

LearnAndRecord 2023-10-13

近日,英伟达(NVIDIA)CEO黄仁勋(Jensen Huang)出席台湾大学(NTU)2023年毕业典礼并发表演讲。



1. What did Jensen Huang imply by urging the graduates to "run"?

A. To physically train for endurance.

B. To move quickly towards their goals.

C. To escape from dangerous situations.

D. To participate in competitive sports.

2. Which of the following is NOT a lesson that Huang shared with the graduates?

A. Admitting mistakes and seeking help when necessary.

B. Enduring hardship to fulfill your dreams.

C. Never retreating from a chosen path, no matter the difficulty.

D. Making sacrifices to commit yourself to a purposeful life.


NVIDIA CEO Tells NTU Grads to Run, Not Walk — But Be Prepared to Stumble


“You are running for food, or you are running from becoming food. And often times, you can’t tell which. Either way, run.”

NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang today urged graduates of National Taiwan University to run hard to seize the unprecedented opportunities that AI will present, but embrace the inevitable failures along the way.

Whatever you pursue, he told the 10,000 graduates of the premier university, do it with passion and conviction — and stay humble enough to learn the hard lessons that await.

“Whatever it is, run after it like we did. Run. Don’t walk,” Huang said, having swapped his signature black leather jacket for a black graduation robe, with the school’s plum-blossom emblem highlighting a royal blue, white and aqua collar.

“Remember, either you are running for food; or you are running from becoming food. And often times, you can’t tell which. Either way, run.”

Huang, who moved from Taiwan when he was young, recognized his parents in the audience, and shared three stories of initial failures and retreat. He called them instrumental in helping forge NVIDIA’s character during its three-decade journey from a three-person gaming-graphics startup to a global AI leader worth nearly a trillion dollars.

“I was … successful — until I started NVIDIA,” he said. “At NVIDIA, I experienced failures — great big ones. All humiliating and embarrassing. Many nearly doomed us.”

The first involved a key early contract the company won to help Sega build a gaming console. Rapid changes in the industry forced NVIDIA to give up the contract in a near-death brush with bankruptcy, which Sega’s leadership helped avert.

“Confronting our mistake and, with humility, asking for help saved NVIDIA,” he said.

The second was the decision in 2007 to put CUDA into all the company’s GPUs, enabling them to crunch data in addition to handling 3D graphics. It was an expensive, long-term investment that drew much criticism didn’t pay off for years until the chips started being used for machine learning.

“Our market cap hovered just above a billion dollars,” he recalled. “We suffered many years of poor performance. Our shareholders were skeptical of CUDA and preferred we improve profitability.”

The third was the decision in 2010 to charge into the promising mobile-phone market as graphics-rich capabilities were coming into reach. The market quickly commoditized, though, and NVIDIA retreated just as quickly, taking initial heat but opening the door to investing in promising new markets — robotics and self-driving cars.

“Our strategic retreat paid off,” he said. “By leaving the phone market, we opened our minds to invent a new one.”

Huang told grads that of the parallels in terms of boundless promise between the world he entered upon graduating four decades ago, on the cusp of the PC revolution, and the brave new age of AI they are entering today.

“For your journey, take along some of my learnings,” he said. Admit mistakes and ask for help; endure pain and suffering to realize your dreams; and make sacrifices to dedicate yourself to a life of purpose.

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NVIDIA CEO Tells NTU Grads to Run, Not Walk — But Be Prepared to Stumble


“You are running for food, or you are running from becoming food. And often times, you can’t tell which. Either way, run.”


NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang today urged graduates of National Taiwan University to run hard to seize the unprecedented opportunities that AI will present, but embrace the inevitable failures along the way.

英伟达(NVIDIA)创始人兼首席执行官黄仁勋(Jensen Huang)在今天的台湾大学毕业典礼上,鼓励毕业生们全力奔跑,抓住人工智能带来的前所未有的机会,同时也要接受沿途不可避免的挫败。


表示“史无前例的,空前的;绝无仅有的”,英文解释为“never having happened or existed in the past”举个🌰:This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale. 环境在本世纪遭到了空前的破坏。

🎬电影《星运里的错》(The Fault in Our Stars)中的台词提到:You are so busy being you that you have no idea how utterly unprecedented you are. 你太忙于做自己 都没有意识到自己是那么的令人心动。


inevitable /ɪˈnev.ɪ.tə.bəl/ 表示“不可避免的;必然发生的”,英文解释为“certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented”举个🌰:The accident was the inevitable consequence/result/outcome of carelessness. 这一事故是粗心导致的必然结果。

Whatever you pursue, he told the 10,000 graduates of the premier university, do it with passion and conviction — and stay humble enough to learn the hard lessons that await.



