

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今天,CCTV 4新闻国际频道的一则消息引发热议:“烈日之下,很多人因为长时间佩戴口罩出现了各种各样的皮肤问题。韩媒提醒,很多口罩无法切断紫外线,佩戴时需要严密做好防晒措施。特别是白色口罩,如果没有贴紧佩戴,会反射光线,导致眼睛和鼻子周围出现黑痣或雀斑,需要格外注意。”


Masks causing acne? Here's how to fit it
cr: Eyewitness News ABC7NY


Face Off: How to care for your skin while wearing a face mask


The ongoing coronavirus crisis has already impacted so many elements of our daily lives but as we take the initial first steps towards coming out of lockdown, more adjustments are going to have to be made.

The latest of which involves wearing a face covering on public transport and in places where it is difficult to stay two metres apart from people outside of your household, such as your weekly trip to the supermarket.

Whether you decide to make your own cloth covering at home or buy a mask online, you are likely to soon discover that, in addition to keeping you safe, face masks can cause some less than desirable and uncomfortable side effects when it comes to your skin.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, news stories and social media feeds have been filled with images of health care workers who are dealing with skin problems caused by wearing medical grade masks for hours on end, with many seeing increases in breakouts, rashes, and skin irritation. And while wearing a cloth face covering will cause nowhere near the levels of discomfort experienced by frontline workers, for some having to wear a mask can result in flare ups and aggravate pre-existing skin conditions.

According to leading dermatologist Dr Anil Budh-Raja, face coverings can cause a multitude of problems for the skin, including rashes due to friction from rubbing, acne and eczema.

“If any part of the mask touches active acne, this can also aggravate the acne and create more inflamed spots, while severe eczema and psoriasis can also worsen,” he explains, adding that edges of poor quality masks may also be sharp or abrasive and can cause substantial irritation, sores, or even cuts.

Dr Anjali Mahto, consultant dermatologist and author of The Skincare Bible, agrees, adding that wearing masks can lead to an accumulation of sweat, which can lead to blocked pores.

Here, The Independent speaks to two leading dermatologists to find out how wearing a face covering might be affecting your complexion and what you can do to help keep your skin clear and healthy.

①Making your own mask? Some fabrics are better than others

The good news is, there are a number of things you can do to prevent your face mask from causing any damage to your skin.

Firstly, it is important to consider the material that your mask is made from, says Dr Budh-Raja. Unless you are a healthcare worker on the frontline, the government recommends wearing a cloth face covering (so that N95 and surgical masks can be reserved for those who really need them).

Ideally, these should be made from tightly woven cotton instead of synthetic fabric, as they will feel more breathable and softer on the skin. If you’re using a homemade cloth face mask, you should also wash it regularly, as it may be absorbing your skin’s natural oils which could lead to breakouts.

② Prevention is better than cure

To help minimise the effects of wearing a face mask, you could also consider using an ointment or salve to protect sensitive areas from friction or chafing, Dr Mahto says. Similarly, it can be beneficial to apply a barrier cream or petrolatum jelly, such as Aquaphor or Vaseline, as an occlusive to cover up broken areas of skin overnight.

③ Change up your skincare routine

For day-to-day care, she also stresses the importance of ensuring your skin is properly hydrated as this will help improve the barrier function of the skin. To prevent your skin from drying out, stick to unscented or fragrance-free cleansers like La Roche Posay’s Toleriane Dermo Cleanser or Cerave’s Hydrating Cleanser.

While it can be tempting to cleanse immediately before and after wearing a face mask, Dr Mahto says it is best to limit yourself to cleansing twice a day, once in the morning and evening, as any more can lead to further dryness, irritation, and redness, especially for those with dry, sensitive or mature skin types.

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Face Off: How to care for your skin while wearing a face mask


The ongoing coronavirus crisis has already impacted so many elements of our daily lives but as we take the initial first steps towards coming out of lockdown, more adjustments are going to have to be made.


