

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,第72届美国电视艾美奖(Emmy Awards)颁奖典礼在线上举行。



Ramy Youssef Shows What Happens ‘When You Lose the Emmy’


This year's Emmy nominees are all staying home, but some are still being handed the awards on live television. Others aren't so lucky.

As the 72nd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards announced its winners on live television, the footage cut to its presenters — complete with hazmat tuxedo suits — giving the trophies to the stars. Ramy Youssef, however, posted a video to Twitter showing what happens when you don’t end up winning.

Youssef was nominated for best directing in a comedy series and best lead actor in a comedy series for Hulu's “Ramy,” but lost both to the cast and crew of “Schitt’s Creek.” Despite not winning either of the awards, a hazmat-tuxedo presenter still showed up to his home during the night's live announcements.

The video, which quickly went viral on Twitter, captures the presenter waving to the camera from outside before walking away. “When you lose the emmy,” Youssef captioned the tweet.

An ABC spokesperson told Variety the way presenters are handing out trophies varies throughout the show. Some winners receive mystery boxes, like winner John Oliver, which means presenters clad in hazmat-tuxedo suits are not waiting outside every nominee’s house.

Costume designer Katja Cahill and executive producer Guy Carrington designed the hazmat suits worn by this year’s presenters. A hazmat manufacturer was also involved in the creation process.

Meanwhile Samantha Bee, another Emmy nominee who didn’t take home the gold, revealed what’s inside the mystery boxes some recipients got… a bottle of champagne!

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Ramy Youssef Shows What Happens ‘When You Lose the Emmy’


This year's Emmy nominees are all staying home, but some are still being handed the awards on live television. Others aren't so lucky.


nominee /ˌnɒmɪˈniː/

表示“候选人;被提名人”,英文解释为“A nominee is someone who is nominated for a job, position, or award.”如:an Oscar nominee 获得奥斯卡提名的人。

As the 72nd Annual Primetime Emmy Awards announced its winners on live television, the footage cut to its presenterscomplete with hazmat tuxedo suits — giving the trophies to the stars. Ramy Youssef, however, posted a video to Twitter showing what happens when you don't end up winning.

当第72届艾美奖在电视直播中宣布获奖者时,镜头切到了主持人--穿着防护礼服--给明星们颁发奖杯的画面。拉米·尤素夫(Ramy Youssef)却在Twitter上发布了一段视频,展示了当你最终没有获奖时会发生什么。


熟词僻义,表示“切换画面;转换”,英文解释为“to move quickly from one scene to another”举个🌰:

The scene cuts from the bedroom to the street.



一般表示“(广播、电视)节目主持人”,英文解释为“a person who introduces the different sections of a radio or television programme”,也可以指“演讲人;发言人”,如:conference presenters 会议发言人,另外还有“(仪式上的)颁奖人”的含义(a person who gives sb a prize at a ceremony)。

complete with

相当于including,表示“包括,含有(额外部分或特征)”,英文解释为“including sth as an extra part or feature”举个🌰:

The furniture comes complete with tools and instructions for assembly.


The book, complete with CD, costs ¥24.


🎬电影《飞屋环游记》(Up)中的台词提到:Complete with doggy bath and mechanical canlne walker. 装备了狗狗洗澡机和跑步机。


hazardous material的缩写,表示“危险物品,危险物料”,举个🌰:

Each volunteer was given a disposable white hazmat suit (= a suit that protects against dangerous substances).


📍 hazmat suits 指的就是(危险物品)防护服。

📍 tuxedo /tʌkˈsiːdəʊ/ 等同于tux /tʌks/ 表示“(指男式)晚礼服;男式礼服;男式无尾礼服上装”(A tuxedo is a suit, usually black, that is worn by men for formal social events. A tuxedo is a jacket, usually black or white, that is worn by men for formal social events.)类似的还可以说dinner suit或者dinner jacket.



trophy /ˈtrəʊfɪ/ 表示“奖,奖品,奖杯”,英文解释为“a prize, such as a gold or silver cup, that is given to the winner of a competition or race, and often returned after a year to be given to the winner of the competition in the following year”。

Youssef was nominated for best directing in a comedy series and best lead actor in a comedy series for Hulu's “Ramy,” but lost both to the cast and crew of “Schitt's Creek.” Despite not winning either of the awards, a hazmat-tuxedo presenter still showed up to his home during the night's live announcements.

