Apple addressed criticism that it throttles[1] the performance of iPhones with aging batteries to prevent device shutdowns with an apology that includes reducing the price of battery replacements by $50. The issue affects mainly the iPhone 6 series and iPhone SE.
苹果对指责其降低iPhones运行速度的批评做出了回应,公开致歉并宣布为更换电池服务降价50美元。这一问题主要影响的是iPhone 6系列和iPhone SE。
[1]throttle: to make it difficult or impossible for something to succeed
policies which are throttling many Asian economies
Accused of Slowing Old iPhones, Apple Offers Battery Discounts
Facing a barrage[2] of criticism after acknowledging the existence of a feature that can reduce the processing power of old iPhones, Apple said Thursday that it would reduce the price of battery replacements to regain customers' trust.
[2]barrage: a lot of criticism, questions, complaints etc that are said at the same time, or very quickly one after another 连珠炮似的批评[问题、投诉等]
[+ of]
a barrage of questions 连珠炮似的问题
The company's mea culpa[3] came just eight days after Apple said it had released a feature about a year ago meant to help prevent older devices — such as iPhone 6 models and iPhone SE — from unexpectedly shutting down.
苹果此番承认过失的八天前,它表示曾在约一年前推出一项功能,帮助防止旧款设备——比如iPhone 6系列和iPhone SE——突然关机。
[3]mea culpa: [‚meɪə 'kʊlpə] used humorously to admit that something is your fault 是我的过失,是我不好〔幽默用法〕
The reduction of processing power, Apple said, was necessary because older batteries could otherwise periodically overload.
But some users saw Apple's revelation as vindication of their longstanding belief that the company had been purposely slowing down old iPhones to get them to buy new ones.
In its statement on Thursday, Apple denied that it had ever — or would ever — "do anything to intentionally shorten the life of any Apple product, or degrade the user experience to drive customer upgrades."
Still, Apple apologized for what it called a "misunderstanding" and promised it would cut the price of out-of-warranty[过了保修期的] iPhone battery replacements to $29 from $79 for anyone with an iPhone 6 or later model beginning in late January; the company said the service would be available worldwide through December 2018.
苹果还宣布,将iPhone 6及其以后推出的手机保修期外的电池更换价格从79美元降至29美元,从2018年1月下旬开始持续到2018年12月末。(此处译文来源网络,非官网对应译文)
Apple also said it would soon issue a software update with new features that would allow users to more clearly see the health of their iPhone's battery.
"We know that some of you feel Apple has let you down," the company said. "We apologize."
In Thursday's statement, Apple took pains to[4] clarify what it had apparently been trying to convey last week: that rechargeable batteries become less effective as they age; that an aged battery under the duress[胁迫] of a heavy workload can cause a device to shut down unexpectedly; and that the company had released a software update about a year ago "that improves power management during peak workloads to avoid unexpected shutdowns."
在周四的声明中,苹果对它所谓的“误会”致歉,并且承诺将自一月底开始,为拥有iPhone 6或后续型号设备的用户降低质保期外iPhone电池更换的价格,从97美元降低至29美元。该公司说将在全世界范围内提供这项服务,直至2018年12月。
[4]go to/take pains to: to make a lot of effort to do something 煞费苦心/不辞劳苦做…
I went to great pains to select the best staff available.