

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


据维基百科(Wikipedia),所谓的动森,其全称为「动物森友会」,英文名:Animal Crossing,也有译成「动物之森」和「动物森里」。它是由任天堂(Nintendo)发行的社交模拟系列游戏,游戏中玩家生活在一个由拟人动物居住的村庄,展开各种活动。


What is Animal Crossing: New Horizons on Nintendo Switch and how do you play it?


The biggest Nintendo Switch release of the year is out now but what even is it and what are some beginner’s tips for island living?

Animal Crossing is not like other games. It’s been around for decades now, appearing on each new Nintendo console since the GameCube and offering a considerably more laidback experience than most other video games.

There isn’t really anything else quite like Animal Crossing, but it has a certain amount in common with things like The Sims and Stardew Valley, in that there are no preset goals and it’s all about living a virtual life in luxury.

You start the game by moving onto a deserted island and are then free to explore and help build it up, so that it attracts more residents and you’re able to upgrade your home and local facilities.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons beginner tips

One of the first big decisions you have to make is whether your island will be situated on the northern or southern hemisphere. Most people will choose the northern hemisphere because that means the seasons will follow the real world outside, including the time of day, if you live in the UK. If you choose the southern hemisphere it will be as if you lived in Australia, which may be appealing if you consider that you’ll get different items, insects, and fishes at different times of the year to everyone else. Be careful with your decision though as it can’t be changed once you start playing.

How to earn bells in Animal Crossing

When you arrive on the island you’ve got almost nothing but the shirt on your back, so the first thing you have to do is start earning in-game money, called bells. The simplest way to do this is to collect fruit from trees (just walk up to them and press the ‘A’ button) and shells from the beach. These won’t get you much but it’s a start. Catching fish (most insects don’t go for that much) is also a good source of income, once you’re able to craft a fishing rod, and make sure to always hit every rock you see with a shovel. Most of the time you’ll just get rocks and minerals but one boulder per day will spit out money instead.

What to do if you get stuck in Animal Crossing

There isn’t anyway to get stuck, as such, in Animal Crossing because there’s nothing you HAVE to do. But particularly in the first few weeks of the game, if you speak to Tom Nook he’ll always have a suggestion for how you can busy yourself. Sometimes he’ll even have what amounts to missions to give you, usually one that involves tempting more people to move to the island. The most important thing to remember about Animal Crossing though is that it’s not a game you can ‘beat’ or that has an ending. In most cases you’re only expected to play it for a couple of hours a day, returning to it often but never staying for that long.

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What is Animal Crossing: New Horizons on Nintendo Switch and how do you play it?


The biggest Nintendo Switch release of the year is out now but what even is it and what are some beginner’s tips for island living?


1)表示“地平线”,英文解释为“The horizon is the line in the far distance where the sky seems to meet the land or the sea.”举个🌰:

In the distance, the dot of a boat appeared on the horizon.


2)表示“眼界; 阅历”,英文解释为“Your horizons are the limits of what you want to do or of what you are interested or involved in.”举个🌰:

As your horizons expand, these new ideas can give a whole new meaning to life.


此次大火的,正是2020年3月20日发行的Animal Crossing: New Horizons,《集合啦!动物森友会》也有直接译作《动物森友会:新地平线》。


表示“(书、杂志、电影、音乐带等)出版,问世”,英文解释为“When a book, magazine, film, or musical recording is out, it is available to the public.”举个🌰:

Is your new book out yet?


补充:out还可以表示“过时”(not fashionable),举个🌰:

Black is out this year.


Animal Crossing is not like other games. It’s been around for decades now, appearing on each new Nintendo console since the GameCube and offering a considerably more laidback experience than most other video games.


表示“控制台,操纵台”,英文解释为“A console is a panel with a number of switches or knobs that is used to operate a machine.”举个🌰:

Several nurses sat before a console of flickering lights and bleeping monitors.




表示“遇事泰然的;安详放松的;松弛的;仿佛无忧无虑的”,英文解释为“If you describe someone as laid-back, you mean that they behave in a calm relaxed way as if nothing will ever worry them.”举个🌰:

Everyone here has a really laid-back attitude.


There isn’t really anything else quite like Animal Crossing, but it has a certain amount in common with things like The Sims and Stardew Valley, in that there are no preset goals and it’s all about living a virtual life in luxury.

You start the game by moving onto a deserted island and are then free to explore and help build it up, so that it attracts more residents and you’re able to upgrade your home and local facilities.

