

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

据日本新闻网(NNN),日本知名男星三浦春马(Miura Haruma)18日下午被发现在东京的家中去世。


Japanese actor Haruma Miura dead at 30: Kimi Ni Todoke star passes away in suspected suicide


Japanese actor Haruma Miura has died aged 30 in a suspected suicide.

The star, who was known for films like Attack On Titan and Kimi Ni Todoke, was found unresponsive at his home in the Minato ward of Tokyo on Saturday afternoon, NHK News has revealed.

It was reported that his manager found Miura when he came to his home to check on him when he did not show up for work.

News sources claimed he was rushed to the hospital after being found, but was declared dead upon arrival.

It was also reported that the Tokyo Metropolitan Police are currently investigating his death, but believe his cause of death to be suicide.

Miura made his debut in the Japanese film industry at the age of seven after he appeared in NHK drama Agri in 1997.

As a student he formed the band Brash Brats with his fellow classmates, but the group announced their hiatus in 2005.

The actor, who hails from the Ibaraki prefecture, went on to appear in several dramas and films after he joined Amuse Inc, one of Japan's biggest talent agencies.

He began to gain recognition soon after and earned the Sponichi Grand Prix Newcomer Award at the Mainichi Film Awards in 2009 for his role in Naoko, which also earned him the newcomer award at the 31st Japan Academy Awards.

Miura went on to star in several Japanese TV dramas, being cast in supporting roles in Binbō Danshi and Gokusen before being cast as the lead in Bloody Monday opposite Takeru Satoh.

In 2009, Miura starred opposite Shun Oguri in Crows Zero II, the highly anticipated sequel to the hugely popular action flick Crows Zero.

Continuing to grow in popularity, the actor landed the lead role in the live-action adaptation of manga Kimi Ni Todoke, which saw him play popular boy Kazehaya who falls in love with outcast Sawako.

Miura also took the title role of Eren in the two-part live-action adaptation of Attack On Titan, which he appeared in alongside Kiko Mizuhara and Hiroki Hasegawa.

The actor posted his final Instagram post three days before his death, in which he encouraged fans to watch his next drama Love Will Begin When Money End which is set to air in September. 

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Japanese actor Haruma Miura dead at 30: Kimi Ni Todoke star passes away in suspected suicide


Japanese actor Haruma Miura has died aged 30 in a suspected suicide.

The star, who was known for films like Attack On Titan and Kimi Ni Todoke, was found unresponsive at his home in the Minato ward of Tokyo on Saturday afternoon, NHK News has revealed.

⊙Attack On Titan 《进击的巨人》

⊙Kimi Ni Todoke 《好想告诉你》


1)表示“(城镇或村庄的)区,选区”,英文解释为“(in many countries) one of the areas into which a city or town is divided, having its own elected political representative or its own organizations for managing services”;

2)常用意思,表示“病房,病室”,英文解释为“one of the parts or large rooms into which a hospital is divided, usually with beds for patients”。

It was reported that his manager found Miura when he came to his home to check on him when he did not show up for work.

News sources claimed he was rushed to the hospital after being found, but was declared dead upon arrival.


此处表示“快速运输;速送”,英文解释为“to transport or send sb/sth somewhere with great speed”,一般用法:rush sb. to the hospital,例如:

They had rushed him to a hospital for a lifesaving operation.


It was also reported that the Tokyo Metropolitan Police are currently investigating his death, but believe his cause of death to be suicide.


Miura made his debut in the Japanese film industry at the age of seven after he appeared in NHK drama Agri in 1997.


表示“(演员、运动员等的)首次登台,初次亮相;新事物的问世”,英文解释为“The debut of a performer or sports player is their first public performance, appearance, or recording.”例如:

She made her debut in a 1937 production of "Hamlet."


As a student he formed the band Brash Brats with his fellow classmates, but the group announced their hiatus in 2005.


hiatus /haɪˈeɪtəs/ 表示“间歇;空隙;间断;停滞”,英文解释为“A hiatus is a pause in which nothing happens, or a gap where something is missing.”

