

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

据法新社,针对孙杨在禁赛期仍入选中国游泳队东京奥运会集训名单(be included on a list of swimmers called up for national training)一事,世界反兴奋剂机构(World Anti-Doping Agency)要求希望得到合理解释。

WADA Doping Control Video


WADA wants answers after banned Sun's 'Olympic training call-up'


The World Anti-Doping Agency demanded answers Friday after reports that Chinese swimming star Sun Yang was called up for national training for the Tokyo Olympics in an apparent breach of his doping ban.

The latest incident in the colourful career of the three-time Olympic champion comes two months after he was given an eight-year ban for refusing to provide a doping sample.

Unless he is successful with an appeal, the 28-year-old will not be eligible for the Tokyo Games in 2021 and his career is effectively over.

However, Chinese media said on Thursday that Sun had been included on a list of swimmers called up for national training between April 1 and June 30.

Media published a notice purporting to show Sun's name on the list for preparations for the Olympics, which have been moved to the summer of 2021 because of the coronavirus pandemic.

The Chinese Swimming Association (CSA) subsequently said that the 1500m freestyle world record-holder is "still serving (his) suspension.

"The previous notice is invalid," CSA said in a short statement.

But that may not satisfy WADA, who said in a short statement to AFP on Friday: "We are following up with the relevant authorities to establish the facts in this matter."

Sun has kept a low profile since he was banned. It was his second doping violation, having been suspended for three months in 2014 for taking a banned substance.

Sun said in the immediate aftermath of February's Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) ruling that he would appeal to the Swiss Federal Tribunal.

He is accused of refusing to provide blood and urine samples when drug testers visited his home in China in September 2018.

A vial of his blood was smashed with a hammer during the tempestuous testing session.

Britain's James Guy, a two-time Olympic silver medallist, said he was "shocked" and "speechless" over the reports that Sun was named in the training squad.

"They've been to CAS, he's been given a ban and that's it. It's over," he said, according to Swimming World.

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WADA wants answers after banned Sun's 'Olympic training call-up'


The World Anti-Doping Agency demanded answers Friday after reports that Chinese swimming star Sun Yang was called up for national training for the Tokyo Olympics in an apparent breach of his doping ban.


1)call-up作名词,表示“(尤指国家队运动员的)选调,征调”,英文解释为“the opportunity to play in a sports team, especially for your country”举个🌰:

His recent form has earned him a call-up to the England squad.


另一个意思是:(服兵役的)征召令,征集令(an order to join the armed forces),如:to receive your call-up papers 收到征召入伍的通知。

2)be called up/call sb. up,表示“征召…入伍;征调…入队”,英文解释为“to order someone to join a military organization or to ask someone to join an official, especially national, team”举个🌰:

He was called up when the war began.


另一个意思:给…打电话(to use the phone to talk to someone),举个🌰:

My dad called me up to tell me the good news.


可以看到对于入选奥运集训名单,几乎所有报道都用了Olympic training call-up这一说法,澳大利亚每日电讯报(Daily Telegraph)更直接用了Be invited to Chinese national camp.

The latest incident in the colourful career of the three-time Olympic champion comes two months after he was given an eight-year ban for refusing to provide a doping sample.

Unless he is successful with an appeal, the 28-year-old will not be eligible for the Tokyo Games in 2021 and his career is effectively over.


1)表示“上诉;申诉”,英文解释为“An appeal is a formal request for a decision to be changed.举个🌰:

They took their appeal to the Supreme Court.


2)表示“吸引力”,英文解释为“The appeal of something is a quality that people find attractive or interesting.”举个🌰:

Its new title was meant to give the party greater public appeal.



表示“有资格的;合格的;具备条件的”,英文解释为“a person who is eligible for sth or to do sth, is able to have or do it because they have the right qualifications, are the right age, etc.”举个🌰:

Only those over 65 are eligible for the special payment.



除了表示「有效地」,此处意思是“实际上;事实上”,英文解释为“used when you are saying what the facts of a situation are”举个🌰:

He was very polite but effectively he was telling me that I had no chance of getting the job.


However, Chinese media said on Thursday that Sun had been included on a list of swimmers called up for national training between April 1 and June 30.

