

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26
近日,英国货车藏39尸惨案仍未查明之时,法国执法机构在例行检查中又一次发现在一辆冷藏货柜车(a refrigerated truck)中藏有8名自称来自阿富汗(Afghanistan)的非法移民,前往的目的地也是英国。

Eight migrants found alive in UK-bound refrigerated truck at Calais


Eight migrants, including two children, have been found with hypothermia in a refrigerated truck at the cross-Channel port of Calais, the AFP news agency said.

注:Calais 加来(法国城市)


bound表示“前往,开往”,英文解释为“If a vehicle or person is bound for a particular place, they are travelling toward it.”,通常用法:be bound for,举个🌰:

The train was bound for Hangzhou.



本次列车终点站广兰路,到浦东国际机场方向的乘客请在广兰路换乘。The terminal station is Guanglan Road. You can transfer to the train bound for Pudong International Airport at Guanglan Road.


hypothermia /ˌhaɪpəʊˈθɜːmɪə/ 表示“(因持续寒冷而)体温过低”,英文解释为“a serious medical condition in which a person's body temperature falls below the usual level as a result of being in severe cold for a long time”举个🌰:

In this current cold spell, many old people are dying needlessly of hypothermia.


The rescued migrants, who say they are from Afghanistan, were found during an inspection of the truck before it was loaded on a ferry to Britain, according to the public prosecutor's office in Boulogne-sur-Mer.

注:Boulogne-sur-Mer is a city in northern France. It is a sub-prefecture of the department of Pas-de-Calais.

The fire brigade said the group was treated for "mild hypothermia" and taken to hospital.

the fire brigade

表示“消防队;消防队员”,英文解释为“an organization of people who are trained and employed to put out fires and to rescue people from fires; the people who belong to this organization”,类似的于fire service/ fire department.

brigade本身有“(主张相同或其他某方面相似的)伙,帮,派”(sed, always with a word or phrase in front of it, to describe a group of people who share the same opinions or are similar in some other way)以及“旅(陆军编制单位)”(a large group of soldiers that forms a unit of an army)的含义,如:the anti-smoking brigade 反吸烟派。

Two Romanian drivers of the truck were taken into custody.

Essex truck deaths

The Calais discovery came days after the bodies of 39 people were found in a truck in Essex, UK.


Essex Police originally said those found in the lorry were "believed to be Chinese nationals", but after the Vietnamese Embassy in London said it had received calls from citizens fearing they had relatives on the truck, the force said that they could not "realistically speculate" on the nationality of the victims.


表示“推测;猜测;推断”,英文解释为“to form an opinion about sth without knowing all the details or facts”举个🌰:

We all speculated about the reasons for her resignation.


Three men have been released on bail, after questioning over the incident, while 25-year-old Maurice Robinson will appear in court on Monday, charged with "conspiracy to traffic people, conspiracy to assist unlawful immigration, and money laundering".


表示“保释,保释金”,英文解释为“Bail is a sum of money that an arrested person or someone else puts forward as a guarantee that the arrested person will attend their trial in a law court. If the arrested person does not attend it, the money will be lost.”举个🌰:

He was freed on bail pending an appeal.



表示“合谋;密谋策划;阴谋”,英文解释为“Conspiracy is secret planning by a group of people to do something illegal.”举个🌰:

Seven men, all from France, admitted conspiracy to commit arson.



traffic/traffic in作动词,表示“从事 (毒品或赃物等的) 非法买卖”,英文解释为“Someone who traffics in something such as drugs or stolen goods buys and sells them even though it is illegal to do so.”举个🌰:

He said illegal drugs are hurting the entire world and anyone who traffics in them should be brought to justice.



conspiracy to traffic people 串谋贩卖人口罪
conspiracy to assist unlawful immigration 串谋协助非法移民罪
money laundering 洗钱罪
a refrigerated truck 冷藏货柜车
a container truck 集装箱卡车
container 集装箱;货柜
the tractor — the front of the truck 车头——卡车前部
the driver's cab and engine 司机驾驶室和引擎
the truck tractor 牵引车;卡车头
the cargo trailer 载货挂车
the license plate 车牌
a small, inflatable boat 小型充气船
a cattle truck 一辆运畜车

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