

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

北京时间2月6日,科比女儿吉安娜(Gianna Bryant)所就读的学校为她的2号球衣举行了退役仪式。

Gianna Bryant's school retires her No. 2 basketball jersey


Her mother, Vanessa Bryant, posted several videos on Instagram of the ceremony at Harbor Day School in Newport Beach, California.


表示“(体育运动队队员穿的)运动衫”,英文解释为“a shirt that is worn by a member of a sports team”。

另外还有“针织套衫”(A jersey is a knitted piece of clothing that covers the upper part of your body and your arms and does not open at the front. Jerseys are usually worn over a shirt or blouse.)以及“细而柔软的布料”(soft thin cloth, usually made from wool, cotton, or silk, that is used for making clothes)的含义,如:100 percent cotton jersey 含棉量100%的细柔棉织物。

Gianna Bryant’s school retired her No. 2 basketball jersey Wednesday night in a ceremony that paid tribute to her memory.

Gianna, her father Kobe Bryant, and seven others died last month when the helicopter they were flying in crashed in Calabasas, California.

Students and staff at Harbor Day School in Newport Beach, California, took the podium to talk in glowing terms about how Gianna had always been a leader and a joy to be around.

take the podium

When someone "takes the podium", it means he/she gets up in front of an audience to speak. The podium is the small structure they are standing behind. Similarly, you can say "he took the stage" (if there is a stage!) 此处take the podium含义为上台讲话/演讲,类似于take the stage,上台表演,登台表演(to go onto the stage and start to perform)。

in glowing terms

· glowing表示“热烈赞扬的;热情洋溢的”,英文解释为“praising with enthusiasm”举个🌰:

In her speech, she paid a glowing tribute to her predecessor.


His latest book has received glowing reviews.


· in .. terms,表示“用...的措词”,英文解释为“using language that clearly shows your feelings”,如in strong terms 用强烈的措辞,in glowing terms 赞不绝口,举个🌰:

He complained in the strongest terms.


She spoke of his achievements in glowing terms (= in a very approving way). 谈到他的成就,她赞不绝口。

· 补充:in no uncertain terms表示“毫不含糊地,直截了当地”(=in a very clear way)举个🌰:

She told him what she thought of his behaviour in no uncertain terms (= she made her disapproval very clear).


"My Gigi. I love you! I miss you," Gianna's mother, Vanessa Bryant, wrote in one of her posts about the ceremony. "You’ve taught us all that no act of kindness is ever too small."

One of the school’s basketball coaches, Joshua Parks, said Gianna was one of the fiercest competitors he’d ever seen.

"She definitely represented the 'Mamba Mentality' every time she stepped on the floor," Parks said.

Bryant, who was 13, had dreamed of carrying on her father’s legacy and one day playing in the WNBA.

"She never came to school and bragged about anything," her former adviser and music teacher, Yunga Webb, said in her speech. "She was one of the most humble people I’ve ever known."


表示“吹嘘,夸耀”,英文解释为“to speak too proudly about what you have done or what you own”举个🌰:

She's always bragging about how much money she earns.


“She didn’t need to brag, just needed to be a light wherever she stood,” Webb continued. “She elevated the eighth-grade class. She makes us better — she made us better and she makes us better.”

Webb told a story about how the eighth-grade class is coping with the loss. She explained they still take roll call every day. "We (still) call her name. And when we call her name, I hear 40-plus kids say, 'Here,'" Webb said. "In honor of her. Because she’s always with us."

roll call

roll call表示“点名”,英文解释为“If someone does a roll call, they read aloud the names of all the people on the list to make certain that they are present.”take the roll call,另一种说法,take/call the roll(If you take/call the roll, you read aloud the names of all the people on the list to make certain that they are present.)举个🌰:

The teacher called the roll to see if any students were absent.


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致青春! 科比球衣正式退役



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