

LearnAndRecord 2023-05-05



1. severance, sever是什么意思?



Honduras says there is ‘only one China’ as it officially cuts ties with Taiwan

From: The Guardian

Honduras has cut diplomatic ties with Taiwan, the Latin American country announced on Saturday, saying it recognises “only one China in the world”.

The move leaves Taiwan recognised by only 13 sovereign states.

“The government of the Republic of Honduras recognises the existence of only one China in the world and that the government of the People’s Republic of China is the only legitimate government that represents all of China,” the ministry statement said.

It added that: “Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory, and as of today, the Honduran government has informed Taiwan the severance of diplomatic relations, pledging not to have any official relationship or contact with Taiwan.”

China said its foreign minister, Qin Gang, and Honduran foreign minister Eduardo Enrique Reina signed the deal on diplomatic recognition in Beijing, ending relations with Taiwan dating back to the 1940s.

Taiwan’s foreign minister, Joseph Wu, accused Honduran president Xiomara Castro of being misled by Chinese promises of financial aid. Honduras’s move followed negotiations with China on building a hydroelectric dam in the country.

The announcement by Honduras’s foreign ministry comes amid rising tensions between Beijing and the United States.

Taiwan retains robust informal ties with more than 100 other countries, most importantly the US. The US doesn’t have diplomatic relations with Taiwan but has maintained that Taipei is an important partner in the Indo-Pacific.

Taiwan still has formal ties with 13 nations including Belize, Paraguay and Guatemala in Latin America, and Vatican City. Most of its remaining partners are island nations in the Caribbean and South Pacific, along with Eswatini in southern Africa.

Many of the allies receive financial assistance from Taiwan, or have access to Taiwan’s medical system or scholarships at Taiwanese universities. The ministry of foreign affairs confirmed on Sunday that with the ending of ties with Honduras, 170 students would lose their scholarships at the end of the current semester.

The People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Honduras Establish Diplomatic Relations

On 26 March 2023, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang held talks with Foreign Minister of Honduras Eduardo Reina in Beijing, and they signed the Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Honduras. The main points of the communiqué are as follows:

The People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Honduras, in keeping with the interests and desire of the two peoples, have decided to recognize each other and establish diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level, effective from the date of signature of this communiqué.

The two Governments agree to develop friendly relations between the two countries on the basis of the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality, mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence.

The Government of the Republic of Honduras recognizes that there is but one China in the world, the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal Government representing the whole of China, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. The Government of the Republic of Honduras shall sever “diplomatic relations” with Taiwan as of this day and undertakes that it shall no longer develop any official relations or official exchanges with Taiwan. The Government of the People’s Republic of China appreciates this position of the Government of the Republic of Honduras.

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Honduras says there is ‘only one China’ as it officially cuts ties with Taiwan

From: The Guardian

Honduras has cut diplomatic ties with Taiwan, the Latin American country announced on Saturday, saying it recognises “only one China in the world”.



表示“外交的”,英文解释为“involving diplomats or the management of the relationships between countries”如:diplomatic negotiations 外交谈判。

cut ties with sb.

表示“与……切断联系;与……断绝关系”,英文解释为“To end or discontinue a relationship—romantic or otherwise—with someone or some group.”

The move leaves Taiwan recognised by only 13 sovereign states.



sovereignty /ˈsɒvrəntɪ/ 表示“主权,统治权”,英文解释为“the power of a country to control its own government”

“The government of the Republic of Honduras recognises the existence of only one China in the world and that the government of the People’s Republic of China is the only legitimate government that represents all of China,” the ministry statement said.



表示“合法的,正当的,法律允许的”,英文解释为“allowed by law”举个🌰:

Is his business strictly legitimate? 他的生意是否绝对合法?