Media published a notice purporting to show Sun's name on the list for preparations for the Olympics, which have been moved to the summer of 2021 because of the coronavirus pandemic.


purport /pəˈpɔːt/ 表示“自称;标榜;声称”,英文解释为“to claim to be sth or to have done sth, when this may not be true”,如:a book that purports to tell the whole truth 一本声称讲出全部真相的书,举个🌰:

They purport to represent the wishes of the majority of parents at the school.


The Chinese Swimming Association (CSA) subsequently said that the 1500m freestyle world record-holder is "still serving (his) suspension.

The Chinese Swimming Association

"The previous notice is invalid," CSA said in a short statement.


But that may not satisfy WADA, who said in a short statement to AFP on Friday: "We are following up with the relevant authorities to establish the facts in this matter."


1)大家比较熟悉的意思是“建立;创立;设立”,英文解释为“to start or create an organization, a system, etc. that is meant to last for a long time”举个🌰:

The committee was established in 1980.


2)此处的意思是“查实;确定;证实,证明”,英文解释为“to discover or get proof of something”举个🌰:

Before we take any action we must establish the facts/truth.


3)还可以表示“获得接受;得到认可”,英文解释为“to make people accept a belief, claim, custom, etc.”举个🌰:

It was this campaign that established the paper's reputation.



established 形容词,可以表示“(因为优秀而)被认可的,著名的”,英文解释为“used for describing someone who is known for doing a job well, because they have been doing it for a long time”,如:an established artist/star 著名艺术家/明星。

Sun has kept a low profile since he was banned. It was his second doping violation, having been suspended for three months in 2014 for taking a banned substance.

low profile

profile一词经常出现,1)表示“(有关某人的)简介,概况”,英文解释为“A profile of someone is a short article or programme in which their life and character are described.举个🌰:

A newspaper published comparative profiles of the candidates' wives.


2)表示“关注度”,英文解释为“If someone has a high profile, people notice them and what they do. If you keep a low profile, you avoid doing things that will make people notice you.”常用:a high profile 惹人注目;高姿态,a low profile 不惹人注目,低姿态;如:a move that would give Egypt a much higher profile in the upcoming peace talks 会给埃及在即将到来的和平谈判中高关注度的一个行动。

顺便插一句,如果你把微信语言设置成英文,你就会发现微信官方把头像处理成:Profile Photo,上面的“My Profile”对应的中文则是“个人信息”。

Sun said in the immediate aftermath of February's Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) ruling that he would appeal to the Swiss Federal Tribunal.

He is accused of refusing to provide blood and urine samples when drug testers visited his home in China in September 2018.

A vial of his blood was smashed with a hammer during the tempestuous testing session.


vial /ˈvaɪəl/ 表示“(装香水、药物等的)小瓶”,英文解释为“A vial is a very small bottle that is used to hold something such as perfume or medicine.”


表示“打碎;破碎”,英文解释为“If you smash something or if it smashes, it breaks into many pieces, for example, when it is hit or dropped.”举个🌰:Someone smashed a bottle.



tempestuous /tɛmˈpɛstjʊəs/ 1)表示“激烈的;狂暴的;骚动的”,英文解释为“full of extreme emotions”,如:a tempestuous relationship 冲突不断的关系;

2)表示“狂风暴雨的;大风暴的”,英文解释为“caused by or affected by a violent storm”,如:tempestuous seas 波涛汹涌的大海。

Britain's James Guy, a two-time Olympic silver medallist, said he was "shocked" and "speechless" over the reports that Sun was named in the training squad. "They've been to CAS, he's been given a ban and that's it. It's over," he said, according to Swimming World.


squad /skwɒd/ 1)表示“(为参加某体育比赛而组成的)运动队;球队”,英文解释为“a group of players from which a team will be chosen for a particular sports event”,如:the Chinese World Cup squad 表中国参加世界杯的球队。


team的英文解释为“a group of people who play a game or sport together against another group”(游戏或体育比赛的)队。

2)squad也可以表示“(警察的)特别行动小组”和“(士兵组成的)班,小队”,如:bomb squad officers 爆破小组的队员,a drill squad 操练小队。

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