【德威慈善】德威首届彩虹跑活动,为校园增色添彩 | 2019 DHSZ Color Run
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感谢13年级Sam S.同学供稿
“彩虹跑”(Rainbow Run) 不分年老,不分界线。历史追溯于2013年5月,朱溪方岩要举行中秋赏月庆典,推出方岩风景区,眼球碰地球的周年庆也同时举行,作为宣传的两大创举之一,一是计划在天池露营搭建一个水上赏月舞台,二就是进行彩虹跑,(那时定下的名称叫五色跑),为了达到视觉效果并与中国传统相统一,方案中计划用五谷的粉末按分封时的五色土青、红、白、黑、黄五种颜色染色,然后由方岩脚跑到朱溪,一路相互抛洒成彩人,到达朱溪后,再进行泼水节,洗去彩色,以达到视觉的冲击力。因种种因素,没能举行,后来组织者吸取了印度洒红节的部分元素,对名称与细节进一步改良,由五色跑更名为彩虹跑,跑步过程中经过不同的彩色站,会被从头到脚抛撒彩色粉末,形成正式彩虹跑形式。
场地, 人员, 物料,路线……等等的准备工作,在18-19届学生会的辛勤努力下,于2019 DHSZ Color Run 正式开始前的半小时, 全部圆满完成。
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当七彩的玉米粉, 飘撒在每一个人的身上 当灿烂的笑容, 绽放在每一个桃红色的脸颊 当奔跑的风, 带来草草木木的清新 那点点滴滴的感动, 也留在了我们每个人的心里。 |
2019 DHSZ Color Run
Students at Dulwich International High School Suzhou recently organized a charity event “Color Run” that proved to be very popular with 400 people joining. The length of the “Color Run” was about 3.5 kilometers. This charity event was tremendously successful and raised around 12,000rmb that will be used to fund further charity projects at Dulwich International High School Suzhou.
The idea for the “Color Run” was conceived about two months before the start of the event and preparation for it only took two weeks! With a tremendous effort from DHSZ Student Council, all of the preparation such as site layout, personnel assignment, color powder and route, had been finalized just 30 minutes before the “Color Run” started!
The efforts that volunteers, teachers and other staff made, was well worth it. As you can see from the smiling faces, every participant enjoyed the event! Thanks to all the people who helped with the preparations and contributed to the success of the “Color Run”.
When the colorful corn flour is floating on everyone's body;
When a bright smile blooms on every pink cheek;
When the wind brings the fresh smell of grass and wood,
The touch has remained in everyone’s heart.
Finally, we hope that the “Color Run” can be an annual event which can be organized by our Student Council every year. We are also looking forward to cooperating with other schools to expand the influence of the event. We hope that all students can keep supporting the “Color Run”!
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