

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Why Women Kill Season 2 Episode 10 Review: The Lady Confesses


This wouldn't be a story for you if you were looking for happy endings.

No matter how you slice it, even the happiest ending of Why Women Kill Season 2 Episode 10 comes at a great cost.

By the end of Why Women Kill Season 2, nobody was left unchanged.

Before we launch into the review proper, I want to prepare you. First, they released only three photos for the finale. That stinks. Second, for a full recap of the episode, click the link above.

This review will get all philosophical on y'all because after watching, I had an epiphany about how the show relates to the present and our dim view of achievement and happiness. So hang onto your hats, people!!

Why Women Kill is a dark comedy with a lot to say about us.

By the time Alma's mind warped entirely, it was hard not to see the correlation between her desperation to be seen (and Rita's, too) and our current obsession with social media and identity politics.

As the season began, Alma had dreams of being someone else. She stood outside restaurant windows, longing to be included, to be seen, to be a part of that which she was not.

Although she had a particular yearning to be a part of the Elysium Garden Club, she could have focused on any entity, group, or person with her desires.

It was only after the story got rolling with Alma at the helm that we learned the central object of her desire, Rita, once walked in Alma's footsteps.

Alma and Rita stand for any of us who look elsewhere for satisfaction instead of within.

Sadly, that's where we are in 2021. Whether as individuals on social media or media organizations utilizing clickbait measures to gain audiences, we're all looking elsewhere for fulfillment, leaving our integrity and our very souls to wither and die on the vine.

Alma's and Rita's long climb to the top found them splattered on the ground just as surely as the devastating reports we receive of people daringly leaning over the edge of a cliff hoping to lure love and affection from the masses with the perfect selfie.

It's tragic, but buried within this story is hope, too.

While Garden Club members like Grace were forced to face their deepest secrets and fears, they're still standing. Their falling facade didn't end their lives any more than it ruined them.

Of the survivors, Dee faced the most destruction. She lost the only family she knew and was almost taken down with them out of her fierce loyalty to her parents.

But for all of the bad messaging that Alma and Bertram bestowed upon their daughter, they never managed to kill her spirit.

Whether she was with Scooter just because she thought someone like her deserved to cavort with a looker like him or she latched onto the good man she found in Vern when she had the chance, she was using what she had inside to change her life for the better.

Similarly, Vern utilized his gifts of intelligence and keen insight to make a living, and his kindness for those who needed it most earned him respect and reward.

In a rare burst of insight from Scooter, he dearly hoped that his son wouldn't inherit his good looks so that, like the couple who would raise him, he'll have smaller dreams that are easily achieved and won't rely on his looks to get ahead.

Not only are they fleeting, but they put Scooter in the position of allowing himself to be used rather than find something he was good at to bring him happiness.

As it turned out, Alma, Bertram, and Rita had it all.

Rita was the first to sell herself to get ahead, thinking that money would buy her happiness. In her desperation to get away from Texas, she, like Scooter, sold her soul to make the transition.

Alma betrayed anyone and everyone to achieve her dream, which lasted only one night.

She sold her daughter down the river and allowed her husband to take the blame and his life for her crimes, all so that she could feel what she believed Rita felt having it all.

But like social media of the 21st Century, social clubs of the 20th Century were nothing by status and hype. Those who belonged were playing a role, stepping outside of themselves, putting on a brave face for the world to fit in.

But to fit in with what? Why are we still today seeking affirmation from strangers?

Perhaps Alma's insanity, seeing the world as she wishes it to be instead of living in reality, is the best we can hope for. Looking to clickbait-seeking media to shape our reality instead of living individually within it sure paints us smack dab in the middle of a woeful, dark comedy, doesn't it?

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Why Women Kill Season 2 Episode 10 Review: The Lady Confesses


This wouldn't be a story for you if you were looking for happy endings.



表示“坦白;供认,招认;承认(错误或罪行)”,英文解释为“to admit that you have done something wrong or something that you feel guilty or bad about”举个🌰:

She confessed to her husband that she had sold her wedding ring.


No matter how you slice it, even the happiest ending of Why Women Kill Season 2 Episode 10 comes at a great cost.


No matter how you slice it

等于any way you slice it,表示“不管从哪方面考虑”,英文解释为“in whatever way the situation is considered”举个🌰:

He shouldn't have hit her, any way you slice it.


By the end of Why Women Kill Season 2, nobody was left unchanged.


Before we launch into the review proper, I want to prepare you. First, they released only three photos for the finale. That stinks. Second, for a full recap of the episode, click the link above.


launch into

表示“发起,开始(评说、批评等)”,英文解释为“to start saying something or criticizing something with a lot of energy or anger”举个🌰:

He launched into a verbal attack on her handling of the finances.



表示“(演出的)终场;(音乐的)终曲;(电影的)终章”,英文解释为“The finale of a show, piece of music, or series of shows is the last part of it or the last one of them, especially when this is exciting or impressive.”如:the finale of Shostakovich's Fifth Symphony 肖斯塔克维奇第五交响曲的终曲。


【序曲】 prelude
【票房】the box office
【前情提要】Previously on...

stink /stɪŋk/

表示“令人讨厌;让人觉得很糟糕;令人厌恶;似乎有不正当行为”,英文解释为“If you say that something stinks, you mean that you disapprove of it because it involves ideas, feelings, or practices that you do not like.”举个🌰:

I think their methods stink.



