
俄罗斯遭国际禁赛4年 或将缺席奥运会、世界杯

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,世界反兴奋剂机构(World Anti-Doping Agency, WADA)在瑞士洛桑(Lausanne)举行会议,通过了“对俄罗斯禁赛四年”的提案。提案表明,俄罗斯未来四年来将不得参加包括2020年东京奥运会、世界杯在内的国际重大赛事,也不得申办和举办国际重大赛事。


Russia reacts with anger after doping ban from Olympics, World Cup


The World Anti-Doping Agency on Monday (Dec 9) banned Russia for four years from major global sporting events including the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 World Cup in Qatar over manipulated doping data, prompting an angry response from President Vladimir Putin.


出现很多次了,表示“(常指以不正当手段)操纵,控制”,英文解释为“to control something or someone to your advantage, often unfairly or dishonestly举个🌰:

Throughout her career she has very successfully manipulated the media.


类似的还有一个词rig. rig表示“(采取不正当的手段)操纵;对…做手脚,英文解释为“to arrange dishonestly for the result of something, for example an election, to be changed举个🌰:

He said the election had been rigged.


此前,在故意改低女生成绩 东京医科大学被曝操控男女录取比例一文中,纽约时报的标题就用了rig这个词:Japanese Medical School Accused of Rigging Admissions to Keep Women Out. 操纵录取结果 rig admissions.

WADA's executive committee, meeting in Lausanne, handed Russia the "robust" four-year suspension after accusing Moscow of falsifying data from a doping testing laboratory that was handed over to investigators earlier this year.


上文manipulate (doping) data,此处用了falsify data作替换,falsify表示“篡改,伪造(文字记录、信息)”,英文解释为“to change a written record or information so that it is no longer true”,举个🌰:

The charges against him include fraud, bribery, and falsifying business records.


卫报(The Guardian)在相比报道中用的是,tamper with data:

The sanctions relate to tampering with data obtained from the Moscow laboratory in 2019. Investigators from Wada found that some of the deletion and manipulation occurred after Russia had been reinstated to compliance in September 2018, having initially been banned in 2015.

tamper with表示“胡乱摆弄;擅自改动;蓄意破坏to touch or make changes to something that you should not, usually without enough knowledge of how it works or when you are trying to damage it),举个🌰:

I could see immediately that the lock had been tampered with.


The toughest ever sanctions imposed on Russian state authorities will see government officials barred from attending any major events, while the country will lose the right to host or bid for tournaments.

"For too long, Russian doping has detracted from clean sport," WADA president Craig Reedie said.

detract from

表示“减损;毁损;贬低”,英文解释为“If one thing detracts from another, it makes it seem less good or impressive.”举个🌰:

They feared that the publicity surrounding him would detract from their own campaigns.


"Russia was afforded every opportunity to get its house in order and rejoin the global anti-doping community for the good of its athletes and of the integrity of sport, but it chose instead to continue in its stance of deception and denial."


get/put your own house in order

表示“解决自己的问题”,英文解释为“to solve your own problems”举个🌰:

You should put your own house in order before you start telling me what to do!


Under the sanctions, Russian sportsmen and women will still be allowed to compete at the Olympics next year and the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, but only as neutrals and if they can demonstrate that they were not part of what WADA believes was a state-sponsored system of doping.



可以作名词也可以作形容词,表示“中立者;中立国”,英文解释为“a person or country that does not support either side in a disagreement, competition or war”;

此外,neutral还可以指“(汽车排挡)空挡的”(the position of the gears of a vehicle in which no power is carried from the engine to the wheels),如:to leave the car in neutral 将车的排挡置于空挡位。

Russia will still be allowed to compete in qualifiers for the 2022 football World Cup, but WADA director general Olivier Niggli added that should they progress to the finals in Qatar, "the team there will not be representing the Russian federation".


表示“预赛,淘汰赛”,英文解释为“a game from which the winner will go on to compete in the next part of a competition”举个🌰:

Belgium and Italy are playing in tonight's qualifier.


Russia's participation in Euro 2020 - and Saint Petersburg's hosting of four matches - is not affected by the ban because it is not defined as a "major event" for anti-doping purposes.

Speaking in Paris, Putin slammed the decision as a "politically motivated" ruling that "contradicted" the Olympic Charter.


表示“严厉批评;猛烈抨击”,英文解释为“To slam someone or something means to criticize them very severely.”举个🌰:

The famed filmmaker slammed the claims as "an outrageous lie."



表示“相抵触;相矛盾;相反”,英文解释为“to be so different from each other that one of them must be wrong”举个🌰:

The two stories contradict each other.


"There is nothing to reproach the Russian Olympic Committee for and if there is no reproach towards this committee, the country should take part in competitions under its own flag," Putin said.




可以作动词也可用作名词,表示“责备;指责;批评”,英文解释为“If you reproach someone, you say or show that you are disappointed, upset, or angry because they have done something wrong.”举个🌰:

She is quick to reproach anyone who doesn't live up to her own high standards.



“the WADA conclusions contained no complaints directed at Russia’s national Olympic committee.”“And if there are no complaints against it, then the country should compete under the national flag. That’s written in the Olympic charter.”

complaint含义也比较广,表示“不满的原因;抱怨;埋怨;投诉;控告”(a reason for not being satisfied; a statement that sb makes saying that they are not satisfied)。

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev also said the ban was politically motivated. "This is the continuation of this anti-Russian hysteria that has already become chronic," Medvedev told domestic news agencies.


表示“歇斯底里”,英文解释为“extreme fear, excitement, anger, etc. that cannot be controlled”举个🌰:

One woman, close to hysteria, grabbed my arm.


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