
iPhone 12 值不值得买?

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

今天凌晨1点,苹果发布四款iPhone 12,其中 iPhone 12 Pro 8499元起,iPhone 12 Pro Max 9299元起,iPhone 12 mini 5499元起,iPhone 12 6299元起。

那么,iPhone 12 值不值得买呢?看图:金陵十二差,十三香。


Apple iPhone 12 event in under 12 minutes from: The Verge


Hello iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro

The New York Times

The iPhone 12, the successor to last year’s iPhone 11, has arrived with an improved screen and faster chip, among other improvements.

Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive, took the wraps off the new device on Tuesday and emphasized that it has the capability to run on 5G next-generation cellular networks, for much faster speeds.

The new iPhone is also 11 percent thinner, 15 percent smaller and 16 percent lighter than its predecessor. It has smooth, flat edges, unlike the round corners of past models. The screen uses OLED, a brighter display technology that replaces the older LCD technology in the last entry-level iPhone. Apple said it also toughened the glass of the touch screen, making it four times more likely to survive a drop.

The iPhone 12 will also come in two screen sizes: 5.4 inches and 6.1 inches. The smaller model, called iPhone 12 Mini, may appeal to people who prefer smaller phones.

Apple also introduced upgrades for its iPhone Pro models, its more expensive smartphones. The premium models have an extra camera lens, and their processors are slightly more powerful for taking special photos with extra high-resolution, which Apple calls “deep fusion.” They also include a Lidar scanner, which is a depth sensor that uses lasers to scan 3-D objects, which could improve augmented-reality applications.

Mr. Cook talked at length about the speed improvements of 5G, calling it “super fast” and offering a “new level of performance for downloads and uploads.” But notably, his description lacked specificity: He did not say how much faster 5G was than current 4G phones, which many would already consider to be super fast.

Hans Vestberg, chief executive of Verizon, joined Apple to talk about 5G, highlighting its peak speeds. But those peak speeds will not be available in most of the nation.

So here’s the upshot: The design changes to the newest iPhones are, in the near term, more remarkable than the addition of 5G.

Nonetheless, Apple, and other handset makers including Google and Samsung are working emphasizing 5G in their new phones to help carriers communicate the network shift to consumers.

As an aside, Apple said it would stop including headphones and power chargers with its iPhones. It framed the move as an environmental decision, which also will likely save it money and spur people to spend more for those accessories. Apple said iPhones would instead come with a USB-C cable, which will enable faster charging.

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Hello iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro

The New York Times

The iPhone 12, the successor to last year's iPhone 11, has arrived with an improved screen and faster chip, among other improvements.

作为去年iPhone 11的下一代,iPhone 12,已经发布,在屏幕和芯片等方面有了改进升级。


表示“继任者,接替者;继承人;接替的事物”,英文解释为“someone or something that comes after another person or thing”举个🌰:

This range of computers is very fast, but their successors will be even faster.


📍下文出现另一个词,predecessor表示“前任,前辈;原有事物,前身”,英文解释为“someone who had a job or a position before someone else, or something that comes before another thing in time or in a series”。

Tim Cook, Apple's chief executive, took the wraps off the new device on Tuesday and emphasized that it has the capability to run on 5G next-generation cellular networks, for much faster speeds.

苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)周二揭开了新设备的神秘面纱,并强调它具有在5G下一代蜂窝网络(cellular networks)上运行的能力,速度更快。

take the wraps off sth

表示“使公开;透露秘密”,英文解释为“to allow people to know about something”。


📍under wraps表示“保密;隐藏;秘密的”,英文解释为“If you keep something under wraps, you keep it secret, often until you are ready to announce it at some time in the future.”举个🌰:

They tried to keep the report under wraps.


The new iPhone is also 11 percent thinner, 15 percent smaller and 16 percent lighter than its predecessor. It has smooth, flat edges, unlike the round corners of past models. The screen uses OLED, a brighter display technology that replaces the older LCD technology in the last entry-level iPhone. Apple said it also toughened the glass of the touch screen, making it four times more likely to survive a drop.



toughen作动词,表示“使坚韧;使变结实;加强”,英文解释为“to make something or someone tough, strong, or stronger”举个🌰:

Car windows are usually made from toughened glass.