It added that: “Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory, and as of today, the Honduran government has informed Taiwan the severance of diplomatic relations, pledging not to have any official relationship or contact with Taiwan.”



inalienable /ɪnˈeɪljənəbəl/ 表示“(权利、权力等)不可剥夺的;不能转让的”,英文解释为“an inalienable right, power etc cannot be taken from you”,如:the inalienable right to decide your own future 不可剥夺的决定自己未来的权利。


severance /ˈsev.ər.əns/ 1)表示“解雇费,遣散费”,英文解释为“money paid by an employer to an employee whose job the employer has had to bring to an end”

2)表示“(联系、关系等的)断绝,中断;分离”,英文解释为“the act of ending a connection, relationship, etc. or of being separated from a person, place, etc.”举个🌰:

The hardest thing to cope with was the severance from his family. 对他来说最难应对的事情是与家人分离。


1)作动词,表示“承诺,保证(做某事);保证给予(某物)”,英文解释为“When someone pledges to do something, they promise in a serious way to do it. When they pledge something, they promise to give it.”举个🌰:

He pledges support and offers to help in any way that he can. 他承诺给予支持并提供力所能及的帮助。

2)表示“抵押”,英文解释为“If you pledge something such as a valuable possession or a sum of money, you leave it with someone as a guarantee that you will repay money that you have borrowed.”举个🌰:

He asked her to pledge the house as security for a loan. 他要她抵押房子作为贷款担保。

3)作名词,表示“誓言;诺言;保证”,英文解释为“When someone makes a pledge, they make a serious promise that they will do something.举个🌰:

The meeting ended with a pledge to step up cooperation between the states of the region. 会议以加快该地区州之间合作的承诺结束。

China said its foreign minister, Qin Gang, and Honduran foreign minister Eduardo Enrique Reina signed the deal on diplomatic recognition in Beijing, ending relations with Taiwan dating back to the 1940s.

中方表示,中国外交部长秦刚和洪都拉斯外交部长爱德华多·恩里克·雷纳(Eduardo Enrique Reina)在北京签署了外交承认协议,结束了自20世纪40年代以来与台湾的关系。

Taiwan’s foreign minister, Joseph Wu, accused Honduran president Xiomara Castro of being misled by Chinese promises of financial aid. Honduras’s move followed negotiations with China on building a hydroelectric dam in the country.



hydroelectric /ˌhaɪ.drəʊ.ɪˈlek.trɪk/ 表示“水力发电的,水电的”,英文解释为“producing electricity by the force of fast moving water such as rivers or waterfalls”如:a hydroelectric power station 水电站。


dam /dæm/ 表示“(尤指旨在蓄水的)堤坝,水坝”,英文解释为“a wall built across a river that stops the river's flow and collects the water, especially to make a reservoir (= an artificial lake) that provides water for an area”

The announcement by Honduras’s foreign ministry comes amid rising tensions between Beijing and the United States.


Taiwan retains robust informal ties with more than 100 other countries, most importantly the US. The US doesn’t have diplomatic relations with Taiwan but has maintained that Taipei is an important partner in the Indo-Pacific.



retain /rɪˈteɪn/ 表示“保持;保留;保有”,英文解释为“to keep or continue to have something”举个🌰:

She has lost her battle to retain control of the company. 她被打败了,失去了继续掌管公司的权力。


robust /rəʊˈbʌst/ 表示“(人或动物)强壮的,茁壮的;(东西或系统)坚固的,耐用的,结实的”,英文解释为“(of a person or animal) strong and healthy, or (of an object or system) strong and unlikely to break or fail”举个🌰:

He looks robust and healthy enough. 他看起来非常强壮健康。

Taiwan still has formal ties with 13 nations including Belize, Paraguay and Guatemala in Latin America, and Vatican City. Most of its remaining partners are island nations in the Caribbean and South Pacific, along with Eswatini in southern Africa.


Many of the allies receive financial assistance from Taiwan, or have access to Taiwan’s medical system or scholarships at Taiwanese universities. The ministry of foreign affairs confirmed on Sunday that with the ending of ties with Honduras, 170 students would lose their scholarships at the end of the current semester.



semester /sɪˈmes.tər/ 表示“(尤指美国和澳大利亚大学的)学期”,英文解释为“one of the periods into which a year is divided at a college or university, especially in the US and Australia”如:the first/second semester 第一/第二学期,the spring/fall semester 春季/秋季学期。

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The People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Honduras Establish Diplomatic Relations


