

LR君 LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

要说,这个四月的关键词,那一定离不开:《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)和 《复仇者联盟4》(Avengers: Endgame)两大好戏,而让人头疼的可能就是那些「剧透党」了。



A code of conduct for spoilers

Todd VanDerWerff, Vox

Let me humbly suggest this three-part code of conduct for spoilers:

1) Never, ever, ever spoil something for someone intentionally. That makes you a dick.

2) The closer you are to the initial release of something, the more incumbent it is on the one who could spoil it to issue some sort of spoiler warning, whether that's, “Hey, have you seen it yet?” or putting “Caution! Spoilers!” in your article.

3) If you are spoiled accidentally, through someone not being a dick, and especially if the thing you have been spoiled on has been out for longer than a week (for movies) or a month (for TV shows), accept that it's on you. Don't get mad at them if they didn't know what they were doing.


spoiler,这个词在上周《权力的游戏》第八季介绍一文中就出现过了,这里再次回顾一下:表示“(演出的)终场;(音乐的)终曲”,英文解释为“The finale of a show, piece of music, or series of shows is the last part of it or the last one of them, especially when this is exciting or impressive.”比如the finale of Shostakovich's Fifth Symphony就表示“肖斯塔克维奇第五交响曲的终曲”。

上文中多次出现的还有它的动词词性spoil,本身表示“毁掉,糟蹋,破坏”,英文解释为“to have a bad effect on something so that it is no longer attractive, enjoyable, useful etc”,举个🌰:

The whole park is spoiled by litter.


此外spoil + sb. 还可以指“溺爱,宠坏,娇惯(小孩)”,英文解释为“to give a child everything they want, or let them do whatever they want, often with the result that they behave badly”

She’s an only child, but they didn't really spoil her.



作形容词,1) 表示“有责任;必须履行”,英文解释为“necessary as part of sb's duties”举个🌰:

It is incumbent upon parents to control what their children watch on TV.


2) 表示“在职的;现任的”,英文解释为“having an official position”,如:the incumbent president 现任总统。


表示“(尤为取得某一结果或效果)故意地,有意地”,英文解释为“deliberately, especially in order to have a particular result or effect”举个🌰:

Very few teenagers become pregnant intentionally.



· deliberately表示“故意地”(if you do something deliberately, you do it because you want to),举个🌰:

He upset her deliberately.


· consciously表示“(尤因知道自己行为的后果)有意识地,故意地”(done after thinking carefully about what you are doing, especially because you know what the results of your actions might be);

· knowingly表示“明知地,故意地(做错误或非法的事情)”(if you knowingly do something wrong or illegal, you do it even though you know it is wrong);

· 还有如:purposely / on purpose / 欢迎补充。


接下来的部分,是给「被剧透」的人,剧透真的那么让人不爽吗?我们来看看2011年加利福尼亚大学(University of California)的这项心理学相关研究:Spoilers Make Things More Enjoyable.


Spoiler Alert: Spoilers Make Things More Enjoyable

It sounds counterintuitive, but "spoilers" might actually enhance how much you enjoy a story.

That's according to a 2011 study by Nicholas Christenfeld, a psychology professor at the University of California, San Diego.


表示“(想法、提议等)违反常理的,反直觉的”,英文解释为“(of an idea, proposal, etc) seemingly contrary to common sense”;

intuitive本身表示“(出于)直觉的”(an intuitive idea is based on a feeling rather than on knowledge or facts),而前缀counter-表示“(用于构词)表示相反或相对”(Counter- is used to form words which refer to actions or activities that are intended to prevent other actions or activities or that respond to them.)如:counter-terrorism 反恐,counter-example 反面例子,counterproductive 产生相反效果的,适得其反的。


· instinctive表示“本能的;天性的;直觉的”(based on instinct and not involving thought)

He had people read a number of short stories, and for some people, he spoiled the endings in a seemingly inadvertent way (like casually remarking, "Here, read this story about a woman who murders her husband").
Then he had the people rate their enjoyment of the stories. What he found: People enjoy a story more if they know how it ends.


表示“无意的,疏忽的;不注意的”,英文解释为“An inadvertent action is one that you do without realizing what you are doing.”副词:inadvertently,举个🌰:

You may have inadvertently pressed the wrong button.



· accidental表示“偶然的,意外的”(happening without being planned or intended)

· unexpected表示“想不到的,意外的,突然的”(used to describe something that is surprising because you were not expecting it)


If you're one of those "skip to the last page of the book" people, this might come as validation. Christenfeld says 10 percent of people deliberately spoil things for themselves.
"Spoilers should really be called enhancers," said Christenfeld. "People's actual experience of this is perfectly consistent with our research. Once you know the silly, superficial plot details, you can really enjoy the work of art."


表示“增强剂,增强器;起提高(或增强)作用的事物(通常用作构词成分)”,英文解释为“something that is used to strengthen or improve the quality of something. Enhancer is usually used as a combining form”举个🌰:

Music can be a mood enhancer.



表示“表面上的”,英文解释为“Superficial is used to describe the appearance of something or the impression that it gives, especially if its real nature is very different.”举个🌰:

Despite their superficial similarities, the two movies are, in fact, very different.


This works with movies, books, TV shows, and most forms of storytelling. But one category where spoilers really do spoil things: jokes.
"A simple joke like, 'What's brown and sticky? A stick.' That's funny the first time," said Christenfeld, "but the second time you're like yeah, okay, nevermind..."

讲个笑话:What's brown and sticky? A stick.

- 什么东西是棕褐色(brown )又有黏性的(sticky)?

- 棍子(stick)。(黑人问号脸.jpg)???


Because by being a stick, it inherently has the quality of being "sticky", as in, stick-like. Also, most sticks are brown.


- END -

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