
UIA-霍普杯2017三等奖作品解读 | 悬挂的生活地带 Suspended Living Area

2017-11-15 UIA-霍普杯国际建筑设计竞赛

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Part 1.介绍作品的研究过程






Part 1. The introduction of our design and research process

The expansion of the city is beyond our cognitive edge, they keep swelling and expanding, so that the “urban village” appeared, since the reform and opening-up policy had implemented in China from 1978. These type of buildings seems against the modernization of metropolis city in China because of its high density and terrible conditions, that is because the lack of scientific urban planning in the early years. However, the urban villages are always dynamic, the people and activities in urban village are more active than ordinary residential area. In nowadays China, unfortunately, the common way we deal with urban village is demolish, then we build up new residential area, commercial area and high-rise office tower......





Nevertheless, In our opinion, this redevelopment way is not the rational solution to urban village, we have three reasons below:

1. The specific inner dynamic and living system has been built in these area, completely pull down and rebuild waste too much social resources.

2. A large number of young graduates and other low-income groups are living in these area because of its relatively low rent, if we demolish urban villages, they have to live in the remote place and increase the commuting time, money and life pressure, in the meantime, we reduce the whole efficiency of the society.

3. Intensify the gap between the rich and the poor by dislodge low-income groups and build more and more high-end apartment and commercial centre, and this will affect the social stability.



“City need to be satisfied by its resident, every city should develop its own characteristics and attractions, we can rebuild, heighten or just change something. In the beginning, these cities are expand too fast, but now it is about time to make city more humanization.”

Urban village can not just been pull down and build, we should use architectural way to make urban village livable.

Part 2.设计过程





Part 2. Design Processes

We had spent plenty of time in Baishizhou urban village before our design, which is one of the biggest urban village in Shenzhen with 150 thousand resident, most of them are migrant workers and other low-income people, we found that, when people go out for works, the whole residential area become completely empty, bring some security problems such as theft, meanwhile, the long commuting will cost lots of time, money and vigor. Is there any solution that can solve this problem? After intense discussion with group mates and the with the guidance from our Tutor, we finally made sure the direction.




The traditional block is flat, people are gathering around the street but not in residential area, we are trying to introduce our concept “stereo block”,that is the way we evacuate people from street to inner space, so that we reduce the pressure of main street and increase the active of residential area. At the same time there will be an “eyes on the street”which is put forward by Jane Jacobs, the eyes on the street is the eye of safety, the eye of public life and the eye of happiness.

How to put stereo block into urban village? We got our ideal from early human beings who built their home on the trees, most of the building are frame structure, we can treat the frame of those original buildings as the trees and dismantle some of their walls, put our container unit (or other forms) into it and link them with three-dimensional transportation. These container units can be supermarket, mahjong parlor, gym, cafe even book shop, we can also build some studios, workshops or inns on the roof of the buildings to meet different usage requirements.



The site we selected are the empty spaces in the Baishizhou urban village, these lands can be villagers’ own land or demolish some dangerous buildings. Finally we chose a empty land in Baishizhou randomly and deepen our design here. 

Part 3.成果展示



Site is located in Shenzhen BaiShizhou subway station on the south side of the large city in the village. Close to the window of the world and the capital. Geographical location, convenient traffic





Aim of design: 

Improve the use of the village in the depths of the main function of the area of the use of efficiency and vitality. Expand the scope of people's activities to the original part of the cold, to provide new activities and workplaces.



Using the flexibility and light weight of the steel structure, the flexible space can be designed in combination with the original architecture to meet the various functions of the use. In the design, we put different functions into each unit, the unit can use the lowest cost and the minimum area, make those people who live in Baishizhou closer to life, convenient experience, also brought more affordable and diverse business choice for vendors.




Eventually we set up a complete three-dimensional block of space form, so that people who live in a better life experience, no longer crowded in the city village living environment troubled. Improve the efficiency of life and quality of life, expand the activities of space, enhance the interaction between the neighborhood, the formation of a new community form.

