Japan picks the kanji character for "dense" to define coronavirus year
Japan on Monday selected a kanji character used to encourage social distancing as its defining symbol for 2020, highlighting a catchphrase used extensively during the coronavirus pandemic that even inspired its own computer game.
The character “mitsu”, meaning “congested” or “dense”, was derived from a buzzword “San-mitsu”, which was central to Japan’s approach to the containing the pandemic. Translated as “Three Cs” in English, it refers to avoiding closed spaces, crowds and close contacts.
Japanese TV networks broadcast the annual announcement live, with the master of the ancient Kiyomizu temple in Kyoto writing the character on a huge white panel with an ink-soaked calligraphy brush.
“It is important to get “mitsu” between heart and heart,” an announcer at the event said, citing a message from one voter who picked the symbol for the year when people keep physical distances from each other.
The “three Cs” term was first introduced by Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike, to urge the residents to stay indoors during the first wave of coronavirus infections earlier this year.
The catchphrase even inspired a computer game youtu.be/O9-7h8karSI of Koike navigating through crowds while uttering her daily “mitsu desu” call for social distancing.
Since 1995, the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation, the event organizer, has conducted nationwide polls to pick a Chinese character, known as kanji, that sums up the social trends and events of each year.
Last year, the character “rei” used in the new era name of Reiwa translated as beautiful harmony was picked.
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Japan picks the kanji character for "dense" to define coronavirus year
Japan on Monday selected a kanji character used to encourage social distancing as its defining symbol for 2020, highlighting a catchphrase used extensively during the coronavirus pandemic that even inspired its own computer game.
表示“(日语中的)汉字体系;日本汉字”,英文解释为“a Japanese system of writing based on Chinese symbols, called characters ; a symbol in this system”。
可以理解为“最典型的;起决定性作用的,关键性的”,英文解释为“Something defining is essential to what something is. A defining moment in your life helps makes you what you are.”比如,defining moment 可以表示“转折点;决定性时刻;关键性事件”(the point at which a situation is clearly seen to start to change)举个🌰:
The end of the Cold War was a defining moment for the world in more ways than one.
📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇分析疫情下全球经济的文章中提到:This new epoch has four defining features. 这个新时代有四个基本特征。
表示“名言,流行口号,时髦话,流行语”(因某演员或政治家首先使用,以后人们一听到就会想起此人的),英文解释为“a short well-known phrase made popular by an entertainer or politician, so that people think of that person when they hear it.”
📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述希尔顿酒店的文章中提到:Not for nothing did the country elect a president whose catchphrase was “You’re fired!” 这个国家选出了一位口头禅是“你被炒了!”的总统并不是偶然的。
The character “mitsu”, meaning “congested” or “dense”, was derived from a buzzword “San-mitsu”, which was central to Japan's approach to the containing the pandemic. Translated as “Three Cs” in English, it refers to avoiding closed spaces, crowds and close contacts.
汉字“密”(日语读音:mitsu)意思是“拥挤”或“密集”,来自于流行语“三密”(San-mitsu),这也是日本控制疫情的核心方法。英文译为“Three Cs”,指的是避免密闭空间、密集人群和密切接触。
表示“拥挤的;挤满的;(交通)堵塞的”,英文解释为“crowded; full of traffic”,如:congested city streets 交通拥塞的城市街道。
derive from sth
表示“来自于,源自”,英文解释为“to come from something”举个🌰:
The English word "olive" is derived from the Latin word "oliva".
英语的 olive 一词源自拉丁语中的 oliva。
📍derive sth from sth表示“从…中得到,从…中获得”(to get something from something else)举个🌰:
The institute derives all its money from foreign investments.
She derives great pleasure/satisfaction from playing the violin.
📺英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)中的台词提到:Lord Gillingham thought Lady Mary might derive benefit from it. 吉利安姆子爵觉得玛丽小姐去参加一下有好处。
表示“流行语,热词,时髦用语,流行术语”,英文解释为“a word or phrase from one special area of knowledge that people suddenly think is very important”。
熟词僻义,表示“最重要的;首要的;主要的”,英文解释为“most important”举个🌰:
Community involvement is central to our plan.
