

LearnAndRecord 2023-12-06



1. What is the primary theme of the article?

a. Highlighting the history of desserts across the globe.

b. Exploring the unique culinary tastes of Israel.

c. Critiquing a restaurant's choice of serving method and naming.

d. Examining the significance of toilets in modern art.

2. The mention of Marcel Duchamp’s 1917 opus “Fountain” is intended to:

a. Highlight another example of a controversial dessert.

b. Suggest that the dessert was directly inspired by this artwork.

c. Draw a parallel between the dessert and commentary on everyday objects.

d. Illustrate the restaurant's broad knowledge of art.


Restaurant blasted for serving up chocolate dessert — in a toilet

From: New York Post

Apparently this tourist dining destination never heard the old idiom about not s – – tting where you eat.

A restaurant in Israel has stirred up a crapstorm online after serving brown ice cream in a toilet-themed vessel, as seen in a viral video eliciting gags across TikTok.

In the retch-worthy clip — filmed at a restaurant called Gordos in Holon, south of Tel Aviv, Israel — a server can be seen bringing a porcelain-throne-shaped dish to a table of diners.

He then lifts up the commode lid to reveal chocolate ice cream (or perhaps dulce doo leche?) splattered about the bowl — like the messy aftermath of a gastrointestinal episode.

The diners, unperturbed by the ice cream’s excremental cosplay, eagerly jab their spoons in and lick the toilet bowl clean while laughing.

No word as to whether they were able to use said vessel to relieve themselves following the meal.

The inspiration behind the crapp-etizer also seems unclear.

Perhaps it was a Dada-esque commentary on the future of dining, in that everything inevitably ends up in the toilet (an edible version of artist Marcel Duchamp’s 1917 opus “Fountain” — an upside-down urinal — comes to mind).

Viewers had a hard time stomaching the fecal-themed treat with one horrified commenter writing, “And people eat this s – – t?”

“As a regular customer of yours, honestly this time I was shocked,” said another of the party pooper of the day.

“Damn, the concept looks very disturbing,” criticized a third.

Another viewer labeled the poop-sicle as “the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen.”

And it wasn’t just the sorbet’s scatological resemblance that put people off.

Pakistan outlet Samaa took offense over the dessert’s name, “Third House of S – – t,” which they felt alluded to “the revered concept of the Third Temple in Jewish tradition.”

“The hypothetical Third Temple is a subject of profound religious significance to many, making the dessert’s name a point of contention,” the outlet wrote of the supposedly snack-religious connotation.

“Critics argue that the use of such a name for a dessert can be interpreted as a lack of respect for religious beliefs held by a significant portion of the country’s population.”

Of course, this isn’t the first restaurant to model its dishes after detritus.

This gastrointestinal gimmick has been a fixture across the globe for some time now.

Taiwan scat cafe chain Modern Toilet, which this author had the privilege of trying in Shanghai some years back, was famous for serving doo-inspired delicacies from Golden Poop (brown curry) to Constipation (noodles with soybean paste), all of which came in toilet-themed vessels.

Fortunately, as of yet, fountain drinks aren’t being served out of bidets.

- ◆ -



Restaurant blasted for serving up chocolate dessert — in a toilet

From: New York Post

Apparently this tourist dining destination never heard the old idiom about not s – – tting where you eat.



作名词,blast /blɑːst/ 表示“爆炸;爆破”,英文解释为“an explosion”举个🌰:Three people were injured in the blast. 爆炸中有3人受伤。

作动词,1)表示“炸毁;爆破”,英文解释为“to explode or destroy something or someone with explosives, or to break through or hit something with a similar, very strong force”

2)表示“抨击,严厉批评”,英文解释为“to criticize someone or something severely”举个🌰:They were blasted for failing to create jobs. 他们因未能创造工作机会而遭到抨击。

3)表示“产生巨大噪声;发出刺耳声”,英文解释为“to make a very loud and unpleasant noise”如:guns/music blasting (away/out) 炮声隆隆/音乐震天响。

📍“霉霉”再怼特朗普文中提到,DEADLINE媒体对此事的报道中标题是:Taylor Swift Blasts Trump’s “Calculated Dismantling Of USPS” Amid President’s Efforts To Decommission Services,


idiom /ˈɪdɪəm/ 表示“习语;成语;惯用语”,英文解释为“a group of words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual words”。