尤素夫凭借Hulu的《拉米(Ramy)》获得了喜剧类最佳导演和喜剧类最佳男主角提名,但都输给了《富家穷路(Schitt's Creek)》的剧组。尽管没有获得这两个奖项,但在当晚颁奖直播中,一位身穿防护礼服的颁奖人还是出现在了他的家中。

The video, which quickly went viral on Twitter, captures the presenter waving to the camera from outside before walking away. “When you lose the emmy,” Youssef captioned the tweet.



go viral字面意思就是“像病毒一样传播、扩散”,引申为“走红,十分流行,疯狂传播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以说go viral,英文解释为“used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.”举个🌰:

Within days the film clip went viral.



可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“(图片或卡通的)说明文字”,英文解释为“A caption is the words printed underneath a picture or cartoon which explain what it is about.”如:a captioned photograph 一幅带有文字说明的照片,举个🌰:

The local paper featured me standing on a stepladder with a caption, "He climbs the ladder to success."


An ABC spokesperson told Variety the way presenters are handing out trophies varies throughout the show. Some winners receive mystery boxes, like winner John Oliver, which means presenters clad in hazmat-tuxedo suits are not waiting outside every nominee's house.

ABC发言人告诉Variety,颁奖人在整个颁奖典礼中发放奖杯的方式各不相同。有些获奖者会收到神秘箱,比如获奖者约翰·奥利弗(John Oliver),这意味着身穿防护礼服的颁奖人并不是在每个被提名者的房子外面等待。

clad in

clad in表示“穿着”,clad作形容词,表示“穿…衣服的;覆盖着…的”,英文解释为“(of people) dressed, or (of things) covered”举个🌰:

A strange figure appeared in the doorway, clad in black.


🎬电影《极盗车神》(Baby Driver)中的台词提到:Two men and a woman came into the bank branch, clad in black business clothing 两名男性和一名女性劫匪进入银行 穿着黑色西装。

Costume designer Katja Cahill and executive producer Guy Carrington designed the hazmat suits worn by this year's presenters. A hazmat manufacturer was also involved in the creation process.

服装设计师凯蒂娅·卡希尔(Katja Cahill)和执行制片人盖伊·卡林顿(Guy Carrington)设计了今年的颁奖人所穿的防护服。一家防护用品制造商也参与了创作过程。

Meanwhile Samantha Bee, another Emmy nominee who didn't take home the gold, revealed what's inside the mystery boxes some recipients got… a bottle of champagne!

同时,另一位没有拿到奖杯的艾美奖提名者萨曼莎·比(Samantha Bee)透露了部分获奖者拿到的神秘盒子里的东西......一瓶香槟!

champagne /ʃæmˈpeɪn/

表示“香槟酒”,英文解释为“Champagne is an expensive French white wine with bubbles in. It is often drunk to celebrate something.”


福克斯新闻(Fox News)在介绍此事时,第一句就是:Ramy Youssef is taking his 2020 Emmy loss in stride. 拉米·尤素夫对2020年艾美奖的失利泰然处之。

take sth in (one's) stride

表示“从容处理;对...泰然处之”(to accept and deal with sth difficult without letting it worry you too much),举个🌰:

When you become a leader, you soon learn to take criticism in your stride.

📺英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)第五季中的台词提到:I do admire the way you just take it all in your stride. 我真佩服你 能如此从容面对一切。

📺还是《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey),第四季中的台词提到:Don't worry about that, My Lady. We can take it in our stride. 别担心 小姐 我们能应付得来。

第二段最后一句提到,And as a consolation, his reaction might have won the internet. 而作为安慰,他的反应可能已经赢得了网友的称赞。


consolation表示“安慰;慰藉;给人带来安慰的事物”(something that makes someone who is sad or disappointed feel better)举个🌰:

I didn't know what to say - I just offered a few words of consolation.

🎬电影《怦然心动》(Flipped)中的台词提到:My only consolation was that next year would be different. 我唯一的慰藉就是期望明年会有所改变。






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