

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26








Introducing hot pot: a classical Chinese dish to try this fall

Vox Magazine

There’s a popular saying in China, “everything can be solved by one hot pot; if not, it can be solved by two.” This speaks to the importance of this traditional dish in Chinese culture. Hot pot involves plates of ingredients and a simmering pot of broth, but what do you do with them? This guide will help novices know how to try this classic dish.

What is hot pot?

Hot pot is a communal dining experience where everyone shares one pot of cooking broth and takes turns adding ingredients. The dish reflects a dining custom that dates back thousands of years in China where families and strangers alike eat together and socialize as they dine. According to a 2018 article in the South China Morning Post, hot pot’s origins aren’t clear, but it developed differently in different regions — from the spicy, numbing broth of Szechuan to the gentle, fragrant tastes from Jiangsu.

How to order hot pot?

To start, decide on a soup base and ingredients. Min Wang, the quality inspector of Taste Place on North Stadium Boulevard, says it is important to consider which ingredients will give your broth the flavor and spiciness you prefer. The broths are usually served with customers choosing the flavors they want; For instance, Taste Place offers over eight bases on its menu. The ingredients of hot pot are brought to the table raw. The selections include different meats, vegetables and noodles. Some classic ingredients include sliced meats, cabbage, mushrooms, rice noodles and potatoes.

At Taste Place, each ingredient comes to your table on a separate plate. Tao Tan, a Taste Place customer, says her favorite is a seafood combination of fish tofu and fish balls with a spicy fish-based broth. Her husband, Jon Zhang, says he chooses more vegetables for his hot pot.

Dipping sauce is the finishing touch. Sesame oil and sesame sauce are popular. The price of hot pot varies depending on your choice of broths and ingredients. For instance, on Seasoning 63’s menu, they serve different ingredient combinations and the price starts at $11.99.

How to cook and eat hot pot?

Now, it’s time to actually cook the dish. You add the ingredients to the boiling broth that sits on a warmer built into the table. Here is a little trick: Put cabbage, lettuce and spinach in last as they take less time to cook. Once your ingredients are cooked to your liking, take them out and dunk them in your dipping sauce.

A benefit of eating hot pot with others is socialization. It’s a perfect time to chat with friends and family. For Zhang and Tan, hot pot is their weekly tradition. “We like taking the time to enjoy it, whether it’s a holiday, family visiting or whatever,” Tan says. “It’s nice to sit down and enjoy a long meal."

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Hot Pot: A Beginner's Guide (cr: Groupon)


Introducing hot pot: a classical Chinese dish to try this fall

Vox Magazine

There's a popular saying in China, “everything can be solved by one hot pot; if not, it can be solved by two.” This speaks to the importance of this traditional dish in Chinese culture. Hot pot involves plates of ingredients and a simmering pot of broth, but what do you do with them? This guide will help novices know how to try this classic dish.



表示“(尤指烹调用的)原料”,英文解释为“Ingredients are the things that are used to make something, especially all the different foods you use when you are cooking a particular dish.”举个🌰:

Coconut is a basic ingredient for many curries.



作动词,表示“用文火炖;煨”,英文解释为“When you simmer food or when it simmers, you cook it by keeping it at boiling point or just below boiling point.”举个🌰:

Simmer the sauce gently for 10 minutes.


🎬电影《朱莉与茱莉亚》(Julie and Julia)中的台词提到:It's simmering. 水开了。

🎬还是电影《朱莉与茱莉亚》(Julie and Julia)中的台词:It took three of us, crammed into the kitchen over a pot of simmering water, 我们三个挤在厨房里,凑在一锅沸腾的水面前,

broth /brɒθ/

表示“肉汤;蔬菜清汤”,英文解释为“Broth is a kind of soup made by boiling meat or vegetables.”如:chicken broth 鸡汤。

🎬电影《美国动物》(American Animals)中的台词提到:You need to have a little bit of spice in the broth. 你总得在肉汤中加点香料

🎬电影《游戏之夜》(Game Night)中的台词提到broth和上面的simmering:I've purchased four lamb shanks that I've been simmering in a broth of red wine and rosemary. 我买了4个羊小腿 加上红酒和迷迭香 炖了一锅浓汤。


📍俚语too many cooks spoil the broth表示“厨师太多烧坏汤;人多反倒误事”(said when there are too many people involved in trying to do the same thing, so that the final result will not be good)


表示“新手;初学者”,英文解释为“a person who is new and has little experience in a skill, job or situation”举个🌰:

I'm a novice at these things. You're the professional.


⊙What is hot pot?

Hot pot is a communal dining experience where everyone shares one pot of cooking broth and takes turns adding ingredients. The dish reflects a dining custom that dates back thousands of years in China where families and strangers alike eat together and socialize as they dine. According to a 2018 article in the South China Morning Post, hot pot's origins aren't clear, but it developed differently in different regions — from the spicy, numbing broth of Szechuan to the gentle, fragrant tastes from Jiangsu.



communal /ˈkɒmjʊnəl/ 表示“共享的,共有的,共用的”,英文解释为“shared by, or for the use of, a number of people, especially people who live together”如:a communal kitchen/garden 共用的厨房/花园。


表示“令人麻木的;使人失去知觉的”,英文解释为“making you unable to feel anything”如:numbing cold/fear 令人麻木的严寒/使人发懵的恐惧。

📍注:上文提到南华早报(South China Morning Post)的文章「What is Chinese hotpot and where does it come from? The questions that boiled over into a national controversy」,介绍了国内几种类别的火锅,分别是:

· Beijing's hotpot is all about simplicity
· Sichuan's “ma la” hotpot numbs the senses
· Anhui 'simple but delicious'
· Yunnan favours the sour and Guangdong likes seafood

⊙How to order hot pot?