Don't shit where you eat.

don't shit where you eat是一个俚语,字面意思是不要在你吃饭的地方排便,这当然是基本的健康和卫生常识。但在这个俚语中,它被用作一个比喻,意思是不要在你的日常生活或工作环境中做出可能对你不利的事情,不要在你依赖的地方制造麻烦或问题。换句话说,不要在你的生活或工作环境中做出可能对你产生负面影响的行为。

A restaurant in Israel has stirred up a crapstorm online after serving brown ice cream in a toilet-themed vessel, as seen in a viral video eliciting gags across TikTok.


stir sth up

表示“激起(不快的情感);挑起,煽动(事端)”,英文解释为“to cause an unpleasant emotion or problem to begin or grow”举个🌰:The teacher told him to stop stirring up trouble. 老师让他不要再生事。





vessel /ˈvɛsəl/ 1)表示“(盛液体的)容器,器皿”,英文解释为“a container used for holding liquids, such as a bowl, cup, etc.”如:a Bronze Age drinking vessel 青铜器时代的饮具。

2)表示“船,舰”,英文解释为“a large boat or a ship”如:a cargo / fishing / naval / patrol / sailing / supply vessel 货船 / 渔船 / 海军舰艇 / 巡逻艇 / 帆船 / 补给船。



表示“(通过网络在个体之间迅速)病毒式的(传播)”,英文解释为“used to describe something that quickly becomes very popular or well known by being published on the internet or sent from person to person by email, phone, etc.”举个🌰:Here's a list of the top ten viral videos this week. 以下是本周十大病毒式传播的视频。

📍常用短语 go viral,字面意思就是“像病毒一样传播、扩散”,引申为“走红,十分流行,疯狂传播”,比如朋友圈xxx刷屏了,也可以说go viral.


elicit /iˈlɪs.ɪt/ 表示“引出,探出,诱出(尤指信息或反应)”,英文解释为“to get or produce something, especially information or a reaction”举个🌰:Have you managed to elicit a response from them yet? 你设法探到他们的反应了吗?

📍此前Jasper对着每个镜头道歉文中出现的表达:These children tell their parents those things that will elicit praise and hide the parts of their lives that won't. 这些孩子会告诉父母那些可以赢得赞扬的事情,隐瞒自己生活中不会受到赞赏的事情。


gag /ɡæɡ/ 作动词,表示“作呕”,英文解释为“to experience the sudden uncomfortable feeling of tightness in the throat and stomach that makes you feel like you are going to vomit”举个🌰:Just the smell of liver cooking makes me gag. 用动物肝脏做的菜我一闻就想吐。

作名词,表示“(尤指喜剧演员的)插科打诨,笑话,玩笑”,英文解释为“a joke or funny story, especially one told by a comedian (= person whose job is to make people laugh)”举个🌰:I did a few opening gags about the band that had played before me. 我拿表演上个节目的乐队说事,插科打诨说了几句开场白。

美式英文 gag /ɡæɡ/ 可以表示“恶作剧;滑稽动作;噱头”,英文解释为“a trick played on someone or an action performed to entertain other people”


In the retch-worthy clip — filmed at a restaurant called Gordos in Holon, south of Tel Aviv, Israel — a server can be seen bringing a porcelain-throne-shaped dish to a table of diners.



retch /retʃ/ 表示“干呕;恶心”,英文解释为“to react in a way as if you are vomiting”举个🌰:The sight of blood makes him retch. 一见到血他就会恶心。


server /ˈsɜː.vər/ 1)表示“餐馆服务员,餐馆招待”,英文解释为“a person who serves food in a restaurant”

2)表示“服务器”,英文解释为“In computing, a server is part of a computer network which does a particular task, such as storing or processing information, for all or part of the network.”


porcelain /ˈpɔː.səl.ɪn/ 表示“瓷”,英文解释为“a hard but delicate, shiny, white substance made by heating a special type of clay to a high temperature, used to make cups, plates, decorations, etc.”如:a porcelain dish 瓷碟。


throne /θroʊn/ 表示“王位;王权;帝位”,英文解释为“the position of being a king or queen”举个🌰:Queen Elizabeth came/succeeded to the throne in 1952. 伊丽莎白女王于1952年即位/登基。