The latest of which involves wearing a face covering on public transport and in places where it is difficult to stay two metres apart from people outside of your household, such as your weekly trip to the supermarket.


Whether you decide to make your own cloth covering at home or buy a mask online, you are likely to soon discover that, in addition to keeping you safe, face masks can cause some less than desirable and uncomfortable side effects when it comes to your skin.


Since the beginning of the pandemic, news stories and social media feeds have been filled with images of health care workers who are dealing with skin problems caused by wearing medical grade masks for hours on end, with many seeing increases in breakouts, rashes, and skin irritation. And while wearing a cloth face covering will cause nowhere near the levels of discomfort experienced by frontline workers, for some having to wear a mask can result in flare ups and aggravate pre-existing skin conditions.



feed一词,不知道你有没有听过“Feed流”或者“信息流”这样的说法,熟悉互联网行业的人可能会比较了解,指的就是持续向用户提供内容更新的信息流服务,比如朋友圈(Moments),微博,抖音的形式,你可以以时间线或者兴趣度一条一条地往下刷或者说阅读。可以看下Web feed或者News feed的英文解释:a data format used for providing users with frequently updated content.

on end

1)表示“竖着;直立着”,英文解释为“in a vertical position”举个🌰:

It'll fit if you stand it on end.


2)表示“连续地;不断地”,英文解释为“for the stated length of time, without stopping”举个🌰:

He would disappear for weeks on end.



1)表示“越狱”,英文解释为“If there has been a breakout, someone has escaped from prison.”举个🌰:

He is thought to have planned a prison breakout of militants suspected of the July bombing. 


2)韦氏词典(Merriam-Webster)中给出了一个解释:an eruption or inflammation of the skin. 貌似特指皮肤炎症的爆发。

3)动词短语break out本身有“(战争、疾病等)爆发”的含义,breakout作名词查到也有类似的意思,可以理解为疾病的突然发作,增加,爆发(A sudden manifestation or increase, as of a disease; an outbreak.)

4)动词短语break out in a rash/sweat表示“突然开始出现(疹子、冒汗)”,英文解释为“If you break out in a rash or a sweat, a rash or sweat appears on your skin.”举个🌰:

She broke out in a rash after eating some strawberries.


📍 你觉得此处怎么解释更好呢?


1)作形容词,表示“轻率的”,英文解释为“If someone is rash or does rash things, they act without thinking carefully first, and therefore make mistakes or behave foolishly.”举个🌰:

It would be rash to rely on such evidence.


2)作可数名词,表示“疹子”,英文解释为“A rash is an area of red spots that appears on your skin when you are ill or have a bad reaction to something that you have eaten or touched.”


1)表示“恼怒”,英文解释为“Irritation is a feeling of annoyance, especially when something is happening that you cannot easily stop or control.”举个🌰:

He tried not to let his irritation show as he blinked in the glare of the television lights. 


2)表示“恼人的事”,英文解释为“An irritation is something that keeps annoying you.”举个🌰:

Don't allow a minor irritation in the workplace to mar your ambitions. 


3)表示“刺激”,英文解释为“Irritation in a part of your body is a feeling of slight pain and discomfort there.”举个🌰:

These oils may cause irritation to sensitive skins. 


flare up

表示“突发;恶化;(尤指)复发”,英文解释为“A sudden painful attack, especially after a period without any problems or pain;If there is a flare-up of violence or of an illness, it suddenly starts or gets worse. ”如:a flare-up of tension between the two sides 双方剑拔弩张,a flare-up of the bushfires 林区大火的猛燃。

📺美剧《破产姐妹》(Broke Girls)第4季中的台词提到:No matter what you do, it's gonna flare up once a year. 无论你怎么防范,它每年都会卷土重来一次。


aggravate /ˈæɡrəˌveɪt/ 表示“使恶化”,英文解释为“If someone or something aggravates a situation, they make it worse.”举个🌰:

Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate the situation


🎬电影《卡推女王》(The Queen of Katwe)中的台词提到:Do you want to aggravate your old injury? 你想要旧伤复发吗?

