

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

据外媒报道,原本可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola)有意邀请霍顿(Mack Horton)担任东京奥运会可口可乐营销大使,却因其此前的领奖台抗议事件丢掉了这一宝贵的代言机会(可口可乐公司称霍顿最终没有入选与抗议事件无关),据了解,该代言价值6位数。

Horton's protest payback

The Sunday Telegraph

THE enormous price that Mack Horton is paying for his silent protest against doping in swimming keeps rising with the Olympic champion missing out on a monster sponsorship with Coca-Cola.


表示“(因为过去的错失而不得不经受目前的遭遇)偿还”,英文解释为“something bad that is done to you because of something bad that you have done previously”举个🌰:

The problems she was experiencing felt like payback for her past mistakes.



· payback time:自食(好或坏)结果之时(Payback time is when someone has to take the consequences of what they have done in the past. You can use this expression to talk about good or bad consequences.)

miss out

表示“错失享乐(或获利)的机会”,英文解释为“If you miss out on something that would be enjoyable or useful to you, you are not involved in it or do not take part in it.”举个🌰:

We're missing out on a tremendous opportunity.



作形容词,表示“异常大的,庞大的,巨大的”,英文解释为“unusually large”,如:a monster cat 巨型猫,举个🌰:

The song was a monster hit.


近义词:giant,如:America's giant car maker, General Motors 美国的汽车制造巨头——通用汽车公司(形容词),Japanese electronics giant, Sony. …日本的电子业巨头——索尼公司(名词)

It can be revealed that Horton was short-listed to be one of the ambassadors for the American fizzy drinks maker's global marketing campaign for next year's Tokyo Olympics.


表示“将…列入候选名单”,英文解释为“If someone or something is shortlisted for a job or a prize, they are put on a shortlist.”举个🌰:

He was shortlisted for the Nobel Prize for literature several times.


As an Olympic gold medallist who has been universally hailed as a hero in the fight for clean sport, Horton was considered a perfect choice for CocaCola's uplifting marketing campaigns.


表示“鼓舞的;令人振奋的”,英文解释为“making someone feel better”举个🌰:

For me it was a marvellously uplifting performance.


But the talks went flat shortly after his long-running feud with China’s Sun Yang, and the ambassador’s role, understood to be worth six-figures, has instead been awarded to Australian wheelchair basketball superstar Dylan Alcott.


feud /fjuːd/ 表示“夙怨;世仇;长期争斗”,英文解释为“an argument that has existed for a long time between two people or groups, causing a lot of anger or violence”,如:a family feud 家族世仇,a bitter feud over land 土地引起的激烈的长期争执。

Coca-Cola insists the decision not to select Horton for the campaign was unrelated to his protests against China's most controversial sportsman.

We recently selected two new ambassadors for our Olympics program from a comprehensive list of some of Australia’s most talented athletes,” a spokesperson for Coca-Cola Australia told The Sunday Times.

“As part of this process, we weighed up many factors including recent performances and prospects of qualification.

weigh up

表示“估计(形势);评估(某人的能力、品质)”,英文解释为“to form an opinion about someone's abilities and character or a situation by thinking about him, her, or it carefully”举个🌰:

I weighed up my chances of escape, and decided to wait for a better moment.


“We are proud to announce UNDER FIRE: Mack Horton. that gold medallist and wheelchair tennis champion Dylan Alcott is one of our ambassadors and we will soon announce our female ambassador.”

Coca-Cola is not the only deal Horton has missed out on in the wake of his refusal to share the podium with Sun, after the 400m freestyle final in South Korea, a protest at the decision to let Sun compete while facing an appeal for destroying doping samples.

in the wake of sth

表示“作为…的后果;随…之后而来”,英文解释为“If something happens in the wake of something else, it happens after and often because of it.”举个🌰:

Airport security was extra tight in the wake of yesterday's bomb attacks.


Several other commercial deals that were being negotiated have also been withdrawn from the table and Horton also received a formal warning from swimming's world governing body FINA.

Had the deal gone through, Horton would have been one of the faces of Coca-Cola's huge Olympic campaigns, just as Australian hurdler Michelle Jenneke was during the 2016 Rio Olympics, where she was featured in television and social media promotions and plastered on billboards in the Olympic host city.


表示“跨栏运动员”,英文解释为“A hurdler is an athlete who takes part in hurdles races.”


表示“贴满,遍贴(画片或招贴画)”,英文解释为“to completely cover a surface with pictures or posters”举个🌰:

She had plastered her bedroom wall with photos of him.






霍顿拒绝与孙杨合影 还鼓动季军学他

澳游泳女将药检呈阳性 记者问霍顿怎么看?

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