Then the target to use the object (to Miss Li as an example) one day life trajectory to introduce.


Part 4.总结及感言


Part 4. Summarize

The preliminary design is a lengthy process, we used to have lots of ideas and directions, however, most of the ideas are fail to deepen because of the difficulty and complexity of urban village, then we try to access this issue by other means, we even pick up the topic about urban village to be the assignment in another course.


During this process, we put ourselves into urban village, try to blend in that environment, experienced what the residents will experience, such as diet, shopping and transportation. What function we want to put in this area? What kind of life we wanna live here? From functional experience to timer shaft to develop our design. We want our design can be full of humanity and care.


Many appreciate for your approval in our design ” Suspended Living Area”. Also thank our team members and our tutor Prof.He Chuan, we can’t achieve this award without your kind help and contributions. We believe there not only monotonous and disorder in urban village but also colourful and lovely. Finally we feel very honor to share our idea with you and we wish humanity can be filled in every design and everywhere.




指导老师The instructor:何川丨深圳大学















UIA-霍普杯 2017国际大学生建筑设计竞赛

 “UIA- 霍普杯国际大学生建筑设计竞赛”始于 2012 年,国际建筑师协会(UIA)为国际主办单位,天津大学建筑学院、《城市·环境·设计》(UED)杂志社为主办单位,由全国高等学校建筑学专业指导委员会、全国高等学校建筑学专业教育评估委员会、中国美术家协会建筑艺术委员会进行指导,由上海霍普建筑设计事务所股份有限公司独家冠名,是面向国际建筑高校大学生的年度建筑设计竞赛,已成功举办五届。2017年霍普杯由华南理工大学建筑学院联合主办。

“UIA-霍普杯国际大学生建筑设计竞赛”经过五年的推行实践,已经成为全球范围内规模最大、最具影响力与公信力的大学生建筑设计竞赛之一;这一竞赛在我国建筑学教育体系中促进了设计理念与扎实建筑学功底地有效结合, 在国内外建筑教育界的影响力持续增强。



让·努维尔  法国当代著名建筑师,2008 年普利兹克奖得主


崔   愷  中国工程院院士,全国工程勘察设计大师,中国建筑设计院有限公司名誉院长、总建筑师


庄惟敏  清华大学建筑学院院长、教授、博士生导师

伊拉里亚·瓦伦特(Ilaria Valente)  米兰理工大学建筑城市规划与建设工程学院院长

李振宇  同济大学建筑与城市规划学院院长、教授、博士生导师

彼得·罗素(Peter Russell)  代尔夫特理工大学建筑与环境学院院长

韩冬青  东南大学建筑学院院长、教授、博士生导师

千叶学(Manabu Chiba)  东京大学副校长、工程学院建筑系教授

张   颀  天津大学建筑学院院长、教授、博士生导师

欧尔·古斯特文(Ole Gustavsen)  挪威奥斯陆建筑与设计学院校长

孙一民  华南理工大学建筑学院院长,长江学者特聘教授,国家教学名师

齐   欣  齐欣建筑总建筑师

彭礼孝  《城市·环境·设计》(UED)杂志社主编,天津大学建筑学院特聘教授,CBC建筑中心主任

赵   恺  上海霍普建筑设计事务所股份有限公司董事、总经理、首席设计总监


主席:孔宇航  天津大学建筑学院副院长、教授、博士生导师



柳   青  《城市·环境·设计》(UED)  杂志社执行主编

成   立   上海霍普建筑设计事务所股份有限公司董事、副总经理、董事会秘书





▲霍普杯2017一等奖作品《 隐于市 Always an Escape 》

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▲UIA-霍普杯2017二等奖作品之一My dear orange tree》

UIA-霍普杯2017三等奖作品之一《城市“废墟”之美 》



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