He then lifts up the commode lid to reveal chocolate ice cream (or perhaps dulce doo leche?) splattered about the bowl — like the messy aftermath of a gastrointestinal episode.



commode /kəˈməʊd/ 表示“(病人或老人使用的)坐椅式便桶”,英文解释为“a piece of furniture that looks like a chair but has a container in the seat that people who are ill or old can use as a toilet”


lid /lɪd/ 表示“盖,盖子”,英文解释为“a cover on a container, that can be lifted up or removed”举个🌰:Can you get the lid off this jar? 你能把罐子的盖打开吗?

dulce doo leche

dulce de leche是西班牙语,在中文中可以译为“焦糖牛奶酱”或“炼乳焦糖”。实际上它指的是一种拉丁美洲特有的甜品,由煮沸的牛奶和糖制成,直到它变得浓稠并呈现出深棕色。它的口感和颜色与焦糖相似,但制作方法和味道有所不同。

📍dulce de leche常用于各种甜点、冰淇淋和蛋糕中。此处dulce doo leche是一个双关语,因为doo在英语中是“便便”的意思。


splatter /ˈsplæt.ər/ 表示“(使)(尤指黏稠的液体)泼溅;把(水等)泼洒在…上;淋湿;溅污;啪嗒啪嗒地落下(或击打)”,英文解释为“(especially of a thick liquid) to hit and cover a surface with small drops, or to cause this to happen”举个🌰:The bike was splattered with mud. 自行车上溅满了泥。


gastrointestinal /ˌɡæs.trəʊˌɪn.tesˈtaɪ.nəl/ 表示“胃肠(里)的;与肠胃相关的”,英文解释为“in or relating to both the stomach and the intestine (= the long tube that food passes through after the stomach)”如:the gastrointestinal tract 胃肠道。


在电视/电影节目中,episode表示“一集,一节,片断”(one of the single parts into which a story is divided, especially when it is broadcast on the television or radio),也可以指“事件;(相关的)一连串事件;一段经历”,英文解释为“a single event or group of related events”举个🌰:This latest episode in the fraud scandal has shocked a lot of people. 诈骗丑闻最新爆出的这一事件让很多人瞠目结舌。

还可以指「疾病的发作,发病」,英文解释为:a finite period in which someone is affected by a specified illness.


📍第几集用的是Episode,第几季则为Season. 你下载美剧时可能就会看到S01E02,就是指的第1季第2集。最后一集 finale:the last part of a piece of music or of a show, event etc (演出的)终场,最后一幕;(音乐的)终曲;(事件等的)结尾。

🎬还有,看剧时新一集开头通常会有的一个说法:previously on ...,...的前情提要,前情回顾。

The diners, unperturbed by the ice cream's excremental cosplay, eagerly jab their spoons in and lick the toilet bowl clean while laughing.



unperturbed /ˌʌn.pəˈtɜːbd/ 表示“(尤指在意外情况下)不担忧的;镇静的;平静的”,英文解释为“not worried about something, especially when this is slightly surprising”举个🌰:He seemed completely unperturbed at the idea of having to sing in a room full of strangers. 他似乎一点都不担心在一屋子陌生人面前唱歌。


excremental是一个形容词,与excrement相关。excrement /ˈek.skrə.mənt/ 表示“粪便;排泄物”,英文解释为“the solid waste that is released from the bowels of a person or animal”如:human excrement 人的粪便。

📍在这里,excremental cosplay是一个形象的描述,用来形容冰淇淋看起来像粪便的样子。cosplay通常指的是“角色扮演”,但在这里它被用作一个比喻,表示冰淇淋是在“模仿”或“扮演”粪便的角色。


jab /dʒæb/ 1)原意表示“戳;刺;捅;猛击 ”,英文解释为“to push a pointed object into sb/sth, or in the direction of sb/sth, with a sudden strong movement”举个🌰:She jabbed him in the ribs with her finger. 她用手指捅了捅他的腰。

2)还可以表示“注射”,等同于injection,如:a flu jab 流感预防针,举个🌰:You'll need some jabs if you're going to USA. 如果你去美国,需要打一些防疫针。


lick表示“舔,舐”,英文解释为“to move the tongue across the surface of something”举个🌰:He licked the chocolate off his fingers. 他把手指上的巧克力舔干净了。

No word as to whether they were able to use said vessel to relieve themselves following the meal.


relieve oneself

urinate 的礼貌性说法,表示“撒尿,排尿”,英文解释为“polite word for urinate ”举个🌰:He proceeded to relieve himself against a tree. 他走到一棵树旁小解。

The inspiration behind the crapp-etizer also seems unclear.