To start, decide on a soup base and ingredients. Min Wang, the quality inspector of Taste Place on North Stadium Boulevard, says it is important to consider which ingredients will give your broth the flavor and spiciness you prefer. The broths are usually served with customers choosing the flavors they want; For instance, Taste Place offers over eight bases on its menu. The ingredients of hot pot are brought to the table raw. The selections include different meats, vegetables and noodles. Some classic ingredients include sliced meats, cabbage, mushrooms, rice noodles and potatoes.

首先,要确定汤底和配料。位于体育场北大道的Taste Place质检员王敏(Min Wang)说,要考虑哪些配料能让你的汤汁有你喜欢的风味和辣度。汤底通常是由顾客选择自己想要的口味,比如Taste Place的菜单上就提供了8种以上的底料。火锅的配料上菜时都是生的。可选的包括不同的肉类、蔬菜和面条。一些经典的配料包括肉片、白菜、蘑菇、米粉和土豆。


此处soup base指汤底,汤料,base作名词,熟词僻义,本身有“主要配料,主要成分”的含义,英文解释为“The base of a substance such as paint or food is the main ingredient of it, to which other substances can be added.”如:a drink with a rum base 主要成分为朗姆酒的饮料。


表示“生的;未烹制的;未煮的”,英文解释为“not cooked”如:raw meat 生肉。

At Taste Place, each ingredient comes to your table on a separate plate. Tao Tan, a Taste Place customer, says her favorite is a seafood combination of fish tofu and fish balls with a spicy fish-based broth. Her husband, Jon Zhang, says he chooses more vegetables for his hot pot.

在Taste Place,每一种配料都是用单独的盘子送到你的餐桌上。Taste Place的顾客谭涛(Tao Tan)说,她最喜欢的是鱼豆腐和鱼丸的海鲜组合,配上以鱼为主的辣汤。她的丈夫张乔恩(Jon Zhang)说,他更多是选择蔬菜。

📍 seafood 海鲜

📍 fish balls 鱼丸

Dipping sauce is the finishing touch. Sesame oil and sesame sauce are popular. The price of hot pot varies depending on your choice of broths and ingredients. For instance, on Seasoning 63's menu, they serve different ingredient combinations and the price starts at $11.99.

蘸酱是点睛之笔。麻油和芝麻酱很受欢迎。火锅的价格因你选择的汤底和配料而异。例如,在Seasoning 63的菜单上,它们提供不同的配料组合,价格为11.99美元起。


表示“蘸”,英文解释为“If you dip something in a liquid, you put it into the liquid for a short time, so that only part of it is covered, and take it out again.”举个🌰:

Dip each apple in the syrup until thickly coated.



前几天在外媒看“逗鹅冤”文中,刚提到过,sauce /sɔːs/作名词,可以指“调味汁;酱”(a thick liquid eaten with food to add flavour),本身也有“讨厌的话(或举动);无礼的话(或举动)”的含义(talk or behaviour that is annoying or lacking in respect)。

finishing touch

字面意思就是最后一触,最后一笔,最后的润色,最后的点缀,也就是所谓的“画龙点睛;点睛之笔”,英文解释为“The last detail added or change made to something to make it complete;a final additional or detail that completes and perfects something;the last thing done to make something complete”

🎬电影《安娜·卡列尼娜》(Anna Karenina)中的台词提到::puts a finishing touch to a young man's education. 也算是年少时期的最后一课。

📍 sesame oil 香油;芝麻油

📍 sesame sauce 芝麻酱

⊙How to cook and eat hot pot?

Now, it’s time to actually cook the dish. You add the ingredients to the boiling broth that sits on a warmer built into the table. Here is a little trick: Put cabbage, lettuce and spinach in last as they take less time to cook. Once your ingredients are cooked to your liking, take them out and dunk them in your dipping sauce.



作名词,表示“保温器;加热器”,英文解释为“a piece of clothing, a device, etc. that warms sb/sth”如:a plate warmer 暖盘器。

dunk /dʌŋk/

表示“(吃前将食物放入液体中)浸一浸,泡一泡;浸泡”,英文解释为“If you dunk something in a liquid, you put it in the liquid, especially for a particular purpose and for a short time.”举个🌰:

She sat reading a magazine, dunking cookies in her coffee.


📍 cabbage甘蓝;卷心菜;洋白菜

📍 lettuce 莴苣;生菜

📍 spinach 菠菜

A benefit of eating hot pot with others is socialization. It's a perfect time to chat with friends and family. For Zhang and Tan, hot pot is their weekly tradition. “We like taking the time to enjoy it, whether it’s a holiday, family visiting or whatever,” Tan says. “It’s nice to sit down and enjoy a long meal."





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