

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26













下面,在进入正题之前,同样的,我们先来看看微信官方的英文宣传片「我微信你:世界再大不过你我之间」(I · WeChat · You:The World Within Reach)。

I · WeChat · You

The World Within Reach


WeChat connects over a billion people around the world with messaging, video chat, photo sharing, and more. As more and more people connect via mobile apps like WeChat, are we reaching out to find new friends, or are our lives more and more secluded? Are we going closer to friends and family, or are we erecting invisible walls between one another?

WeChat wants to bring you closer with the people, brands, and services you care about. At the same time, we must all be conscientious of how new ways of doing things separate us from a shared way of doing things from before.


作动词,表示“建造,建立”,英文解释为“to build something such as a building or wall”;或者是“搭建,竖起”,英文解释为“to fix all the pieces of something together, and put it in an upright position”,举个🌰:

The building was erected in 1850-1870.


也可以指“创建,确立(体系或制度)”,如:erect a system, a theory, or an institution.

作形容词时则表示“直立的,垂直的;(腰板)直的;昂首挺胸的”,英文解释为“in a straight upright position; standing with your back and neck very straight” ,举个🌰:

He's very tall and erect for his 85 years.




WeChat (literally: "micro-message") is a Chinese multi-purpose messaging, social media and mobile payment app developed by Tencent. It was first released in 2011, and by 2018 it was one of the world's largest standalone mobile apps by monthly active users, with over 1 billion monthly active users (902 million daily active users). Described as one of the world's most powerful apps by Forbes, it is also known as China's "app for everything" and a "super app" because of its wide range of functions and platforms.

Monthly active users (MAU) 月活跃用户数(月活)

Daily active users (DAU) 日活跃用户数(日活)

A WeChat logo outside Tencent office in Guangzhou, China.

纽约时报(The New York Times)2018年11月时尚(FASHION)版块的一篇讲述中国社交媒体平台(Know Your Chinese Social Media)的文章是这样介绍微信的:


If you rolled all your phone apps into one, the result would be close to WeChat.


January 2011 by Tencent, one of China's top tech companies


With one billion monthly active users, it is the most popular messaging app in China.

roll ... into one

通常用法是:be (all) rolled into one,表示“融为一体;集于一身;集于一体,合为一体”,英文解释为“If someone or something has several qualities rolled into one, the person or thing has all of those qualities.”举个🌰:

Mum was cook, chauffeur, nurse, and entertainer all rolled into one.


He is a father, sales manager, and athlete all rolled into one.



Primarily a messenger app, WeChat can be used to do everything from hailing a cab to booking a hospital appointment — and payments can be made by WeChat Pay. But WeChat is a closed platform and account holders can see only what their friends post, which means brands can interact with subscribers on a personalized level.

José Neves, founder of the e-tailer Farfetch, said at The New York Times International Luxury Conference last week in Hong Kong that, for a brand, “the first and foremost platform for your direct presence as a brand in China is WeChat.” The platform's Mini Programs, third-party “apps” that run in WeChat without requiring downloads, increased to more than one million in 2018, used by brands such as Burberry, H&M, Dior and Longchamp.


同样是纽约时报(The New York Times),2018年9月21日的这篇“为何我选择不依赖微信生活(Learning to Survive Without WeChat)”文章开头提到了微信的重要性:

WeChat has become an indispensable part of life in China. As China's answer to WhatsApp, Facebook, Uber and Apple Pay, it has combined all the functions these international brands have to offer into one phone application. People in China use it for everything from sharing updates with their friends, sending messages and group chats to organizing parties and making digital payments.

中国广州——微信已经成为在中国生活不可或缺的一部分。作为中国对WhatsApp、Facebook、优步(Uber)和苹果支付(Apple Pay)的回应,它将这些国际品牌提供的所有功能整合到一个手机应用程序中。中国人用它来做各种事:与朋友分享近况发送消息、群聊组织聚会,乃至进行数字支付

sharing updates with their friends 与朋友分享近况

sending messages and group chats 发送消息、群聊


necessary的高级版,表示“必需的,不可或缺的”,英文解释为“someone or something that is indispensable is so important or useful that it is impossible to manage without them”,举个🌰:

Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our lives.



essential 作形容词表示“至关重要的,必不可少的”(Something that is essential is extremely important or absolutely necessary to a particular subject, situation, or activity.)举个🌰:

Even in small companies, computers are an essential tool.


essential也可以指“最基本的;本质的”(the essential part, quality, or feature of something is the most basic one ),类似fundamental,举个🌰:

The essential difference between you and me was the fact that I took life seriously.


fundamental 表示“根本的;基本的;基础的”(You use fundamental to describe things, activities, and principles that are very important or essential. They affect the basic nature of other things or are the most important element upon which other things depend.)举个🌰:

We have to tackle the fundamental cause of the problem.


此外,fundamental也有“必不可少的;十分重要的/必要的”的含义(If one thing is fundamental to another, it is absolutely necessary to it, and the second thing cannot exist, succeed, or be imagined without it.)举个🌰:

Water is fundamental to survival.




◉ 经济学人:

We chat a lot

WeChat reached a new milestone of 1bn user accounts (its users often operate two accounts). Launched in 2011 by Tencent, one of China's internet giants, the Chinese social network now hosts a wide range of online services in addition to its messaging features, such as food deliveries and bank payments.

经济学人很喜欢在标题上“做文章”,故意Wechat拆成We chat,这让我想起去年11月份推送过的另一篇文章,腾讯20周年时经济学人给它起副标题是:WeFlat,看到标题,看到flat,你大概就能够猜出文中会怎么黑Tencent了。


◉ BBC:


WeChat has hit one billion monthly users for the first time, the owner of the Chinese messaging app has revealed. But it is still lagging behind Facebook-owned WhatsApp which has about 1.5 billion monthly users.

WeChat is the jewel in the crown of Chinese tech giant Tencent. But why is it so popular? Here are five reasons it has done so well.

· It's not just about messaging

· It makes paying for things simple

· Corporations love it

· It is unashamedly China-focussed

· ...


作动词,表示“落后(于),拖后”,英文解释为“to move or develop more slowly than others”,举个🌰:

She stopped to wait for Jane who was lagging behind.


作名词时,表示“时间间隔,相隔的时间”,英文解释为“a delay or period of waiting between one event and a second event”,我们常说的“时差”可以用time difference也可以说“jet lag”,其中jet表示“喷气式飞机”,那么jet lag具体怎么来的呢?

The term "jet lag" is used because before the arrival of passenger jet aircraft, it was uncommon to travel far and fast enough to cause desynchronosis. Travel by propeller-driven aircraft, by ship, or by train was slower and of more limited distance than jet flights, and thus did not contribute widely to the problem.

the jewel in the crown

表示“王冠上的宝石,最珍贵的部分”,英文解释为“the best or most valuable part of something”,如:The high-speed train will be the jewel in the crown of the transport system.

还有另外一种说法是:crown jewel,指的就是“最为宝贵的东西”(the best or most valuable thing that a person or place has),上面提到经济学人腾讯20周年一文中就有这么一个表达:

WeChat, a social-media and payments service that is the crown jewel of the Chinese technology giant

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