According to leading dermatologist Dr Anil Budh-Raja, face coverings can cause a multitude of problems for the skin, including rashes due to friction from rubbing, acne and eczema.

据著名皮肤科医生Anil Budh-Raja博士介绍,口罩会给皮肤带来多种问题,包括因摩擦产生的皮疹、痤疮和湿疹。


dermatologist /ˌdɜːməˈtɒlədʒɪst/ 表示“皮肤病学家”,英文解释为“A dermatologist is a doctor who specializes in the study of skin and the treatment of skin conditions and diseases.”

a multitude of

表示“大量”,英文解释为“A multitude of things or people is a very large number of them.”举个🌰:

There are a multitude of small, quiet roads to cycle along.


acne /ˈæknɪ/

不可数名词,表示“痤疮;粉刺”,英文解释为“a skin condition, common among young people, that produces many pimples (= spots), especially on the face and neck”。

📍eczema /ˈɛksɪmə, ɪˈgziː-/ Eczema is a skin condition that makes your skin itch and become sore, rough, and broken. 湿疹(不可数名词)

“If any part of the mask touches active acne, this can also aggravate the acne and create more inflamed spots, while severe eczema and psoriasis can also worsen,” he explains, adding that edges of poor quality masks may also be sharp or abrasive and can cause substantial irritation, sores, or even cuts.



表示“红肿的;发炎的”,英文解释为“If part of your body is inflamed, it is red or swollen, usually as a result of an infection, injury, or illness.”举个🌰:

Symptoms include red, itchy and inflamed skin



表示“(皮肤上的)丘疹,疱疹,粉刺;脓疱”,英文解释为“a small mark or lump on a person's skin, sometimes with a yellow head to it”举个🌰:

The baby's whole body was covered in small red spots.



1)表示“粗鲁的”,英文解释为“Someone who has an abrasive manner is unkind and rude.”举个🌰:

His abrasive manner has won him an unenviable notoriety.


2)表示“有研磨作用的”,英文解释为“An abrasive substance is rough and can be used to clean hard surfaces.”如:a new all-purpose, non-abrasive cleaner that cleans and polishes all metals 一种可以清洁、抛光各种金属的万能无磨损新型清洁剂。


表示“伤口;划口”,英文解释为“a wound caused by sth sharp”举个🌰:

Blood poured from the deep cut on his arm.


📍psoriasis /səˈraɪəsɪs/牛皮癣;银屑病,不可数名词(a skin disease that causes rough red areas where the skin comes off in small pieces)

Dr Anjali Mahto, consultant dermatologist and author of The Skincare Bible, agrees, adding that wearing masks can lead to an accumulation of sweat, which can lead to blocked pores.

皮肤科顾问、《护肤圣经(The Skincare Bible)》的作者Anjali Mahto博士也认为,戴口罩会造成汗液堆积,从而导致毛孔堵塞。


1)名词,表示“毛孔”,英文解释为“Your pores are the tiny holes in your skin.”举个🌰:

The size of your pores is determined by the amount of oil they produce. 


2)动词短语,pore over/through表示“仔细研究”,英文解释为“If you pore over or through information, you look at it and study it very carefully.”举个🌰:

We spent hours poring over travel brochures. 


🎬电影《指环王1》(The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring)中的台词提到:He spends hours and hours poring over old maps when he thinks I'm not looking. 他看我没注意的时候就会花上几个小时盯着旧地图。

Here, The Independent speaks to two leading dermatologists to find out how wearing a face covering might be affecting your complexion and what you can do to help keep your skin clear and healthy.

在这里,The Independent与两位著名的皮肤科医生进行了交流,以了解戴面罩可能会如何影响你的肤色,以及采取哪些措施有助于保持皮肤的清洁和健康。


complexion /kəmˈplɛkʃən/ 表示“面色;肤色;气色”,英文解释为“When you refer to someone's complexion, you are referring to the natural colour or condition of the skin on their face.”举个🌰:

She had short brown hair and a pale complexion.