可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“扼要重述;摘要说明;概括”,英文解释为“to repeat the main points of an explanation or description”举个🌰:Finally, the teacher recapped the main points of the lesson.


This review will get all philosophical on y'all because after watching, I had an epiphany about how the show relates to the present and our dim view of achievement and happiness. So hang onto your hats, people!!


philosophical /ˌfɪləˈsɒfɪkəl/

1)表示“哲学的”,英文解释为“Philosophical means concerned with or relating to philosophy.”举个🌰:

He was more accustomed to cocktail party chatter than to political or philosophical discussions.


2)表示“泰然自若的;处乱不惊的;达观的”,英文解释为“Someone who is philosophical does not get upset when disappointing or disturbing things happen.”举个🌰:

He has grown philosophical about life.



epiphany /ɪˈpɪfənɪ/ 表示“(对重要事物的)顿悟”,英文解释为“a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become conscious of, something that is very important to you”。


有一个表达叫take a dim view of sth,表示“不看好,不赞成”,英文解释为“to disapprove of something”举个🌰:

I take a dim view of this kind of behaviour.


hang onto your hats!

表示“洗耳恭听惊人的或有趣的新闻吧!”,英文解释为“Get ready for what's coming or about to happen!”举个🌰:

He got an item of amazing news. Hang onto your hats!

得到了一条惊人消息? 你洗耳恭听吧!

Why Women Kill is a dark comedy with a lot to say about us.


By the time Alma's mind warped entirely, it was hard not to see the correlation between her desperation to be seen (and Rita's, too) and our current obsession with social media and identity politics.



1)表示“使(人或人的行为)反常,使变得乖戾;扭曲”,英文解释为“to make a person or their behaviour strange, in an unpleasant or harmful way”举个🌰:

Prison warps people. Had it warped Kim enough that he would kill a stranger?


2)表示“(使)扭曲;(使)变形”,英文解释为“if something warps, or if heat or cold warps it, it becomes bent or twisted, and loses its original shape”举个🌰:

The door must be warped. It won't close properly.



obsession表示“迷恋,痴迷,着魔”,英文解释为“an extreme unhealthy interest in something or worry about something, which stops you from thinking about anything else”,如:an unhealthy obsession with being thin 对瘦的病态追求。

identity politics

身份认同政治(identity politics)是指在社会上,人群因性别、人种、民族、宗教、性取向等,集体的共同利益而展开的政治活动。身份认同政治这一概念出现在20世纪后期,特别是美国黑人民权运动时期,这在后来受到政治操作。批判者认为身份认同政治导致社会分裂,因为选民会根据自身的身份认同而且身份认同政治的内部也存在对其他群体的歧视。(Wikipedia)

As the season began, Alma had dreams of being someone else. She stood outside restaurant windows, longing to be included, to be seen, to be a part of that which she was not.


Although she had a particular yearning to be a part of the Elysium Garden Club, she could have focused on any entity, group, or person with her desires.



表示“渴望;向往”,英文解释为“A yearning for something is a very strong desire for it.”举个🌰:

He spoke of his yearning for another child.


It was only after the story got rolling with Alma at the helm that we learned the central object of her desire, Rita, once walked in Alma's footsteps.


at the helm

表示“领导位置;掌管,负责”,英文解释为“You can say that someone is at the helm when they are leading or running a country or organization.”举个🌰:

After more than a decade at the helm of the university, he today announced his retirement. 


Alma and Rita stand for any of us who look elsewhere for satisfaction instead of within.


Sadly, that's where we are in 2021. Whether as individuals on social media or media organizations utilizing clickbait measures to gain audiences, we're all looking elsewhere for fulfillment, leaving our integrity and our very souls to wither and die on the vine.



表示“点击诱饵(网上专门引人注意的文章、照片等,其内容引导人点击指向特定网站的链接)”,英文解释为“articles, photographs, etc. on the internet that are intended to attract attention and encourage people to click on links to particular websites”,可以理解为我们所谓的“标题党”,诱导点击。

wither on the vine

表示“(通常指因缺乏帮助或支持而)逐渐消失,渐渐破灭”,英文解释为“If something withers on the vine, it is destroyed very gradually, usually because no one does anything to help or support it.”举个🌰:

When the new resort was built, the tourist trade in smaller hotels withered on the vine.


📍也有“die on the vine”表示“失败,中途夭折未能实现,”(To fail at an early stage or never come to fruition, typically due to neglect, infeasibility, or lack of resources.

Alma's and Rita's long climb to the top found them splattered on the ground just as surely as the devastating reports we receive of people daringly leaning over the edge of a cliff hoping to lure love and affection from the masses with the perfect selfie.


It's tragic, but buried within this story is hope, too.