On 26 March 2023, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang held talks with Foreign Minister of Honduras Eduardo Reina in Beijing, and they signed the Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Honduras. The main points of the communiqué are as follows:



communiqué /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪ/ 表示“公报”,英文解释为“an official piece of news or an announcement, especially to the public or newspapers”举个🌰:

The palace has issued a communiqué denying the rumour. 王室已发布了辟谣的公报。

The People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Honduras, in keeping with the interests and desire of the two peoples, have decided to recognize each other and establish diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level, effective from the date of signature of this communiqué.



ambassadorial /æmˌbæs.əˈdɔː.ri.əl/ 表示“大使的”,英文解释为“belonging or relating to an ambassador”如:the ambassadorial car/residence 大使专用车/住所。

The two Governments agree to develop friendly relations between the two countries on the basis of the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality, mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence.



表示“领土的;领地的;土地的”,英文解释为“relating to territory”举个🌰:

Some animals and birds are territorial (= they mark out areas which they defend against others). 有些动物和鸟类有领地意识。


1)表示“完整”,英文解释为“the quality of being whole and complete”举个🌰:

A modern extension on the old building would ruin its architectural integrity. 在古老建筑物上附加扩建的现代建筑会破坏建筑风格的完整统一。

2)表示“正直;诚实;职业操守”,英文解释为“the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change”举个🌰:

No one doubted that the president was a man of the highest integrity. 没有人怀疑总裁是个光明磊落的人。


表示“侵略;侵犯;攻击;挑衅”,英文解释为“spoken or physical behaviour that is threatening or involves harm to someone or something”举个🌰:

Some types of dog are bred for aggression. 某些品种的狗是养来起攻击作用的。


表示“干涉,干预”,英文解释为“an occasion when someone tries to interfere in a situation”举个🌰:

She seems to regard any advice or help from me as interference. 她似乎把我的任何建议或帮助都看作是干涉。

📍2022年政府工作报告Part 20提到:坚决反对“台独”分裂行径,坚决反对外部势力干涉。We firmly oppose any separatist activities seeking “Taiwan independence” and firmly oppose foreign interference.


The Government of the Republic of Honduras recognizes that there is but one China in the world, the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal Government representing the whole of China, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. The Government of the Republic of Honduras shall sever “diplomatic relations” with Taiwan as of this day and undertakes that it shall no longer develop any official relations or official exchanges with Taiwan. The Government of the People’s Republic of China appreciates this position of the Government of the Republic of Honduras.



sever /ˈsev.ər/ 1)表示“中断,断绝(联系)”,英文解释为“to end a connection with someone or something”举个🌰:

The US severed diplomatic relations with Cuba in 1961. 美国于1961年断绝了与古巴的外交关系。

2)表示“弄断;分开;(尤指)切断,割断”,英文解释为“to break or separate, especially by cutting”举个🌰:

Electricity cables have been severed by the storm. 风暴弄断了电缆。


1)表示“(开始)做,承担,从事(尤指耗时或困难之事)”,英文解释为“to do or begin to do something, especially something that will take a long time or be difficult”举个🌰:

Students are required to undertake simple experiments. 要求学生们做些简单的实验。

2)表示“承诺,允诺,答应”,英文解释为“to promise that you will do something”举个🌰:

She undertook not to publish the names of the people involved. 她答应不公布有关人员的名字。

- 今日盘点 -

diplomatic、 cut ties with sb.、 sovereignty、 legitimate、 inalienable、 severance、 pledge、 hydroelectric、 dam、 retain、 robust、 semester、 communiqué、 ambassadorial、 territorial、 integrity、 aggression、 interference、 sever、 undertake

- Generated By ChatGPT -

As a sign of aggression, one country interfered with the sovereignty and territorial integrity of its neighbor by undertaking the construction of a hydroelectric dam. The neighboring country, having cut ties with its aggressor, retained its inalienable rights and severed all diplomatic relations. In a communiqué, it pledged to use all legitimate means to protect its sovereignty. In response, the ambassadorial community issued a robust statement condemning the aggression and calling for the aggressor to respect international law and diplomatic norms. The severance of ties and the condemnation by the international community marked a turning point in the semester-long dispute, and the dam project was eventually abandoned.
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