①Making your own mask? Some fabrics are better than others


The good news is, there are a number of things you can do to prevent your face mask from causing any damage to your skin.


Firstly, it is important to consider the material that your mask is made from, says Dr Budh-Raja. Unless you are a healthcare worker on the frontline, the government recommends wearing a cloth face covering (so that N95 and surgical masks can be reserved for those who really need them).


be reserved for

表示“预留”,英文解释为“If something is reserved for a particular person or purpose, it is kept specially for that person or purpose.”举个🌰:

A double room with a balcony overlooking the sea had been reserved for him.


Ideally, these should be made from tightly woven cotton instead of synthetic fabric, as they will feel more breathable and softer on the skin. If you’re using a homemade cloth face mask, you should also wash it regularly, as it may be absorbing your skin's natural oils which could lead to breakouts.


synthetic fabric


② Prevention is better than cure

To help minimise the effects of wearing a face mask, you could also consider using an ointment or salve to protect sensitive areas from friction or chafing, Dr Mahto says. Similarly, it can be beneficial to apply a barrier cream or petrolatum jelly, such as Aquaphor or Vaseline, as an occlusive to cover up broken areas of skin overnight.


📍ointment表示“药膏;软膏;油膏”,英文解释为“An ointment is a smooth thick substance that is put on sore skin or a wound to help it heal.”如:antiseptic ointment 抗菌软膏。

📍salve /sælv/表示“药膏;软膏;油膏”,英文解释为“Salve is an oily substance that is put on sore skin or a wound to help it heal.”如:a soothing salve 滋润药膏。

a barrier cream

表示“护肤霜;防护脂”,英文解释为“a cream used to protect the skin, esp the hands, from dirt and from the action of oils or solvents”,ice cream大家都知道,cream此处还有“膏;霜”(A cream is a substance that you rub into your skin, for example, to keep it soft or to heal or protect it.)的含义,如:hand/moisturizing cream 护手/润肤霜,antiseptic cream 抗菌药膏。

petrolatum jelly

petrolatum jelly /ˌpɛtrəˈleɪtəm/ /ˈdʒɛlɪ/表示“凡士林;矿脂”,英文解释为“a soft clear substance obtained from petroleum , used to heal injuries on the skin or to make machine parts move together more smoothly”,等同于petroleum jelly,后面出现的Vaseline /ˈvæsɪˌliːn/ 也是凡士林。

③ Change up your skincare routine

For day-to-day care, she also stresses the importance of ensuring your skin is properly hydrated as this will help improve the barrier function of the skin. To prevent your skin from drying out, stick to unscented or fragrance-free cleansers like La Roche Posay's Toleriane Dermo Cleanser or Cerave's Hydrating Cleanser.

hydrated /ˈhaɪdreɪtɪd/

表示“含水的;水合的(化合物)”,英文解释为“chemically bonded to water molecules”;动词hydrate可以表示“(身体)补充水分;使吸入水分;使水合;使成水合物”(to make sth absorb water),如:oils that help hydrate your skin 帮助你的皮肤补水的油。


unscented表示“无香味的;无气味的”,英文解释为“not filled or impregnated with odour or fragrance”;还用了另一个表达:fragrance-free.

📍名词-free,通常表示“不含...的”(-free combines with nouns to form adjectives that indicate that something does not have the thing mentioned, or has only a little of it.)如:sugar-free 无糖的,lead free petrol 无铅汽油,a salt-free diet 不含盐饮食。

While it can be tempting to cleanse immediately before and after wearing a face mask, Dr Mahto says it is best to limit yourself to cleansing twice a day, once in the morning and evening, as any more can lead to further dryness, irritation, and redness, especially for those with dry, sensitive or mature skin types.

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