premier /ˈprem.i.ər/ 作名词,“(尤用于新闻报道)首相,总理;(加拿大的)省总理,地区总理”;作为形容词则表示“首位的,首要的”(best or most important),举个🌰:He's one of the nation's premier scientists. 他是该国最重要的科学家之一。


premiere /ˈprɛmɪˌɛə, ˈprɛmɪə/ 可以作动词和名词,表示“首映,首演,首次上演/映”,英文解释为“the first public performance of a play or any other type of entertainment“


1)表示“坚定的看法;坚定的信念;坚定的信仰”,英文解释为“a strong opinion or belief”如:a deep/strong/lifelong conviction 深深的/坚定的/终生的信仰。

2)表示“定罪,判罪”,英文解释为“the fact of officially being found to be guilty of a particular crime, or the act of officially finding someone guilty”举个🌰:Since it was her first conviction for stealing, she was given a less severe sentence. 由于她是初次犯盗窃罪,对她的量刑不是很重。

🎬电影《玉子》(Okja)中的台词提到:I admire your conviction, Silver, 我敬佩你的决心。

“Whatever it is, run after it like we did. Run. Don’t walk,” Huang said, having swapped his signature black leather jacket for a black graduation robe, with the school’s plum-blossom emblem highlighting a royal blue, white and aqua collar.



swap 可以作动词,也可以作名词,表示“交换”,英文解释为“If you swap something with someone, you give it to them and receive a different thing in exchange.”举个🌰:Next week they will swap places and will repeat the switch weekly. 下周他们将互换位置,以后将每周换一次。


常见意思是“签名,署名”,也有“明显特征;鲜明特色;识别标志”的含义,英文解释为“a particular quality that makes sth different from other similar things and makes it easy to recognize”如:signature product 招牌产品,举个🌰:Bright colours are his signature. 他总爱用亮丽的色彩。

📍特朗普金色头发变得花白文中提到:During the update on coronavirus vaccine development in the White House Rose Garden, many viewers were quick to notice one significant change in the president's signature appearance: his hair. 在白宫玫瑰园汇报冠状病毒疫苗研发进展情况时,许多观众很快就注意到总统标志性的外观有一个显著的变化:他的头发。


表示“长袍,罩袍;(尤指特别正式场合穿的)袍服,礼袍”,英文解释为“a long, loose piece of clothing worn especially on very formal occasions”



📍plum /plʌm/ 表示“李子;梅子”,英文解释为“a small, round fruit with a thin, smooth, red, purple, or yellow skin, sweet, soft flesh, and a single large, hard seed”如:plum jam 李子酱。


emblem /ˈem.bləm/ 表示“象征;标志;符号;徽章”,英文解释为“a picture of an object that is used to represent a particular person, group, or idea”举个🌰:A rose is the national emblem of England. 玫瑰是英格兰的标志。


aqua /ˈæk.wə/ 表示“水绿色的;浅绿色的”,英文解释为“of a greenish-blue colour”


collar /ˈkɒl.ər/ 表示“衣领,领口”,英文解释为“the part around the neck of a piece of clothing, usually sewn on and sometimes made of different material”如:a shirt collar 衬衫领子。

Remember, either you are running for food; or you are running from becoming food. And often times, you can’t tell which. Either way, run.


Huang, who moved from Taiwan when he was young, recognized his parents in the audience, and shared three stories of initial failures and retreat. He called them instrumental in helping forge NVIDIA’s character during its three-decade journey from a three-person gaming-graphics startup to a global AI leader worth nearly a trillion dollars.



1)表示“(信仰的)改变;退缩;放弃”,英文解释为“a change from previous beliefs or behaviour”举个🌰:The professor's speech marked/signalled a retreat from his usual extreme views. 教授的演讲标志着/表明他已经放弃了他一贯的极端观点。

2)表示“撤退,退却,后退”,英文解释为“a move back by soldiers or an army, either because they have been defeated or in order to avoid fighting”如:the retreat from Dunkirk 敦刻尔克大撤退。


表示“起作用的;有帮助的”,英文解释为“If someone or something is instrumental in a process, plan, or system, that person or thing is one of the most important influences in causing it to happen.”举个🌰:He was instrumental in bringing about an end to the conflict. 他在终止冲突的过程中起了重要作用。


1)表示“努力地缔造;艰苦干成;努力加强”,英文解释为“If one person or institution forges an agreement or relationship with another, they create it with a lot of hard work, hoping that it will be strong or lasting.”举个🌰:They agreed to forge closer economic ties. 他们同意建立更密切的经济联系。

