

littleflute 笛台 2021-10-05

平常不努力,考试徒伤悲!但学习也不是只要努力就可以的,还得有兴趣!一名好的教师,在授课过程中必须要能充分调动学生积极性并激发学生的学习兴趣。Ramsey Musallam教授为我们列出了引导学生探索世界的三条黄金法则,相信一定会对你有所帮助!

演讲者:Ramsey Musallam



I teach chemistry. All right, all right. So more than just explosions, chemistry is everywhere. Have you ever found yourself at a restaurant spacing out just doing this over and over? Some people nodding yes. 


You know, questions and curiosity like Maddie's are magnets that draw us towards our teachers, and they transcend all technology or buzzwords in education. But if we place these technologies before student inquiry, we can be robbing ourselves of our greatest tool as teachers: our students' questions. 


For example, flipping a boring lecture from the classroom to the screen of a mobile device might save instructional time,but if it is the focus of our students' experience, it's the same dehumanizing chatter just wrapped up in fancy clothing. 


But if instead we have the guts to confuse our students, perplex them, and evoke real questions,through those questions, we as teachers have information that we can use to tailor robust and informed methods of blended instruction.


Now, when I got this, I was -- press Caps Lock -- absolutely freaked out, okay? But I found surprising moments of comfort in the confidence that my surgeon embodied.Where did this guy get this confidence, the audacity of it?


So when I asked him, he told me three things. He said first, his curiosity drove him to ask hard questions about the procedure, about what worked and what didn't work. Second, he embraced, and didn't fear, the messy process of trial and error, the inevitable process of trial and error. 


And third, through intense reflection,he gathered the information that he needed to design and revise the procedure, and then, with a steady hand, he saved my life.


And rule number three: Practice reflection. What we do is important. It deserves our care, but it also deserves our revision.Can we be the surgeons of our classrooms? As if what we are doing one day will save lives. Our students our worth it. And each case is different.


All right. Sorry. The chemistry teacher in me just needed to get that out of my system before we move on.


So these are my daughters. On the right we have little Emmalou -- Southern family. And, on the left, Riley.Now Riley's going to be a big girl in a couple weeks here. She's going to be four years old, and anyone who knows a four-year-old knows that they love to ask, "Why?" 


Thank you very much.



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