

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


有令人动容的,也有扎心的,2009:Single;2019:Still Single.


The #10YearChallenge we should all be talking about...

Never give up on your dreams



Slowly but surely this past weekend everyone started posting current pictures of themselves next to photos from 2009. Largely marked #2009vs2019 or #10yearchallenge the posts flooded Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. As might be expected, the meme quickly got picked up by those looking to make a point about the state of the world—or get LoLs—through posting political images or jokes about celebs, but the more personal side of it, the actual nostalgia bit, is a gift given to us by our devices.


nostalgia /nɒˈstældʒə/ 表示“对过去美好时光的留恋,恋旧;怀旧”,英文解释为“a feeling that a time in the past was good, or the activity of remembering a good time in the past and wishing that things had not changed”,举个🌰:

He looked back on his university days with a certain amount of nostalgia.



The reasoning is simple: By 2009, thanks to the boom in smartphones, most folks had very decent cameras in their pockets at all times. The iPhone came out in 2007 and more than 1 billion smartphones were sold in 2009 alone. Culture had not yet seen the full rise of the selfie and Instagram itself was still a year away, but by the end of the first decade of the 21st century, many people had digital photos of themselves at their fingertips at all times.


在外刊中经常出现的一个词,可以作动词也可以作名词,可以表示“(生意/经济)繁荣,兴旺,激增”,英文解释为“a quick increase of business activity”,如:economic boom经济繁荣,a sudden boom in the housing market 房产市场的突然兴旺;

也可以理解为“流行,风靡”,英文解释为“an increase in how popular or successful something is, or in how often it happens”

补充:baby boom

表示“生育高峰(期),婴儿潮”:an increase in the number of babies born during a particular period, compared to other times – used especially about people born between 1946 and 1964. 如:

the baby boom generation


at one's fingertips

表示“近在手边;唾手可得,很容易得到;随时可供使用”,英文解释为“If you say that something is at your fingertips, you approve of the fact that you can reach it easily or that it is easily available to you.”,举个🌰:

I had the information at my fingertips and hadn't used it.


And those photos have carried with them. Apple didn't launch iCloud until 2011, but even before that many of us were transferring our photo albums to each new device. And social media and other services like Flickr let people keep, for better or worse, whole albums of college party pics, travel photos, and glamour shots online, ready to be accessed whenever.

for better or (for) worse

表示“无论好坏,不管怎样”,英文解释为“If you do something for better or (for) worse, you accept the bad results of the action as well as the good ones.”举个🌰:

Anyway, for better or for worse, I followed her advice.



1)表示“魅力,诱惑力;吸引力”,英文解释为“Glamour is the quality of being more attractive, exciting, or interesting than ordinary people or things.”举个🌰:

Forget all you read about the glamour of television.


2)表示“奢华,华丽,雍容华贵”,英文解释为“a style of attractiveness that suggests wealth”。

Scrolling through my feeds over the weekend, this was easy to see. So many "2009" photos I saw reminded me of what used to live in someone's "Top 8" on MySpace. Others were clearly pictures-of-pictures captured while flipping through scrapbooks in someone's childhood home. Still others looked like someone's first Facebook profile pic or a capture from a webcam. Those images may no longer live in their place of origin, but the cloud storage and seemingly bottomless space afforded by smartphones and laptops has made it easy for an old photo to follow us for as long as we want to hang on to it.

flip through

表示“快速浏览;草草翻阅”,英文解释为“to look quickly at the pages of a magazine, book, etc.”举个🌰:

I flipped through my address book but couldn't find her phone number.


cloud storage 云存储

There was something else, too. The entire 2009 vs. 2019 meme was also a reminder of a time when social media still held the promise of self-expression and connection with strangers—not a time wherein the internet felt divided into two camps: folks supporting a brand and trolls. (I'm generalizing, yes.) Things—our devices, the ways in which we use them—have gotten better, and worse, but scrolling through the feed it was nice to remember the way we were.


表示“在此(哪),在此(哪)方面”,英文解释为“Wherein means in which place or thing.”,举个🌰:

He gazed once more around the room, wherein were assembled his entire family.



作为名词,原意指“(斯堪的纳维亚地区传说中的)山精,巨人,侏儒”(an imaginary, either very large or very small creature in traditional Scandinavian stories, that has magical powers and lives in mountains or caves);

此处用来指我们在互联网上所谓的“喷子,键盘侠”(在因特网上为吸引别人关注或捣乱)故意留下令人生气的帖子,英文解释为“someone who leaves an intentionally annoying message on the internet, in order to get attention or cause trouble”。


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