2)表示“伪造(纸币、文件或画作等)”,英文解释为“If someone forges something such as paper money, a document, or a painting, they copy it or make it so that it looks genuine, in order to deceive people.”举个🌰:He admitted three charges including forging passports. 他承认了包括伪造护照在内的3项罪名。

3)表示“(尤指努力地)制造,生产”,英文解释为“to make or produce something, especially with some difficulty”举个🌰:The accident forged a close bond between the two families. 事故使两个家庭紧密地联系在了一起。


startup / start-up /ˈstɑːt.ʌp/ 表示“刚起步的小企业,新兴小型企业”,英文解释为“a small business that has just been started”举个🌰:Start-ups are very vulnerable in the business world. 商界中刚起步的小企业非常脆弱。

“I was … successful — until I started NVIDIA,” he said. “At NVIDIA, I experienced failures — great big ones. All humiliating and embarrassing. Many nearly doomed us.”



humiliating /hjuːˈmɪl.i.eɪ.tɪŋ/ 表示“令人感到耻辱的,丢脸的”,英文解释为“making you feel ashamed or stupid”举个🌰:Losing my job was the most humiliating thing that ever happened to me. 失去工作是我碰到过的最丢脸的事。


作名词,表示“死亡;毁灭;厄运;劫数”,英文解释为“death or destruction; any terrible event that you cannot avoid”举个🌰:She had a sense of impending doom (= felt that sth very bad was going to happen). 她预感到厄运已经逼近。

作动词,doom /duːm/ 表示“使注定;使必然发生”,英文解释为“to make someone or something certain to do or experience something unpleasant, or to make something bad certain to happen”举个🌰:Mounting debts doomed the factory to closure. 债台高筑使工厂无法逃脱关闭的命运。

The first involved a key early contract the company won to help Sega build a gaming console. Rapid changes in the industry forced NVIDIA to give up the contract in a near-death brush with bankruptcy, which Sega’s leadership helped avert.



1)作名词,表示“合同;契约”,英文解释为“a legal document that states and explains a formal agreement between two different people or groups, or the agreement itself”如:a contract of employment 雇用合同。

2)作动词,熟词僻义,表示“染(重病)”,英文解释为“If you contract a serious illness, you become ill with it.”如:to contract a virus/a disease 感染病毒/疾病。

🎬电影《震荡效应》(Concussion)中的台词提到:of contracting a brain related injury such as dementia, Alzheimer's, depression or CTE? 造成相关的大脑损伤,如痴呆、阿尔茨海默氏症,抑郁症,或CTE?

3)表示“(使)收缩;(使)缩小;(使)缩短”,英文解释为“to make or become shorter or narrower or generally smaller in size”举个🌰:In spoken English, "do not" often contracts to "don't". 在英语口语中,do not 常常缩略成 don't。


表示“控制台,操纵台”,英文解释为“A console is a panel with a number of switches or knobs that is used to operate a machine.”举个🌰:Several nurses sat before a console of flickering lights and bleeping monitors. 几名护士坐在灯光闪烁、监听器嘟嘟作响的控制台前。


a brush with sth

a brush with sth 表示“和…的小冲突;与…的摩擦”,英文解释为“a situation in which you experience something, or almost experience something, especially something unpleasant”举个🌰:He had a brush with death (= was nearly killed) on the motorway. 他在高速公路上差点丧命。


avert /əˈvɜːt/  1)表示“防止,避免”,英文解释为“to prevent something bad from happening”如:to avert a crisis/conflict/famine 避免危机/冲突/饥荒。

2)表示“转移(目光、想法等);把…转(向别处)”,英文解释为“to turn away your eyes or thoughts”举个🌰:I averted my gaze/eyes while he dressed. 他穿衣服的时候我把目光转向一边。

“Confronting our mistake and, with humility, asking for help saved NVIDIA,” he said.



humility /hjuːˈmɪl.ə.ti/ 表示“谦逊,谦恭”,英文解释为“the quality of not being proud because you are aware of your bad qualities”举个🌰:He doesn't have the humility to admit when he's wrong. 他在自己错了的时候不会谦虚地承认。

📺美剧《超越时间线》(Continuum)中的台词提到:谦虚一点会有很大的好处。A little humility will go a long way with you.

