
[E334]The world this week|经济学人

2016-01-30 LearnAndRecord


The world this week版块

January 30th 2016

Jan 30th 2016

Akira Amari[甘利明] resigned as Japan’s economy minister[日本经济财政大臣], after it was claimed his constituency office had not reported cash it received from a building company seeking favours. He said he had been so busy negotiating Japan’s membership of the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal[跨太平洋伙伴关系贸易协定] that he failed to spot wrongdoing[坏事;不道德行为;违法;犯罪] by his aide. Mr Amari is a key architect[设计师;制定者;缔造者;创造者;创作者]of Shinzo Abe’s reform programme; his departure is a setback for Abenomics.

·constituency [kən'stʃuənsi]

【释义】If you're an elected official, your constituency is the group of people whose interests you were elected to represent.

n. (选区的)选民;支持者;(一批)顾客

He was deselected by his local constituency party because he didn't support the Prime Minister.


China deported[驱逐出境;举止;放逐] a Swedish civil-rights activist after detaining[拘留;扣押] him amid a sweeping crackdown[广泛/彻底打击] on dissent[异见]. After his arrest, the activist, Peter Dahlin, was shown on Chinese television making a “voluntary” confession[自愿认罪/悔罪] to having broken the law by helping unlicensed[没有执照的;未经当局许可的;无节制的] Chinese lawyers. See article

During a visit to Beijing (which followed ones to the capitals of Laos[老挝] and Vietnam[越南]), America’s secretary of state[美国国务卿], John Kerry, and his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, agreed on the need for a new UN resolution[决议] on North Korea’s nuclear programme following its test of a nuclear device. But China has not said whether this should include new sanctions[制裁], as America wants. Mr Wang warned that a resolution should not provoke tensions[引发局势紧张].

【参考外交部官网】中方同意安理会采取进一步措施,通过一份新的决议,愿意在必要准备基础上,本着负责任的态度,同美方及各方就此开展全面深入磋商。同时必须指出, 新的决议不是为了刺激局势紧张,更不是要把半岛搞乱,而是旨在把半岛核问题重新拉回谈判的轨道。

China’s stockmarkets[股票市场] had another turbulent week, with the Shanghai Composite index[上证综合指数] falling by 6.4% over one day to its lowest point in more than a year. The central bank injected $67 billion into the financial system to boost liquidity[提高(市场)流动性]. It also continued to prop up[支撑;支持;资助] the yuan, which is under pressure partly because of the large amount of capital that is flowing out of the country. Meanwhile, the government decided to reduce capacity[降低产能] in steelmaking, which could result in 400,000 job losses.

·turbulent ['tɜːbjʊl(ə)nt]

【注释】Turbulent means chaotic, disordered, characterized by conflict. A time of war is a turbulent time for a country. If your family moves and your parents get divorced, you might call that a turbulent period in your history.

adj. 骚乱的,乱的;狂暴的;吵闹的;激流的,湍流的

The ship breasted the turbulent seas.