📍类似的还有很多以-en结尾的词,比如lengthen,weaken,lighten 都有“使...”的含义。

The iPhone 12 will also come in two screen sizes: 5.4 inches and 6.1 inches. The smaller model, called iPhone 12 Mini, may appeal to people who prefer smaller phones.

iPhone 12还有两种屏幕尺寸。5.4英寸和6.1英寸。较小的机型名为iPhone 12 Mini,可能会吸引那些喜欢小手机的人。


非常熟悉的一个词,此处有“存在,有;可得到,有供应”的含义,英文解释为“to exist or be available”举个🌰:

Do these trousers come in any other colour?


They're the best sunglasses you can buy, but they don't come cheap (= they are expensive).


Apple also introduced upgrades for its iPhone Pro models, its more expensive smartphones. The premium models have an extra camera lens, and their processors are slightly more powerful for taking special photos with extra high-resolution, which Apple calls “deep fusion.” They also include a Lidar scanner, which is a depth sensor that uses lasers to scan 3-D objects, which could improve augmented-reality applications.

苹果还推出了价格更高的智能机iPhone Pro的升级版。高端机型带有一个额外的相机镜头,其处理器在拍摄具有超高分辨率(high-resolution)的特殊照片时功能更强大,苹果称之为“深度融合(deep fusion)”。该机型还搭载激光雷达扫描仪,这是一种深度传感器,使用激光扫描3D对象,可以改善增强现实(augmented-reality)应用。

premium /ˈpriːmɪəm/

1)作形容词,表示“高昂的;优质的;高端的,英文解释为“very high (and higher than usual); of high quality”,如:premium prices/products 奇高的价格;优质产品。

2)作名词,表示“附加费”,英文解释为“A premium is a sum of money that you have to pay for something in addition to the normal cost.”举个🌰:

Even if customers want "solutions," most are not willing to pay a premium for them. 



单数lens,复数lenses,表示“镜头”,英文解释为“A lens is a thin curved piece of glass or plastic used in things such as cameras, telescopes, and pairs of glasses. You look through a lens in order to make things look larger, smaller, or clearer.”


· 超广角(ultra-wide-angle),An ultra wide-angle lens is a lens whose focal length is shorter than the short side of film or sensor.

· 远摄镜头(the telephoto lens),A telephoto lens is a powerful camera lens which allows you to take close-up pictures of something that is far away.

Mr. Cook talked at length about the speed improvements of 5G, calling it “super fast” and offering a “new level of performance for downloads and uploads.” But notably, his description lacked specificity: He did not say how much faster 5G was than current 4G phones, which many would already consider to be super fast.


Hans Vestberg, chief executive of Verizon, joined Apple to talk about 5G, highlighting its peak speeds. But those peak speeds will not be available in most of the nation.

美国电信公司威瑞森(Verizon)首席执行官汉斯·韦斯特伯格(Hans Vestberg)一起谈论了5G,强调了其峰值速度。但这些峰值速度全国大部分地区都达不到。

So here's the upshot: The design changes to the newest iPhones are, in the near term, more remarkable than the addition of 5G.



表示“最后结果;结局”,英文解释为“The upshot of a series of events or discussions is the final result of them, usually a surprising result.”举个🌰:

The upshot of it all was that he left college and got a job.


📺美剧《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad)中的台词提到:The upshot is that I have radiation pneumonitis. 结果就是我患了放射性肺炎。

Nonetheless, Apple, and other handset makers including Google and Samsung are working emphasizing 5G in their new phones to help carriers communicate the network shift to consumers.

尽管如此,苹果以及包括谷歌和三星在内的其他手机厂商(handset makers)都在努力强调新手机中的5G,以帮助运营商(carriers)向消费者传达网络升级的消息。


表示“手机;移动电话”,英文解释为“the outer part of a mobile phone that does not include the battery or the sim card”。

As an aside, Apple said it would stop including headphones and power chargers with its iPhones. It framed the move as an environmental decision, which also will likely save it money and spur people to spend more for those accessories. Apple said iPhones would instead come with a USB-C cable, which will enable faster charging.


as an aside

示“题外话;此外;顺便说一句”,aside作名词,有“离题话;插入语”的含义,英文解释为“a remark or story in a speech or text that is not part of the main subject”举个🌰:

I mention it only as an aside...



作动词,表示“(措词谨慎地)表达,说出”,英文解释为“to express something choosing your words carefully”举个🌰:

The interview would have been more productive if the questions had been framed more precisely.



表示“鼓动;激励;鞭策;刺激”,英文解释为“If one thing spurs you to do another, it encourages you to do it.”举个🌰:

It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.


🎬电影《龙之心3:巫师的诅咒》(Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer's Curse)中的台词提到:To spur the clans to war. 激励部族发起战争。






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iPhone 12为啥没发布?

新款iPhone SE文案译文

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