The second was the decision in 2007 to put CUDA into all the company’s GPUs, enabling them to crunch data in addition to handling 3D graphics. It was an expensive, long-term investment that drew much criticism didn’t pay off for years until the chips started being used for machine learning.



crunch /krʌntʃ/ 作名词,表示“(突发的)不足,短缺;(尤指)缺钱”,英文解释为“a situation in which there is suddenly not enough of sth, especially money”如:a budget/energy/housing crunch 预算金额/能源/住房短缺。

📍the crunch 表示“严峻的形势;紧要关头;需要作出艰难抉择的时刻”,英文解释为“a difficult situation that forces you to make a decision or do something”举个🌰:The crunch came when I was forced to choose between my marriage and my career. 关键时刻到了,我不得不在婚姻和事业之间作出选择。

作动词,1)表示“嘎吱地咬嚼;嘎吱作响”,英文解释为“to crush hard food loudly between the teeth, or to make a sound as if something is being crushed or broken”举个🌰:She was crunching noisily on an apple. 她嘎吱嘎吱地嚼着苹果。

2)表示“(快速大量地)处理信息;数字捣弄”,英文解释为“to deal with large amounts of data very quickly”

“Our market cap hovered just above a billion dollars,” he recalled. “We suffered many years of poor performance. Our shareholders were skeptical of CUDA and preferred we improve profitability.”


market cap

market capitalization / market cap 表示“市值;市场价值;全部股票的市面价值;市场上限”,英文解释为“the total value of a company's shares on a stock market;the total value of shares in a stock market or several stock markets”。

📍在LV老板超越比尔·盖茨成全球第二大富豪一文中就见过这个表达,And while LVMH's market cap of approximately $240 billion pales in comparison to Microsoft's $1.1 trillion, ...虽然LVMH集团约2400亿美元的市值与微软的1.1万亿美元相比相形见绌,

另外,cap本身表示“(可用或可借资金的)最高限额”,英文解释为“an upper limit on an amount of money that can be spent or borrowed by a particular institution or in a particular situation”举个🌰:The government has placed a cap on local council spending. 政府给地方议会的经费支出规定了最高限额。


1)hover /ˈhɒv.ər/ 表示“(在某一水平附近)徘徊”,英文解释为“to stay at or near a particular level”举个🌰:Inflation is hovering at three percent. 通货膨胀率在3%左右徘徊。

2)表示“盘旋,翱翔;徘徊,守候”,英文解释为“to stay in one place in the air, usually by moving the wings quickly”举个🌰:A hawk hovered in the sky, waiting to swoop down on its prey. 一只老鹰在天空中盘旋,要伺机俯冲捕捉猎物。


skeptical /ˈskep.tɪ.kəl/ 表示“怀疑的,持怀疑态度的”,英文解释为“doubting that something is true or useful”举个🌰:Many experts remain skeptical about/of his claims. 很多专家对他的主张仍然持怀疑态度。

The third was the decision in 2010 to charge into the promising mobile-phone market as graphics-rich capabilities were coming into reach. The market quickly commoditized, though, and NVIDIA retreated just as quickly, taking initial heat but opening the door to investing in promising new markets — robotics and self-driving cars.




“Our strategic retreat paid off,” he said. “By leaving the phone market, we opened our minds to invent a new one.”


Huang told grads that of the parallels in terms of boundless promise between the world he entered upon graduating four decades ago, on the cusp of the PC revolution, and the brave new age of AI they are entering today.



boundless /ˈbaʊnd.ləs/ 表示“无限的;无边无际的”,英文解释为“having no limit”如:boundless optimism 无比乐观。

on the cusp

cusp /kʌsp/ 表示“分界线”,英文解释为“the dividing line between two very different things”,on the cusp 表示“介于两个状态之间;将要进入特定状态”,英文解释为“If you say that someone or something is on the cusp, you mean they are between two states, or are about to be in a particular state.” 如:on the cusp of adulthood 即将成年。

“For your journey, take along some of my learnings,” he said. Admit mistakes and ask for help; endure pain and suffering to realize your dreams; and make sacrifices to dedicate yourself to a life of purpose.


- 今日要点 -

  • Urged graduates to seize AI opportunities

  • Shared lessons from NVIDIA's history

    • Overcoming initial failures

    • Persistence despite skepticism

    • Strategic shift to new markets

  • Key advice

    • Admit mistakes

    • Endure hardship

    • Sacrifice for purpose

- 词汇盘点 -

unprecedented、 inevitable、 premier、 conviction、 swap、 signature、 robe、 plum-blossom、 emblem、 aqua、 collar、 retreat、 instrumental、 forge、 startup、 humiliating、 doom、 contract、 console、 a brush with sth、 avert、 humility、 crunch、 market cap、 hover、 skeptical、 commoditize、 boundless、 on the cusp

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

The premier, with conviction in his signature plum-blossom robe - an emblem with aqua collar, faced an unprecedented swap in roles. From a luxurious retreat to a startup, a humiliating transition that seemed inevitable. His instrumental role in this company, boundless in its potential, could avert its doom. He forged contracts, consoled in market crunches, and brushed with the skepticism of commoditizing in a market cap hovering in uncertainty. Yet, he stood on the cusp of unprecedented success, his humility a key to forging ahead.
- 推荐阅读 -
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