While Garden Club members like Grace were forced to face their deepest secrets and fears, they're still standing. Their falling facade didn't end their lives any more than it ruined them.



表示“假象,虚假的外表”,英文解释为“a false appearance that makes someone or something seem more pleasant or better than they really are”举个🌰:

He kept his hostility hidden behind a friendly façade.


not...any more than


Fat cannot change into muscle any more than muscle changes into fat.


That is not good for me any more than it is good for boys and girls.


Of the survivors, Dee faced the most destruction. She lost the only family she knew and was almost taken down with them out of her fierce loyalty to her parents.


But for all of the bad messaging that Alma and Bertram bestowed upon their daughter, they never managed to kill her spirit.



bestow 表示“授予;给予;赠给”,英文解释为“To bestow something on someone means to give or present it to them.”,举个🌰:

The United States bestowed honorary citizenship upon England's World War II prime minister, Sir Winston Churchill.


Whether she was with Scooter just because she thought someone like her deserved to cavort with a looker like him or she latched onto the good man she found in Vern when she had the chance, she was using what she had inside to change her life for the better.



表示“雀跃;嬉戏玩闹;(常指)调情玩乐”,英文解释为“to jump or move around in a playful way, sometimes noisily, and often in a sexual way”举个🌰:

They were spotted cavorting beside the swimming pool.



表示“漂亮的人;俊男,靓女”,英文解释为“a physically attractive person”。

latch on to

这个短语也可写成 latch onto。

1)表示“理解,懂得,领会(想法或某人的话)”,英文解释为“to understand an idea or what sb is saying”举个🌰:

It was a difficult concept to grasp, but I soon latched on.


2)表示“变得依附于”,英文解释为“to become attached to sb/sth”,如:antibodies that latch on to germs 依附于细菌的抗体。

3)表示“纠缠,缠住(某人)”,英文解释为“to join sb and stay in their company, especially when they would prefer you not to be with them.”

4)表示“对…产生浓厚的兴趣”,英文解释为“to develop a strong interest in sth”举个🌰:

She always latches on to the latest craze.


🎬 电影《冬日奇缘》(Winter's Tale)中的一段非常浪漫的“情话”:“I don't know how I ever latched on to someone like you,” but I sure hope I can keep you interested in me forever. I love you and will always be ture. 我不知道我怎么会喜欢上你这样的人,但我希望我能让你永远对我感兴趣。我爱你,永远都会。

🎬 电影《星际迷航》(Star Trek)中提到:They latch on to your brain stem... And release a toxin that will force you to answer. 它们会寄居到你的脑干上... 释放一种毒素 强迫你回答问题。

Similarly, Vern utilized his gifts of intelligence and keen insight to make a living, and his kindness for those who needed it most earned him respect and reward.


In a rare burst of insight from Scooter, he dearly hoped that his son wouldn't inherit his good looks so that, like the couple who would raise him, he'll have smaller dreams that are easily achieved and won't rely on his looks to get ahead.


Not only are they fleeting, but they put Scooter in the position of allowing himself to be used rather than find something he was good at to bring him happiness.



表示“短暂的;迅速的”,英文解释为“short or quick”,如:a fleeting glimpse 迅速的一瞥。

As it turned out, Alma, Bertram, and Rita had it all.


Rita was the first to sell herself to get ahead, thinking that money would buy her happiness. In her desperation to get away from Texas, she, like Scooter, sold her soul to make the transition.


Alma betrayed anyone and everyone to achieve her dream, which lasted only one night.


She sold her daughter down the river and allowed her husband to take the blame and his life for her crimes, all so that she could feel what she believed Rita felt having it all.


sell sb down the river

表示“出卖(某人);背叛(某人)”,英文解释为“to put someone in a difficult or dangerous situation by not acting as you had promised to act, usually in order to win an advantage for yourself”。

But like social media of the 21st Century, social clubs of the 20th Century were nothing by status and hype. Those who belonged were playing a role, stepping outside of themselves, putting on a brave face for the world to fit in.



1) 作名词,表示“大肆的宣传广告;炒作”,英文解释为“Hype is the use of a lot of publicity and advertising to make people interested in something such as a product.”举个🌰:

We are certainly seeing a lot of hype by some companies.


2) 作动词,等同于“hype up”,表示“大肆宣传”,英文解释为“To hype a product means to advertise or praise it a lot.”举个🌰:

The media seems obsessed with hyping up individuals or groups.


But to fit in with what? Why are we still today seeking affirmation from strangers?


Perhaps Alma's insanity, seeing the world as she wishes it to be instead of living in reality, is the best we can hope for. Looking to clickbait-seeking media to shape our reality instead of living individually within it sure paints us smack dab in the middle of a woeful, dark comedy, doesn't it?



表示“精神失常;精神错乱;精神病;疯狂”,英文解释为“the state of being insane”举个🌰:

He was found not guilty, by reason of insanity.


smack dab

表示“不偏不倚地,正好”,英文解释为“exactly in a place or a situation”举个🌰:

The kids are smack dab in the middle of the fight between their parents.









- 推荐阅读 -


《致命女人》大结局 续订第二季







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