⊙组合解散/休团/停歇?时,多有媒体会用这个词hiatus,比如,英国单向组合(One Direction)解散后拟于7月份十周年之际重聚,“自解散后”媒体就用的,since their hiatus.

The actor, who hails from the Ibaraki prefecture, went on to appear in several dramas and films after he joined Amuse Inc, one of Japan's biggest talent agencies.

hail from

表示“来自;出生于”,英文解释为“to come from or have been born in a particular place”例如:

His father hailed from Italy.



表示“(法、意、日等国的)地方行政区域;省;县;辖区”,英文解释为“an area of local government in some countries, for example France, Italy and Japan”。

2019年政府工作报告中提到,“三区三州”用的是“three regions and three prefectures”,原句:加大“三区三州”等深度贫困地区脱贫攻坚力度, We will intensify poverty alleviation in areas of extreme poverty like the "three regions and three prefectures,"

He began to gain recognition soon after and earned the Sponichi Grand Prix Newcomer Award at the Mainichi Film Awards in 2009 for his role in Naoko, which also earned him the newcomer award at the 31st Japan Academy Awards.


表示“新来者;新手”,英文解释为“a person who has only recently arrived in a place or started an activity”。

Miura went on to star in several Japanese TV dramas, being cast in supporting roles in Binbō Danshi and Gokusen before being cast as the lead in Bloody Monday opposite Takeru Satoh.

⊙supporting roles 配角

⊙lead roles 主角,主演

⊙Binbō Danshi 贫乏男子

⊙Gokusen 极道鲜师

⊙Bloody Monday《血色星期一》

⊙Satoh Takeru 佐藤健(さとう たける)


表示“分配…扮演(某角色),为…选派演员”,英文解释为“to choose actors to play particular parts in a play, film, or show”例如:

He was often cast as the villain.



原意表示“与…相对;在…对面”,此处指的是“(在电影或戏剧中)与(某人)联袂出演,与(某人)合演”,英文解释为“acting in a film/movie or play as the partner of sb”,通常用法:act/play/star opposite sb,例如:

She starred opposite Tom Hanks.


In 2009, Miura starred opposite Shun Oguri in Crows Zero II, the highly anticipated sequel to the hugely popular action flick Crows Zero.

⊙Oguri Shun 小栗旬

⊙Crows Zero II《热血高校2》


sequel /ˈsiːkwəl/ 表示“(书、电影、戏剧等的)续篇,续集”,英文解释为“a book, film/movie, play, etc. that continues the story of an earlier one”;


prequel:a book or a film/movie about events that happened before those in a popular book or film/movie 先篇,前篇,前传(叙述某流行图书或电影中的故事之前的事情)

action flick

action flick 动作片,动作电影,flick,非正式用法,指的就是film,电影(US informal or UK old-fashioned informal);the flicks就等同于the cinema表示“电影院”,例如:

What's on at the flicks this week?



chick flick 指的是针对女性观众的电影(旨在迎合女性口味的电影),可以理解为“言情电影”(a film/movie that is intended especially for women)

Continuing to grow in popularity, the actor landed the lead role in the live-action adaptation of manga Kimi Ni Todoke, which saw him play popular boy Kazehaya who falls in love with outcast Sawako.

⊙the live-action adaptation 真人改编的


表示“成功得到,赢得,捞到(尤指许多人想得到的工作)”,英文解释为“to succeed in getting a job, etc., especially one that a lot of other people want”例如:

He's just landed a starring role in the next movie.



表示“受排斥的人;被社会(或集体)抛弃的人;流浪者”,英文解释为“a person who has no place in their society or in a particular group, because the society or group refuses to accept them”。

Miura also took the title role of Eren in the two-part live-action adaptation of Attack On Titan, which he appeared in alongside Kiko Mizuhara and Hiroki Hasegawa.

the title role

表示“剧中角色;片名角色”,英文解释为“The title role in a play or movie is the role referred to in the name of the play or movie.”


Kiko Mizuhara 水原希子

Hiroki Hasegawa 长谷川博己

The actor posted his final Instagram post three days before his death, in which he encouraged fans to watch his next drama Love Will Begin When Money End which is set to air in September.


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