacific region at a time we can least afford it."

共和党参议员约翰•麦凯恩(John McCain)批评退出TPP的举动是一个“严重错误”,突显特朗普的议程与共和党几十年来的贸易政策相悖。“这将为中国创造一个重写经济规则的机会,而让美国工人付出代价,”麦凯恩表示。“而且它将在亚太地区发出一个令人不安的美国脱离接触的信号,而目前正是我们最承受不起这一点的时候。”

Japan and several other TPP signatories - which include some of the closest US allies along the Pacific Rim[太平洋周边地区] - have vowed to press ahead with the pact.


Shinzo Abe, Japan's prime minister, told parliament yesterday that he would press the US leader to rejoin the pact. "President Trump understands the importance of free and fair trade, so I'd like to pursue his understanding on the strategic and economic importance of the TPP," Mr Abe said.

日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)昨日告诉国会,他将敦促美国领导人重新加入TPP。“特朗普总统了解自由和公平贸易的重要性,因此我想继续致力于说服他理解TPP的战略和经济重要性,”安倍表示。

Steven Ciobo, the Australian trade minister, said going forward with the remaining 10 nations still made economic sense for his country.

澳大利亚贸易部长史蒂文•乔博(Steven Ciobo)表示,与剩下的10个成员国推进TPP,对他的国家仍然具有经济意义。

In his inaugural speech on Friday, Mr Trump said the US had "made other countries rich while the wealth, strength and confidence of our country has disappeared over the horizon".


In his first White House meeting since the inauguration, Mr Trump put companies on notice that he intended to match his rhetoric with action[言行一致], telling chief executives that he would look harshly on companies that moved production out of the US. He also said those that wanted to open US plants would face fewer regulations and lower tax.


During the session, which included Elon Musk of Tesla and Marilyn Hewson of Lockheed Martin, Mr Trump said he would impose a "substantial border tax" on goods made overseas by US companies, but would offer "advantages" to those who manufactured domestically.

特朗普在会上表示,他将对美国公司在海外生产的产品征收“高额边境税”,但将为那些在境内从事制造的企业提供“优势”。与会者包括特斯拉公司(Tesla)的埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)和洛克希德•马丁公司(Lockheed Martin)的玛丽莲•休森(Marillyn Hewson)。

"A company that wants to fire all of its people in the United States and build some factory someplace else and then thinks that that product is gonna just flow across the border . . . that’s not gonna happen," he said.







