

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,国际著名期刊《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)发表评论文章,保护中国医生(Protecting Chinese doctors)。

Protecting Chinese doctors

The doctor–patient relationship in China seemed to hit rock bottom when Wen Yang—an emergency physician in Beijing Civil Aviation General Hospital—was fatally stabbed by a patient's son on Dec 24. The killing was condemned by the Chinese Medical Doctor Association and triggered an outpouring of anger among the public. On Dec 28, China's top legislator approved the first fundamental and comprehensive law for protecting health workers, which will take effect on June 1 this year. The law bans any organisation or individual from threatening or harming the personal safety or dignity of health workers. Although laudable, a legal approach alone is unlikely to address adequately this complex problem.

hit rock bottom

rock bottom两个含义,

1)表示“最低点;最低水平”,英文解释为“the lowest possible level”举个🌰:

Prices have reached rock bottom.


2)表示“(生活中的)最低点,最不愉快的时刻”,英文解释为“the most unhappy that someone has ever been in their life”举个🌰:

Alcoholics often have to reach/hit rock bottom before they can recognize that they have a problem.



表示“(强烈感情的)迸发,流露;喷涌;涌现”,英文解释为“an expression of strong feeling that is difficult to control;a very large number of things produced at the same time”举个🌰:

His death at the age of 26 has occasioned an outpouring of grief.


Last year saw an outpouring of cookery books.



表示“(行为)值得赞扬的,值得称赞的”,英文解释为“(of actions and behaviour) deserving praise, even if there is little or no success”,如:a laudable goal/ambition 值得赞扬的目标/雄心,举个🌰:

The recycling programme is laudable, but does it save much money?


Violence against health professionals is a global concern and affects health workers in nearly all health-care settings. However, the scale, frequency, and viciousness of attacks on medical workers in China are particularly severe. Reasons for violence against health workers in China are many, including an inadequate primary health-care system and poor doctor–patient communication. Attemps to fix a deteriorating situation, such as increased security measures, have had little impact.


表示“邪恶;恶意”,英文解释为“the quality or fact of being cruel and showing an intention to hurt or upset someone;the quality or fact of being violent and causing great pain”。


作动词,表示“恶化”,英文解释为“If something deteriorates, it becomes worse in some way.”举个🌰:

She was taken into hospital last week when her condition suddenly deteriorated.


The Lancet has long supported Chinese health workers and health-care system reform, and we plan to work with Chinese partners further in 2020. Highlights will include a review on improving the quality of primary health-care in China, the second Wakley-Wu Lien Teh prize, which will give a voice to Chinese physicians to share their stories, and a China-themed issue to showcase high quality research to improve clinical practice and health polices in the country.

Violence against health workers in China will not be halted through law enforcement and punitive measures alone; a cultural shift is required, and this will take time. Health-care professionals need to be trusted and respected. The best way to enchance trust is to create an effective health system that is credible and respected also.


punitive /ˈpjuːnɪtɪv/ 表示“惩罚性的”,英文解释为“intended as a punishment”,如:punitive action 惩罚措施。

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- 相关表达 -

对医务人员的侵害,无论从道德上还是从法律上,都应当予以严厉谴责和制裁。Assaults on medical workers must be condemned by moral standards and punished by the law.
阻止非法行为 deter illegal acts;
合法权利 legitimate rights;
蓄意谋杀 intentional homicide;
威胁、危害医疗卫生人员人身安全,侵犯医疗卫生人员人格尊严 threaten or harm medical workers’ personal safety and dignity;
行政处罚 administrative punishments

医闹 illegal acts targeting medical staff and institutions

联合惩戒 joint punishment

因实施或参与涉医违法犯罪活动 perform or be involved in illegal acts related to medical staff or institutions

行政拘留 administrative detention

刑事责任 criminal liability

在医疗机构内故意伤害医务人员、损毁公私财物 purposefully injure medical staff or damage public and personal property in hospitals

非法限制医务人员人身自由 illegally restrict personal freedom of medical staff)

非法携带枪支、弹药、管制器具或危险物品进入医疗机构 carry guns, ammunition, restricted tools or hazardous items into hospitals illegally

侮辱恐吓医务人员 insult and threaten medical staff

限制补贴性资金支持 restrictions in getting government subsidies

列车软卧 soft sleepers on trains

高消费 high-end consumption

全国信用信息共享平台 national credit information sharing platform

医患关系 patient-doctor relation

医暴 violence against medical staff

医疗纠纷 medical dispute

改善医疗服务 improve healthcare services 

门诊 outpatient service

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