Perhaps it was a Dada-esque commentary on the future of dining, in that everything inevitably ends up in the toilet (an edible version of artist Marcel Duchamp's 1917 opusFountain” — an upside-down urinal — comes to mind).

也许这是对未来餐饮的达达主义式的讽刺,意味着所有食物最终都会进入马桶(不禁让人想起艺术家马塞尔·杜尚(Marcel Duchamp)在1917年创作的《喷泉》的可食用版本——一个倒置的小便器)。


-esque表示“...特色的,...风格的,...式的”,英文解释为“in the manner or style of a particular person, group, or place”,如:Kafkaesque (= in the style of the writer Franz Kafka ) 卡夫卡式的(指具有小说家卡夫卡的风格);



表示“评论;评注;评述”,英文解释为“a set of written remarks on an event, book, or person that explains its subject or expresses an opinion on it”。


edible /ˈed.ə.bəl/ 表示“(无毒而)可以吃的;适宜食用的”,英文解释为“suitable or safe for eating”举个🌰:Only the leaves of the plant are edible. 这种植物仅叶子可食。


opus /ˈəʊ.pəs/ 表示“艺术作品”,英文解释为“any work of art”举个🌰:He showed us his latest opus, a truly awful painting of a vase of flowers. 他给我们展示了他的最新作品——一幅画有一瓶花的相当糟的油画。


fountain /ˈfaʊn.tɪn/ 表示“泉水;(尤指具有装饰效果的)喷泉”,英文解释为“a stream of water that is forced up into the air through a small hole, especially for decorative effect, or the structure in a lake or pool from which this flows”


urinal /jʊəˈraɪ.nəl/ 表示“(男用)小便池;男厕所”,英文解释为“a device, usually attached to a wall, into which men or boys can urinate, or a building which contains one or more of these devices”

Viewers had a hard time stomaching the fecal-themed treat with one horrified commenter writing, “And people eat this s – – t?”



stomach /ˈstʌm.ək/ 作名词,表示“胃;肚子,腹部”,英文解释为“an organ in the body where food is digested, or the soft front part of your body just below the chest”

作动词,表示“能够容忍,承受得住(令人不快的想法或景象)”,英文解释为“to be able to accept an unpleasant idea or watch something unpleasant”


形容词,英式 faecal,美式 fecal /ˈfiːkəl/ 表示“排泄物的;残渣的;糟粕的”;名词:英式 faeces 美式 feces 表示“粪便;排泄物”,英文解释为“the solid waste passed out of the body of a human or animal through the bowels”

“As a regular customer of yours, honestly this time I was shocked,” said another of the party pooper of the day.


party pooper

party pooper /ˈpɑː.ti ˌpuː.pər/ 表示“煞风景的人,令人扫兴的人”,英文解释为“someone who spoils other people's enjoyment by disapproving of or not taking part in a particular activity”

“Damn, the concept looks very disturbing,” criticized a third.


Another viewer labeled the poop-sicle as “the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.”



poop /puːp/这个词在比尔·盖茨在演讲中举起一杯“粪便”...一文中就接触过,poo / poop均表示“屎,大便”,英文解释为“solid waste from the body”;一说poo是英式,poop是美式,比较不正式,口语上更常用;而柯林斯英汉双解大词典解释称poo是儿童用语“大便;臭臭”(Poo is a child's word for faeces.)poop也可以作动词,表示“拉屎”,如: Did you poop in your pants? 你是不是拉在裤子里了?