◆ Animal Crossing: New Horizons beginner tips

One of the first big decisions you have to make is whether your island will be situated on the northern or southern hemisphere. Most people will choose the northern hemisphere because that means the seasons will follow the real world outside, including the time of day, if you live in the UK. If you choose the southern hemisphere it will be as if you lived in Australia, which may be appealing if you consider that you’ll get different items, insects, and fishes at different times of the year to everyone else. Be careful with your decision though as it can’t be changed once you start playing.


hemisphere /ˈhɛmɪˌsfɪə/ 表示“半球”,英文解释为“A hemisphere is one half of the earth.”如:the northern hemisphere 北半球,the southern hemisphere 南半球,the depletion of the ozone layer in the northern hemisphere 北半球臭氧层的消耗


1)表示“吸引人的”,英文解释为“Someone or something that is appealing is pleasing and attractive.”举个🌰:

There was a sense of humour to what he did that I found very appealing.


2)表示“恳求的(表情、语气)”,英文解释为“An appealing expression or tone of voice indicates to someone that you want help, advice, or approval.”举个🌰:

She gave him a soft appealing look that would have melted solid ice.


◆ How to earn bells in Animal Crossing

When you arrive on the island you’ve got almost nothing but the shirt on your back, so the first thing you have to do is start earning in-game money, called bells. The simplest way to do this is to collect fruit from trees (just walk up to them and press the ‘A’ button) and shells from the beach. These won’t get you much but it’s a start. Catching fish (most insects don’t go for that much) is also a good source of income, once you’re able to craft a fishing rod, and make sure to always hit every rock you see with a shovel. Most of the time you’ll just get rocks and minerals but one boulder per day will spit out money instead.


这个词大家应该都能猜出来,表示“游戏中的”,in-game money 游戏币,游戏中的虚拟货币。不过这让我想到了另一个词「make-believe」,跟大家聊聊。


1)不可数名词,表示“虚幻”,英文解释为“If someone is living in a make-believe world, they are pretending that things are better, different, or more exciting than they really are instead of facing up to reality.”举个🌰:

They live in a world of make-believe.


2)不可数名词,表示“过家家”,英文解释为“You use make-believe to refer to the activity involved when a child plays a game in which they pretend something, for example that they are someone else.”举个🌰:

She used to play games of make-believe with her elder sister.


3)形容词,表示“仿真的;假的”,英文解释为“You use make-believe to describe things, for example in a play or film, that imitate or copy something real, but which are not what they appear to be.”举个🌰:

The violence in those films was too unreal, it was make-believe.


go for

1)表示“适用于”,英文解释为“If you say that a statement you have made about one person or thing also goes for another person or thing, you mean that the statement is also true of this other person or thing.”举个🌰:

It is illegal to dishonour reservations; that goes for restaurants as well as customers.


2)表示“选择”,英文解释为“If you go for a particular thing or way of doing something, you choose it.”举个🌰:

People tried to persuade him to go for a more gradual programme.


3)表示“袭击”,英文解释为“If you go for someone, you attack them.”举个🌰:

She went for him, gripping him by the throat. 


4)表示“以(某价格)被售出”,英文解释为“If something goes for a particular price, it is sold for that amount.”举个🌰:

Some old machines go for as much as 12,345 dollars.



表示“精心制作”,英文解释为“If something is crafted, it is made skilfully.”举个🌰:

The windows would probably have been crafted in the latter part of the Middle Ages. 


fishing rod 钓竿

shovel 铲;铁铲


表示“圆形巨石”,英文解释为“A boulder is a large rounded rock.”举个🌰:

It is thought that the train hit a boulder that had fallen down a cliff on to the track.


◆ What to do if you get stuck in Animal Crossing

There isn’t anyway to get stuck, as such, in Animal Crossing because there’s nothing you HAVE to do. But particularly in the first few weeks of the game, if you speak to Tom Nook he’ll always have a suggestion for how you can busy yourself. Sometimes he’ll even have what amounts to missions to give you, usually one that involves tempting more people to move to the island. The most important thing to remember about Animal Crossing though is that it’s not a game you can ‘beat’ or that has an ending. In most cases you’re only expected to play it for a couple of hours a day, returning to it often but never staying for that long.

get stuck in

表示“干劲十足地开始做,充满热情地着手做”,英文解释为“to start doing something enthusiastically”举个🌰:

We showed them where the crates had to be moved to, and they got stuck in straightaway.


busy yourself

表示“使忙于”,英文解释为“If you busy yourself with something, you occupy yourself by dealing with it.”举个🌰:

He busied himself with the camera.


amount to

表示“等同于”,英文解释为“If you say that one thing amounts to something else, you consider the first thing to be the same as the second thing.”举个🌰:

The banks have what amounts to a monopoly.


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