📍《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇讲述中国电影市场的文章中提到:The country was becoming central to Hollywood’s business before covid-19. 在疫情以前,中国在好莱坞的生意中就已经变得至关重要。
1)表示“防止…蔓延(或恶化)”,英文解释为“to prevent sth harmful from spreading or getting worse”如:to contain an epidemic 防止流行病的蔓延。
2)表示“控制,克制,抑制(感情)”,英文解释为“to keep your feelings under control”举个🌰:
She was unable to contain her excitement.
🎬电影《哥斯拉》(Godzilla)中的台词提到:That's why our mission was to contain it. 所以我们的主要任务是控制它。
📍类似的一个词,restrain表示“阻止,制止;遏制”(to control the actions or behaviour of someone by force, especially in order to stop them from doing something, or to limit the growth or force of something)举个🌰:
She was so angry that she could hardly restrain herself.
📍类似的短语:keep/ get sth under control,举个🌰:
You should learn to keep your temper under control.
Japanese TV networks broadcast the annual announcement live, with the master of the ancient Kiyomizu temple in Kyoto writing the character on a huge white panel with an ink-soaked calligraphy brush.
日本电视台现场直播了这一年度公告,京都清水古寺(Kiyomizu temple)住持用沾满墨汁的书法笔在一块巨大的白板上写下了这个字。
broadcast表示“播送(电视或无线电节目);广播”,英文解释为“to send out a programme on television or radio”,举个🌰:
The tennis championship is broadcast live to several different countries.
注:broadcast的过去式:broadcasted (美式) / broadcast 都可以。
表示“使(某物)湿透,把(某物)浸湿”,英文解释为“to make something completely wet”举个🌰:
The water had soaked his jacket and shirt.
calligraphy /kəˈlɪɡrəfɪ/ 表示“书法;书法艺术”,英文解释为“(the art of producing) beautiful writing, often created with a special pen or brush”举个🌰:
There's some wonderful calligraphy in these old manuscripts.
“It is important to get “mitsu” between heart and heart,” an announcer at the event said, citing a message from one voter who picked the symbol for the year when people keep physical distances from each other.
The “three Cs” term was first introduced by Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike, to urge the residents to stay indoors during the first wave of coronavirus infections earlier this year.
“三密”一词最早是由东京都知事小池百合子(Yuriko Koike)提出的,目的是在今年年初第一波冠状病毒感染潮中,呼吁居民留在室内。
The catchphrase even inspired a computer game of Koike navigating through crowds while uttering her daily “mitsu desu” call for social distancing.
这个流行语甚至引发了一款电脑游戏,小池一边在人群中穿行,一边说出她每天的口头禅 “密です”(mitsu desu/太密了),呼吁人们保持社交距离。
表示“(常指借助地图)导航,确定…的方向”,英文解释为“to direct the way that a ship, aircraft, etc. will travel, or to find a direction across, along, or over an area of water or land, often by using a map”举个🌰:
There weren't any road signs to help us navigate through the maze of one-way streets.
utter /ˈʌtə/
1)作动词,表示“发出(声音);说”,英文解释为“If someone utters sounds or words, they say them.”举个🌰:
He uttered a snorting laugh.
2)作形容词,表示“完全的;十足的;彻底的”,英文解释为“used to emphasize how complete sth is”举个🌰:
That's complete and utter nonsense!
Since 1995, the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation, the event organizer, has conducted nationwide polls to pick a Chinese character, known as kanji, that sums up the social trends and events of each year.
aptitude表示“天资;天生的才能;天赋”,英文解释为“natural ability or skill at doing sth”,举个🌰:
She showed a natural aptitude for the work.
Last year, the character “rei” used in the new era name of Reiwa translated as beautiful harmony was picked.
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