📍poop out可以表示“筋疲力尽”,英文解释为:to become too tired to continue what you are doing. 举个🌰:I just poop out if I stay up too late. 我晚上熬夜熬得太晚的话就会筋疲力尽的。

还可以指机器或者设备“停止工作,停止运行,熄火”,英文解释为:to stop working or operating. 举个🌰:The engine pooped out before we reached our destination. 在我们抵达目的地之前发动机就坏了。

📍当然,更奇怪的是在old-fashioned slang中,作为名词的poop还可以表示“信息;事实”(information),感受下这个🌰:Did you get the poop on all the candidates? 你弄到所有候选人的信息了吗?


poop-sicle由两部分组成:"poop"(便便)和"-sicle"(来自“popsicle”,意为冰棍或冰棒)。所以,"poop-sicle" 在这里是指看起来像便便的冰淇淋或冰棒。这是一个戏谑的方式来描述这款冰淇淋,因为它的外观可能让人联想到便便。

And it wasn't just the sorbet's scatological resemblance that put people off.



sorbet /ˈsɔː.beɪ/ 表示“(用果汁、水和糖调制的)冰糕,雪糕”,英文解释为“a sweet food made from fruit juice, water, and sugar mixed together and frozen”如:lemon sorbet 柠檬味雪糕。


scatological /ˌskæt.əˈlɒdʒ.ɪ.kəl/ 表示“关于粪便的”,英文解释为“relating to solid human waste”如:scatological humour 粗俗的幽默。


表示“(尤指样子)相似,类似 ”,英文解释为“if there is a resemblance between two people or things, they are similar, especially in the way they look”,用法:bear a (close/striking/uncanny etc) resemblance to sb/sth (= look like) 与某人/某事物(非常/惊人地/不可思议地等)相似;bear little/no resemblance to sb/sth,几乎毫无/没有相似之处,举个🌰:She bears a striking resemblance to her mother. 她酷似她的母亲。

put sb off

表示“使反感;使泄气”,英文解释为“to make someone dislike something or someone, or to discourage someone from doing something”举个🌰:The smell of hospitals always puts me off. 我一直很讨厌医院里的气味。

Pakistan outlet Samaa took offense over the dessert's name, “Third House of S – – t,” which they felt alluded to “the revered concept of the Third Temple in Jewish tradition.”

巴基斯坦媒体Samaa对这款甜点的名字“Third House of S – – t”表示了不满,他们认为这暗指“犹太传统中第三圣殿的崇高概念”。


outlet/outlets一词经常出现,media outlet / news outlets 都可以表示媒体/新闻机构;outlet本身表示“商店,商行;销售公司;专卖店;直销店”,英文解释为“An outlet is a shop or organization which sells the goods made by a particular manufacturer or at a discount price, often direct from the manufacturer.”如:a fast-food outlet 快餐店 a retail outlet 零售店,举个🌰:At the factory outlet you'll find discounted items at up to 75% off regular prices. 在工厂的直销店里,你会找到比常规价低75%的打折商品。


此外,也可以指“(情绪或精力的)发泄方式,发泄途径,施展的机会”,英文解释为“a way in which emotion or energy can be expressed or made use of”举个🌰:Her work provided no outlet for her energies and talents. 她的工作没有给她提供发泄精力及施展才华的机会。


表示“间接提到;暗指;影射”,英文解释为“to mention sth in an indirect way”举个🌰:She sometimes alluded to a feeling that she herself was to blame for her son's predicament. 她有时暗示她感到儿子的困境要怪她自己。


revere /rɪˈvɪə/ 表示“崇敬”,英文解释为“If you revere someone or something, you respect and admire them greatly.”举个🌰:The Chinese revered corn as a gift from heaven. 中国人将谷物奉为天赐礼物。

📍形容词性:revered,受尊崇的,如:some of the country's most revered institutions 该国一些最受尊崇的机构。

“The hypothetical Third Temple is a subject of profound religious significance to many, making the dessert's name a point of contention,” the outlet wrote of the supposedly snack-religious connotation.



hypothetical /ˌhaɪ.pəˈθet.ɪ.kəl/ 表示“假定的,假设的”,英文解释为“imagined or suggested but not necessarily real or true”如:a hypothetical example/situation 假设的例子/情况。


1)可数名词,表示“(辩论或讨论中表达的)论点;主张;看法”,英文解释为“Someone's contention is the idea or opinion that they are expressing in an argument or discussion.”举个🌰:It is my contention that death and murder always lurk as potentials in violent relationships. 我的观点是,在暴力关系中总是潜伏着死亡和谋杀的可能。

2)不可数名词,表示“争论;纷争;口角”,英文解释为“If something is a cause of contention, it is a cause of disagreement or argument.”举个🌰:His case has become a source of contention between civil liberties activists and the government. 他的案子已变成了公民自由活动家们和政府之间的争论缘由。

3)短语:be in/out of contention for sth表示“(尤指在体育运动中)有(没有)机会赢得…”,英文解释为“to be able/not able to achieve or win something, especially in sports”举个🌰:This loss puts them out of contention for the playoffs this year. 这次失利使他们失去了赢得今年的季后赛的机会。


表示“内涵意义;含义;隐含意义”,英文解释为“The connotations of a particular word or name are the ideas or qualities which it makes you think of.”举个🌰:It's just one of those words that's got so many negative connotations. 它只是那些有很多负面内涵意义的词之一。

“Critics argue that the use of such a name for a dessert can be interpreted as a lack of respect for religious beliefs held by a significant portion of the country's population.”


Of course, this isn't the first restaurant to model its dishes after detritus.



detritus /dɪˈtraɪ.təs/ 表示“(尤指某项活动后留下的)废弃物,垃圾”,英文解释为“waste material or rubbish, especially left after a particular event”举个🌰:The stadium was littered with the detritus of yesterday's concert. 体育场里到处都是昨天举行音乐会后留下的垃圾。

This gastrointestinal gimmick has been a fixture across the globe for some time now.



gimmick /ˈɡɪm.ɪk/ 表示“(尤指为诱人购买而搞的)花招,把戏;(诱人购买的)华而不实的东西,金玉其外的东西”,英文解释为“something that is not serious or of real value that is used to attract people's attention or interest temporarily, especially to make them buy something”如:a publicity gimmick 广告宣传花招。



2)英式用法,还可以表示“(定时举办的)体育活动,体育赛事”,英文解释为“a day and usually a time agreed for a sports event”举个🌰:Next season's fixtures will be published early next month. 下赛季的赛事日程将在下月初公布。


Taiwan scat cafe chain Modern Toilet, which this author had the privilege of trying in Shanghai some years back, was famous for serving doo-inspired delicacies from Golden Poop (brown curry) to Constipation (noodles with soybean paste), all of which came in toilet-themed vessels.

几年前,笔者有幸在上海尝试了台湾以便便为主题的咖啡馆连锁店“现代厕所”(Modern Toilet),该店以供应从黄金大便(棕色咖喱)到便秘(炸酱面)的便便美食而闻名,而所有这些美食都装在马桶容器里。


scat /skæt/ 表示“(驱赶人或猫等动物时用)嘘,走开”,英文解释为“said to an animal, especially a cat, or to a person to make them go away quickly”



constipation /ˌkɒn.stɪˈpeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“便秘”,英文解释为“a condition which makes someone unable to empty their bowels as often as they should”如:to get/have/suffer from constipation 患上/有/患有便秘。

Fortunately, as of yet, fountain drinks aren't being served out of bidets.



bidet /ˈbiː.deɪ/ 表示“坐浴盆;坐便器”,英文解释为“a small, low bath in which a person washes the lower part of their body”

- 词汇盘点 -

blast、 idiom、 Don't shit where you eat、 stir sth up、 crapstorm、 vessel、 viral、 elicit、 gag、 retch、 server、 porcelain、 throne、 commode、 lid、 dulce doo leche、 splatter、 gastrointestinal、 episode、 unperturbed、 excremental、 jab、 lick、 relieve oneself、 crapp-etizer、 Dada-esque、 commentary、 edible、 opus、 fountain、 urinal、 stomach、 fecal、 party pooper、 poop、 poop-sicle、 sorbet、 scatological、 resemblance、 put sb off、 outlet、 allude、 revere、 hypothetical、 contention、 connotation、 detritus、 gimmick、 fixture、 scat、 constipation、 bidet

- 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

In a hypothetical scatological opus, an idiom about a "porcelain throne" took a literal turn: a vessel, revered as a urinal, resembled a fountain. At a party, an edible gimmick, a "poop-sicle" resembling sorbet, went viral, eliciting both gags and retches. A gastrointestinal episode in the commode, with detritus splattering, stirred up a crapstorm. Commentary alluded to the excremental connotation, but the server, unperturbed, quipped about constipation, offering a bidet as a solution. The contention? Some idioms should remain figurative.
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